

lamp of love
light, oh where is the light? 光,哦哪里有光?
kindle it with the burning fire of desire! 让渴望的熊熊烈火去点燃它
there is the lamp but never a flicker of a flame---is such thy fate, my heart?
ah, death were better by far for thee!
misery knocks at thy door,
and her message is that thy lord is wakeful,
and he calls thee to the love-tryst through the darkness of night.
the sky is overcast with clouds and the rain is ceaseless.
i know not what this is that stirs in me---i know not its meaning.
a moment's flash of lightning drags down a deeper gloom on my sight,
and my heart gropes for the path to where the music of the night calls me.
light, oh where is the light!
kindle it with the burning fire of desire!
it thunders and the wind rushes screaming through the void.
the night is black as a black stone.
let not the hours pass by in the dark.
kindle the lamp of love with thy life.
Pluck this little flower and take it, delay not! I fear lest it droop and drop into the dust.
摘下这朵花来,拿了去罢,不要迟延!我怕它会萎谢了,掉在尘土里 。
I may not find a place in thy garland, but honour it with a touch of pain from thy hand andpluck it.
它也许配不上你的花冠,但请你采折它,以你手采折的痛苦来给它光宠 。
I fear lest the day end before I am aware, and the time of offering go by.
我怕在我警觉之先,日光已逝,供献的时间过了 。
Though its colour be not deep and its smell be faint, use this flower in thy service and pluck itwhile there is time.
虽然它颜色不深,香气很淡,请仍用这花来礼拜,趁着还有时间,就采折罢 。
My song has put off her adornments. She has no pride of dress and decoration. Ornaments would mar our union; they would come between thee and me; their jingling would drown thy whispers.
我的歌曲把她的妆饰卸掉 。她没有了衣饰的骄奢 。妆饰会成为我们合一之玷:它们会横阻在我们之间,它们丁当的声音会掩没了你的细语 。
My poet's vanity dies in shame before thy sight. O master poet, I have sat down at thy feet. Only let me make my life simple and straight, like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music.
我的诗人的虚荣心,在你的容光中羞死 。呵,诗圣,我已经拜倒在你的脚前 。只让我的生命简朴正直像一枝苇笛,让你来吹出音乐 。
The child who is decked with prince's robes and who has jewelled chains round his neck losesall pleasure in his play; his dress hampers him at every step.
那穿起王子的衣袍和挂起珠宝项链的孩子,在游戏中他失去了一切的快乐;他的衣服绊着他的步履 。