

学会这些英文情话,让你的情商瞬间提升到九十 。今天小编给大家分享八字以内的英语情话,迅速拉高你的情商 。英文情话高级又浪漫,那个女孩不会为之心动,撩妹好帮手,快来撩妹网和小编一起看看八字英文情话有哪些吧!
1.Nowhere else that I belong than here with you.
我只想和你在此相伴,不想去任何其他地方 。
2.If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.
假如世间有情侣能心人合一,那必是我们 。假如世间有男子为妻挚爱,那必然是你 。
3.You, you keep me alive. A reason to be.
你让我布满气愤,还有活下去的勇气 。
4.Take me to your heart. Take me to your soul. Give me your hand before I'm old.
把我带进你的心灵,在我还没有衰老的时候让我紧握你的手 。
5.Time has brought your heart to me. I have loved you for a thousand years.
时光把你的心交给了我 。我爱过你,像一千年那么久 。
6.I love thee, I love thee, 'Tis all that I can say; It is my vision in the night, My dreaming in the day.
我爱你,我爱你,我能说的仅此而已;这是我夜间的幻境,和白日的美梦 。
7.You hit me like the sky fell on me fell on me. And I decided you look well on me well on me.
你让我感到天崩地裂,天崩地裂 。我发现你和我如此相配,如此相配 。
8.I wish I knew how to quit you.
我多想知道该如何戒掉你 。
9.What would I do without your smart mouth. Drawing me in, and you kicking me out.
没有你的甜言蜜语,我该如何生存 。时而热情似火,时而却冷若冰霜 。
10.Do you know? You know I love you so.
你可知道,我已深深爱上了你 。
11.I know I'm meant to be where I am. And I'm gonna be by your side.
我知道,这是命运的安排 。我会一直守护在你身边 。
12.Baby, you're the only thing that I really need.
宝贝,你是我生命中唯一的追求 。
13.I'm in love with the shape of you. We push and pull like a magnet do.
我深陷在以你名状的爱里,如磁铁相吸相斥却互不分离 。
14.So many people all around the world. Tell me where do I find someone like you girl.
世界上那么多人,在哪里才能找到像你这样的女孩 。
八字短句情话情侣 甜蜜实用百试百灵
【八字以内的英语情话,迅速拉高你的情商】八字短句小清新暖心情话 为冬日带来一抹暖阳吧