幽默的天气预报短语 有趣的天气预报词

幽默的天气预报短语 有趣的天气预报词


1. Raining cats and dogs1.倾盆大雨
pouring, raining very heavily倾盆大雨
Where are you going, can’t you see it’s raining cats and dogs? You’ll get soaked in a minute if you go out now.你要去哪里 , 你看不到下着倾盆大雨吗?如果你现在出去的话 , 一分钟内你就会全身湿透的 。
They didn’t go to the theme park because it was raining cats and dogs almost all day.他们没有去主题公园 , 因为几乎一整天都在下雨 。
2. Face like thunder2.火冒三丈
being clearly very angry or upset火冒三丈
I don’t know what was happening, I just saw that a man with a face like thunder was chasing a little boy out of the grocer’s shop.我不知道发生了什么事 , 我只是看到一个火冒三丈的男人正在从杂货店追一个小男孩 。
She didn’t say anything but her face was like thunder; she slammed the door as she left, and we haven’t seen her ever since.她什么也没说 , 但她火冒三丈;她离开时砰地关上了门 , 从此我们再也没见过她了 。
3. Storm in a teacup3.小题大做
exaggerating a problem, anger or worry about something unimportant夸大问题或担忧 , 小题大做
Their debate was only a storm in a teacup – actually neither of them took the problem too serious.他们的辩论不过是小题大做而已——事实上 , 他们两人都没有把问题看得太严肃 。
The reports about the demonstration are a storm in a teacup – there wasn’t as much violence there as they say.关于示威游行的报道简直是小题大做——那里没有他们所说的那么多暴力 。
4. Chase rainbows4.痴人说梦
waste time trying to achieve something impossible形容一个人净想好事 , 而且是不太可能的事 。
My wife never believed I would make it as an executive manager; she always thought I was just chasing rainbows.我妻子从不相信我会成为一名执行经理;她总是认为我只是在痴人说梦 。
Can’t you see you’re only chasing rainbows? There’s no way to get this girl marry you.难道你看不到你只是在痴人说梦吗?这个根本不会女孩嫁给你 。
5. Lightning fast5.快如闪电
extremely fast非常快
I don’t think we can keep up with him, he’s got a lightning fast bike.我想我们跟不上他 , 他有一辆闪电般快的自行车 。
The robbery lasted only a minute, and then the robbers disappeared in a lightning fast car.抢劫只持续了一分钟 , 然后强盗消失在一辆闪电般快速的汽车里 。
6. Head in the clouds6.胡思乱想
having unrealistic or impractical ideas, daydreaming有不切实际或不切实际的想法 , 白日梦
Is your sister in love? I see her walking around all day with her head in the clouds.你妹妹恋爱了吗?我看见她整天在那走来走去 , 胡思乱想 。
You have your head in the clouds if you think Mary will come to your birthday party after the nasty things you’ve done to her.如果你认为玛丽会在你对她所做的坏事之后参加你的生日聚会 , 那你就大错特错了 。
7. Snowed under7.手头繁忙
having too much to do要做的事太多
I’d love to help you, but I’m completely snowed under at the moment.我很乐意帮助你 , 但我现在完全被雪覆盖了 。
Could you come over and fix the tap in the bathroom? But of course, only if you aren’t snowed under, it’s not so urgent.你能来浴室修理一下水龙头吗?但是当然 , 如果你不忙的时候再来 , 不是很紧急 。
8. Under the weather8.心情不好或身体不适
ill, sick, feeling unwell, sad or lacking energy生病 , 感觉不舒服、悲伤或缺乏活力
Do you mind if I stay out of work today? I’m feeling under the weather, I may have the flu.你介意我今天不上班吗?我感觉不舒服 , 我可能得了流感 。
【幽默的天气预报短语 有趣的天气预报词】I heard you were ill yesterday. Are you feeling better now or are you still under the weather?我听说你昨天病了 。你现在感觉好点了还是还不舒服?