英语学习 努力学习的英文

英语学习 努力学习的英文


学习的英文:study/learn/emulate 。例句:除了学生的学习兴趣,教育者们别无所求 。What more could an educator hope for than a student’s desire to learn.
Study [?st?d?] n. 学习,研究;结论,研究成果;学问,课题;书房v. 学习,研究;细察;端详
to study to be sth 读大学准备成为…
to study for an exam 复习准备考试
1,a focus group of researchers and practitioners to study how to manage operational systems under stress.
2,Study the report carefully in the event that there may be discrepancies and anomalies.
如果可能出现不一致或反常之处,要仔细检查报告 。
learn [l??n] v. 学习;认识到;记住;获悉;教训;发现;得知;获悉
to learn to do sth 学做某事
to learn about sth学习某事物
to learn sth by heart 背熟某事物;记住某事物
to learn to do sth 学会做某事
to learn that … 发现…;获悉…
to learn about sth 学习某事物
to learn about sth; to learn of sth 获悉某事物
to learn from your mistakes 从错误中汲取教训
1, This booklet will help students to learn about personal finance.
这本小册子将帮助学生了解个人理财 。
2, After the accident, she wanted to learn more about brain injury.
那次事故之后,她想多了解些脑损伤方面的知识 。
3, He encourages visitors to the exhibition to learn about the human body.
【英语学习 努力学习的英文】他鼓励展览会参观者了解有关人体的知识 。
Emulate [??mj??le?t] n. 仿真v. 与…竞争,努力赶上;模仿,仿真
1, Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers.
传统上认为儿子理应效仿父亲 。
2, His ambition is to emulate Ali’s achievement of winning the title on three separate occasions.
他的志向是取得比肩阿里的成就,即在三个不同赛事上都拿到冠军 。