一些人认为而另一些人认为 英语高级 一些人认为另一些人认为英语

请问:有些人认为……,然而另一些人认为……,我赞成前者(或后者)的观点 。用英语怎么说啊?谢谢!Some people think that … while others think that … I agree with the former (or the latter).
1、while的英式读法是[wa?l];美式读法是[wa?l] 。
作连词意思有当 … 的时候;虽然;尽管;然而 。作名词意思有一段时间;一会儿 。作动词意思是消磨 。
2、think的英式读法是[θ??k];美式读法是[θ??k] 。
作动词意思有认为;想;记起;考虑 。作名词意思是想 。
3、others的英式读法是[‘?e?(r)];美式读法是[‘?e?r] 。
作形容词意思有其他的;另外的;另一个;另一边 。作代词意思是其他(人或物) 。作名词意思是其他人(或事) 。作副词意思是以其他方式 。
4、agree的英式读法是[?’ɡri?];美式读法是[?’ɡri?] 。
作动词意思有同意;赞成;承认;符合;一致 。
5、former的英式读法[‘f??m?(r)];美式读法[‘f??rm?r] 。
作形容词意思有前者的;前任的;以前的 。作名词意思有创造者;学校某一年级的学生 。
conj. (连词)
1、while用作连词时,表示“在…(过程)中,在…期间” 。常用来引导时间状语从句,当主句的主语和while所引导的从句的主语一致时, while从句中的主语、谓语往往可以省去 。
2、while还可引导让步状语从句,意思是“虽然,尽管”,含有对比意味 。
3、while表示对比关系时,意思是“而,然而” 。
v. (动词)
1、think的基本意思是“想,思索”,指使一件事情在头脑中不断地浮现或使这件事保持这种浮现的状态,可以表示“想”的动作,也可以表示“想”的状态 。
还可指“以为,认为”,指某事在头脑中形成一个固定的概念,即“想”的结果 。think还有“想象”“想起”“打算”等意思 。
作“料想,想象”解时,通常用于否定句,不用于被动结构,且常与can〔could〕连用 。think在口语中,尤其是美式英语中还可表示“朝…方面想”或“专想(某件事)” 。
2、think可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词 。用作及物动词时,后接同源名词、代词、动词不定式、带有疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句作宾语 。接动词不定式作宾语时,多用于否定句或疑问句中 。
pron. (代词)
1、other用作代词时常用于复数形式,表示“其他的,别的或另外的人〔事物〕”; others若用于the或表示所属关系的限定词后,则表示“其余的人〔事物〕”,即把剩下的全部包括在内 。
2、other也可用于单数形式,表示“(两者中的)另一个(人或事物)”,常与the连用 。
agree接不同介词表示不同意思:agree with指“同意”,后面接“人”或者“意见” 。agree to指“同意于”,后面接意为“提议”,“办法”,“计划”等的词 。agree on/upon指“(双方)决定” 。
1、the former表示“前者”,the latter表示“后者”,两者相对,只可用于两个人或物之间;
2、former Mayor表示“前任市长”,而former Ambassador表示“前任大使”,这种former的用法多见于美国,英国人习惯用ex-来表示“前任的” 。Some people hold the view that…while others believe that…I’m for the former/the latter.some people think… , but others think that… , i am in favor of the former (or the latter) point of view.Some people hold the view that…while others believe that…
I agree with the formerSome people think A ,but others think B , I pefer A to B (我更赞成A)Someone thing that…. while the others thing that…, I agree with the former (or the latter)

一些人认为而另一些人认为 英语高级 一些人认为另一些人认为英语

"另一些人认为"的英语表示方法是什么其他一些人认为水太凉了,但如果你能带个头跳下去的话,他们也都会跟下来 。
The others think that the water is too cold,but if you give a lead and jump in first,they will all follow.
另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多 。
Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
卓别林因为一些人认为他的政治观点倾向于共产主义而受到批评 。
Chaplin was criticized for his political views,which some people thought leaned towards communism.
There are men in the world who derive as stern an exaltation from the proximity of disaster and ruin, as others from success (Winston S. Churchill).
有些人看得比另一些人要多些,而没有几个人看到了在他们的视线范围内的所有事情 。
Some see more than others,but few see everything that is within the range of their vision.
一些人认为巴里是个胆小鬼,但在紧要关头,他却从一幢着火的房子里救出了一个孩子 。
Some people thought Barry was a coward,but his moment of truth came when he rescued a child from burning house.
凡事皆有分工,坏事亦然;有些人惯于动坏脑筋,另一些人则惯于行动 。
There is a division of labor,even in vice;some persons addict themselves to the speculation only,others to the practice.
穷人忍饥挨饿,另一些人都过着花天酒地的生活 。
The poor people starved,while a few lived off the fat of the land.
该政策旨在防止一些人压制另一些人 。
The policy is designed to prevent the predominance of one group over another.
一些人的厄运正是另一些人的好运 。
The bad fortune of some people is good fortune to others.the others think…others think
other people think
other people say
others sayother people think that…
other people regard that…
other people consider that…其他一些人认为水太凉了,但如果你能带个头跳下去的话,他们也都会跟下来 。
The others think that the water is too cold,but if you give a lead and jump in first,they will all follow.
另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多 。
Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
卓别林因为一些人认为他的政治观点倾向于共产主义而受到批评 。
Chaplin was criticized for his political views,which some people thought leaned towards communism.
There are men in the world who derive as stern an exaltation from the proximity of disaster and ruin, as others from success (Winston S. Churchill).
有些人看得比另一些人要多些,而没有几个人看到了在他们的视线范围内的所有事情 。
Some see more than others,but few see everything that is within the range of their vision.
一些人认为巴里是个胆小鬼,但在紧要关头,他却从一幢着火的房子里救出了一个孩子 。
Some people thought Barry was a coward,but his moment of truth came when he rescued a child from burning house.
凡事皆有分工,坏事亦然;有些人惯于动坏脑筋,另一些人则惯于行动 。
There is a division of labor,even in vice;some persons addict themselves to the speculation only,others to the practice.
穷人忍饥挨饿,另一些人都过着花天酒地的生活 。
The poor people starved,while a few lived off the fat of the land.
该政策旨在防止一些人压制另一些人 。
The policy is designed to prevent the predominance of one group over another.
一些人的厄运正是另一些人的好运 。
The bad fortune of some people is good fortune to others.其他一些人认为水太凉了,但如果你能带个头跳下去的话,他们也都会跟下来 。
The others think that the water is too cold,but if you give a lead and jump in first,they will all follow.
另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多 。
Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
卓别林因为一些人认为他的政治观点倾向于共产主义而受到批评 。
Chaplin was criticized for his political views,which some people thought leaned towards communism.
There are men in the world who derive as stern an exaltation from the proximity of disaster and ruin, as others from success (Winston S. Churchill).
有些人看得比另一些人要多些,而没有几个人看到了在他们的视线范围内的所有事情 。
Some see more than others,but few see everything that is within the range of their vision.
一些人认为巴里是个胆小鬼,但在紧要关头,他却从一幢着火的房子里救出了一个孩子 。
Some people thought Barry was a coward,but his moment of truth came when he rescued a child from burning house.
凡事皆有分工,坏事亦然;有些人惯于动坏脑筋,另一些人则惯于行动 。
There is a division of labor,even in vice;some persons addict themselves to the speculation only,others to the practice.
穷人忍饥挨饿,另一些人都过着花天酒地的生活 。
The poor people starved,while a few lived off the fat of the land.
该政策旨在防止一些人压制另一些人 。
The policy is designed to prevent the predominance of one group over another.
一些人的厄运正是另一些人的好运 。
【一些人认为而另一些人认为 英语高级 一些人认为另一些人认为英语】The bad fortune of some people is good fortune to others.