苗条用英语怎么说读 她身材苗条用英语怎么说

苗条用英语怎么说读 她身材苗条用英语怎么说


苗条的英语:jimpness 。例句:If you regularly put on slimming cream, you will regain your pretty and slim figure.常用苗条霜,还您美丽苗条好身材 。
【苗条用英语怎么说读 她身材苗条用英语怎么说】参考例句:
Slim bearing苗条天姿Lily is very slim Bacause she eats like a Bird.莉莉十分苗条,因为她吃的少A dress with slimming hipline.腰线使人显得苗条的衣服 。She was transformed from a lanky adolescent into a willowy young woman.她从一个瘦削的少女变成一位苗条的少妇 。Slimming cream苗条霜If you regularly put on slimming cream, you will regain your pretty and slim figure.常用苗条霜,还您美丽苗条好身材 。You have a beautifully slender figure.你的体形十分苗条.She has the waist of a wasp’s.她的身材十分苗条 。All girls want to be slender.所有女孩都希望苗条 。She has kept very trim.她的身体保持得很苗条 。
jimpness是什么意思:n. 苗条, 缺乏v