表示感谢的英语单词 表示感谢的英语短语

【表示感谢的英语单词 表示感谢的英语短语】

表示感谢的英语单词 表示感谢的英语短语


表示感谢的英语:thanks 。例句:They accepted their certificates with words of thanks.他们接过证书,同时表示了谢意 。
To render thanks表示感谢It evidently pained his vanity to be beholden to the orphan for succor显然,向一个孤儿的救济表示感谢,伤到了他的虚荣心 。They accepted their certificates with words of thanks.
他们接过证书,同时表示了谢意 。
Wilson accepted her good wishes, but with customary agility rejected out of hand her demand for an election.威尔逊对她的良好祝愿表示感谢,并以他平素的敏捷当即反驳了她的大选要求 。When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all night long.你1岁时,她给你喂奶,为你洗澡,而你却以整夜哭闹对她表示感谢 。Across the globe, different nationalities wave, call, confirm, point things out,在世界各地,不同国籍的人都会做出挥手、招唤的动作,也都会表达肯定、强调和表示感谢,To express their thanks for the year’s bounty, they reverently ask for continued blessings为他们一年来所受到的上苍的恩典表示感谢,虔诚地祈求上帝继续赐福 。words expressive of gratitude表示感谢的话They vote him thanks.他们决议对他表示感谢 。The candidate wave his hand to acknowledge the cheer of the crowd.候选人挥手对大众的欢呼表示感谢。The candidate wave his hand to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.候选人挥手对大众的欢呼表示感谢 。
beholden是什么意思:adj. 负有义务的,有所亏欠的
A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse.狮子也可能会受惠于小老鼠 。A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse强者亦有求助于弱者的时候It evidently pained his vanity to be beholden to the orphan for succor显然,向一个孤儿的救济表示感谢,伤到了他的虚荣心 。I am much beholden to you for your kindness.承蒙厚爱,不胜铭感 。I am much beholden to you for your help.对于你的帮助我有太多的亏欠了 。