后面的英语单词 后面的英语怎么读

后面的英语单词 后面的英语怎么读


后面的英语:rear/back/behind 。例句:I ducked down behind the paper backs and snuck out. 我蹲在纸壁后面,悄悄溜了出去 。
Tilt backward向后面倾斜The posterior segment of the body in arthropods.节肢动物身体的后面部分Immediately behind the iris is the crystalline lens.紧靠着虹膜后面的是水晶体 。The salt shaker is in Back of the pepper shaker.盐罐放在胡椒罐的后面 。Immediately behind the iris is the crystalline lens紧靠着虹膜后面的是水晶体(眼球) 。The rebels disputed the troops behind the street barricades.叛乱者在路障后面抵抗军队 。Rear-view mirror (mirror in which a driver can see traffic,etc behind him).后视镜(供司机观察后面情况的) 。The Santa Claus float tailed the parade.圣诞老人花车排在游行队伍的后面 。Treachery lurked behind his smooth manners.他圆滑姿态的后面潜伏着奸计 。I ducked down behind the paperBacks and snuck out.我蹲在纸壁后面,悄悄溜了出去 。
rear是什么意思:n. 后方;后部,背面;臀部adj. 后面的;后部的v. 饲养;培养;暴跳;树立;高耸;抬起
【后面的英语单词 后面的英语怎么读】The rear sight of a firearm.枪的表尺,后瞄准器。The hen rears her brood.母鸡孵育一窝鸡雏 。The horse kicked him in the rear.马蹄踢在他的屁股上 。
back是什么意思:n. 后面,背面,反面;背,背部;靠背;后卫v. 支持;后退,倒退;背书;下赌注于adj. 背部的;后面的;过去的;拖欠的.adv. 以前;向后地;来回地;上溯
Stand back to back!背靠背站好!They are on the back of the menu.它们在菜单背面 。Our seats on the train were back to back.我们在火车上的坐位是背靠背的 。
behind是什么意思:prep. 在…的后面;落后于;迟于;对…说来已成过去;支持;作为引起…的潜在原因adv. 在背后;在后;在过去;落在后面adj. 背后的n. 屁股;背后部分;后卫;射门
The children trailed behind their teacher.孩子们跟在老师后面走 。To let drag behind; trail.拖,拉让拖在后面;拖拽The others are a long way behind.其他的人远远地落在后面.