电子商务用英语怎么说啊?是E-commerce 跨境电子商务用英语怎么说

电子商务用英语怎么说啊?是E-commerce 跨境电子商务用英语怎么说

电子商务的英文:e-commerce;发音: [i:k?m?rs];例句:We will run posts over the next few weeks to explore how the cloud is redefining e-commerce.
e-Commerce Systems电子商务系统
e-commerce model电子商务模式
【电子商务用英语怎么说啊?是E-commerce 跨境电子商务用英语怎么说】E-Commerce Issues电子商务问题
1、This is a great application to study and learn from, especially if you need to build an e-commerce application of your own.
这是一个可供您研究和学习的绝佳应用程序,尤其是当您需要构建自己的电子商务应用程序时 。
2、Faceted navigation supports this style of querying very well, which is another reason why it is widely used in catalog searching on e-commerce sites.
分面导航非常支持这种风格的查询,这也是分面导航在电子商务站点上的目录搜索中得到广泛应用的另一个原因 。
3、We will run posts over the next few weeks to explore how the cloud is redefining e-commerce.
接下来的几周时间里,我们将发表一些文章探讨云是如何重新定义电子商务的 。
4、For example, say you have an e-commerce site that shows products for sale.
比如,假如说您有一个电子商务站点,上面显示了所销售的产品 。
5、Paying, at least for e-commerce, can be tough.
支付,至少对电子商务而言,可能是困难的 。