跑步的英语单词怎么读 跑步的英语单词是什么

跑步的英语单词怎么读 跑步的英语单词是什么


跑步的英文:walk quickly/march/run 。Your new-found enthusiasm for running will soon fade away.你对跑步又产生的热情会很快淡薄下去的 。
【跑步的英语单词怎么读 跑步的英语单词是什么】He runs every day to hone his stamina.为了增强耐力,他每天都进行跑步锻炼 。Your new-found enthusiasm for running will soon fade away你对跑步又产生的热情会很快淡薄下去的 。”Where’s the fire, dear boy?” Dick drawled. “Do we really have to run for it?”“干嘛这么急,老弟?”迪克慢吞吞地问道,“难道我们非跑步不可吗?”go at double time跑步前进This running warmed me to a certain extent跑步使我暖和一些了 。My son doesn’t go on running我儿子不喜欢跑步 。This jog warmed me to a certain extent.跑步使我暖和一些了 。The run winded him.这阵跑步使他气喘 。a diving suit;a running suit.水衣;跑步衣I am running so that I can stay in shape.我跑步是为了保持身材 。
walk是什么意思:v. 走,步行,散步n. 步态,散步;行走的路程
Are those shoes sensible for walking?那双鞋便于走路吗?He walks as if he is drunk.从走路的情况看,他是醉了 。He walked with a free gait.他走路步态潇洒 。
quickly是什么意思:adv. 迅速地;不久;立即
You would be sunburnt quickly on the beach.在海滨你很快就能晒黑 。This medicine will operate quickly.这药不久就会见效 。Bad news travels quickly恶名传千里
march是什么意思:v. (使)行军,前进;示威游行;走;迫使…同行n. 前进,行军;示威游行;进行曲;发展
debouching march | defile march隘路行军Demonstrators marched through the street.示威者的队伍穿过了街道 。The army marched in single file.行军以单列前进 。