如何分清英语时态 判断英语时态窍门

如何分清英语时态 判断英语时态窍门

在英语语法里,时或时态表示行为发生的时间和说话时的关系 。在英语考试中经常会遇到时态题 。下面是小编给大家分享的学习内容,大家可以作为参考 。
1. I ________ this coat for very long. It still looks quite new.
A. wasn’t having B. haven’t had C. hadn’t D. haven’t been having
2. ________ reading the book yet?
A. Have you finished B. Were you finishing
C. Had you finished D. Are you finishing
3. The evening party ________ .You are a little late.
A. just began B. just has begun C. has just begun D. has begun just now
4. The dog is still wet. It ________ out of the rain.
A. only just comes B. has only just coming
C. was only just come D. has only just come
5. Where did you study before you ________ to this middle school?
【如何分清英语时态 判断英语时态窍门】A. come B. came C. are coming D. will come
“will / shall+v.”与“be going to+v.” 。两者均可表示将来时间和意图,两者有时可换用,有时不可换用 。不可换用的情况主要是:若强调某个意图是经过事先考虑好的,用be going to;若表示某个意图没有经过事先考虑,而是在说话的当时才临时想到的,则用will 。比较:
“Mary is in hospital.” “Oh, really? I didn’t know. I’ll go and visit her.” “玛丽住院了 。”“啊,真的吗?我还不知道 。我要去看看她 。” (临时想法,不能用be going to)
“Mary is in hospital.” “Yes, I know. I’m going to visit her tomorrow.” “玛丽住院了 。”“我知道,我打算明天去看看她 。” (事先考虑的意图,不能用will)
另外,若指迹象表明要发生某事,用be going to 而不用will 。如:
Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain. 看那些乌云,要下雨了 。
■一般现在时表示客观存在及普遍真理 。如:
Summer follows spring. 春天之后是夏天 。
The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起 。
注意:此种用法即使出现在过去的语境中,仍用一般现在时 。如:
I learned that the earth goes around the sun when I was in primary school. 我在小学就学过地球是围绕太阳转的 。
■一般现在时表示格言或警句 。如:
Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败 。
■在过去一段时间内的经常性或习惯性动作 。如:
We often played together when we were children. 我们小时候常在一起玩 。
注:表示过去经常发生的动作还可用used to 和would 。如:
He used to smoke a lot, but he doesn’t now. 他过去经常抽烟,但现在不抽了 。
Whenever we were in trouble, he would help us. 每当我们遇到困难,他都会帮助我们 。
■表示主语过去的特征或性格 。如:
At that time she was very good at English. 那时她英语学得很好 。
以上就是小编给大家分享的英语时态学习要点,希望可以给大家学习带来帮助 。