动作的单词有哪些? 表示动作的英语单词有哪些

动作的单词有哪些? 表示动作的英语单词有哪些

学习英语的过程中,单词的记忆是必须的,只有积累到一定的程度,英语才能够达到质的飞跃 。今天我们为大家整理了关于动作类的英语单词知识,一起来看一下吧 。
1).stand v.站立
Have you ever seen the man who is standing outside the door of Julie?你见过站在朱莉门外的那个男人吗?
2).lean v.依靠,靠着
The peasant leaned against the tree to have a rest.
农夫靠着树休息了一会儿 。
3).sit .坐
The four boys formed a band and often sat together to practice the music they made themselves.
这4个男孩成立了一个乐队,经常坐在一起练习他们自己创作的音乐 。
4).lie v.平躺
The child lay on the floor and refused to stand up whatever his mother said.
那孩子躺在地板上,无论妈妈说什么都不肯起来 。
【动作的单词有哪些? 表示动作的英语单词有哪些】Only the man who crawled out of the burning house survived
只有从房子早爬出来的那个男人活了下十来 。
6).scramble v.擎
I scrambled up the cliff for a better look at the sea.
为了饱览大海的景色,我爬上了峭壁 。
7).shiver v.酮抖
Having rushed home in the rain, he got drenched to the skin and shivered with cold constantly.
他冒雨赶回家,浑身都湿透了,冻得直发抖 。
8).shake v.摇头
He shook his head to the plan that his wife proposed.
他摇头否定了妻子提出的’计划 。
9).smile v.微笑 n.微笑,笑容
When she smiled she exposed a set of perfect white teeth.
她笑时露出了一口漂亮的白牙 。
10).smirk v.傻笑
Wipe that smirk off your face!别那么傻笑了!
11).grimace v.扮鬼脸,做苦相;n.鬼脸
The boy grimaced at his stepmother and ran out of the room immediately.
男孩冲他的继母做了个鬼脸就立刻跑fU了房问 。
12).frown v.皱眉头,不同意
The teacher frowned angrily at the noisy class
老师对那班吵嚷襄嚷的学生皱起了眉头 。
13).look v.看,注视;n.一看,样子,脸色
He felt very sad when he looked at the portrait of his dead wife.
看到1L=妻的丽像,他感到非常难过 。
14).stare v.盯着看,凝视
She stared at the young man for a long time, which made him very nervous.
她盯着那个年轻人看了很久,这让他感到很不自在 。
15).peer v.凝视,注视,盯着看
She peers through the mist, trying to find the way home.
她透过雾眯着眼看,想找出回家的路 。
16).glare v.怒目而视,瞪眼
The caretaker glared furiously at those naughty boys who hadjust broken the light of the stairwell.
管理员愤怒地瞪着那群淘气的男孩,因为他们刚刚把楼梯间的灯打破了 。
17).glimpse v.瞥管见;n.一瞥
My friend glimpsed at my new shoes and said they were a good bargain.
找朋友看了一眼我的新鞋,说买得很合算 。
18).listen v.听,倾听
She worshipped that guy and refused to listen to any criticism of him.
她崇拜那个男人,对任何批评他的语言都听不进去 。
19).smell v.嗅,闻;n.气味 ,嗅觉
She said that she could discriminate the wine only by smelling.
她说她只靠闻就能够分辨出葡萄洒的品种 。
20).breathe v.呼吸
The wind was so fierce that we could hardly breathe.
风刮得很猛以至于我们几乎无法呼吸 。
21).respire v.呼吸
Human beings can’t respire under water.
人类在水下无法呼吸 。
22).puff v.喘息 ,气喘吁吁
He puffed a little after climbing onto the top of the mountain.
爬上山顶后,他有些气喘吁吁 。
23).eat v.吃,吃饭
He ate the fruit salad that was prepared for the guests.
他把准备给客人的水果沙托吃掉了 。
24).bite .咬,叮 n.咬,一口
From promised that his dog didn’t bite butlwas stillafraid to approach it.
汤姆说他的狗不咬人,可是我还是不敢靠近它 。
25).blow v.吹,吹气
You can blow out all the candles on the birthday cake with a single puff,can’t you?
26).cry v.哭,悲哀 n.哭,喊
The little girl began to cry because she didn’t get the doll she wanted.
凼为没得到想要的娃娃,小女孩开始哭起来 。
27).snfle n.抽泣
The girl began to sniffle and cough.
女孩开始抽泣、咳嗽 。
28).slaver v.垂涎,淌口水
He began slavering when the delicious food was served on the table.
美味的食物一端E桌,他就开始流口水 。
29).slobber v.流涎,淌口水
Baby has slobbered his bib.
婴儿已经把围兜弄湿了 。
30).spit v.吐,唾;n.唾液,唾沫
She bitted off a mouthful of the moldy bread and then spat it out immediately.
她咬了一口发霉的面包,然后立刻吐了出来 。
以上就是为大家整理的关于动作类的英语单词,大家可以收藏学习,进一步提升自己的词汇掌握程度 。除了这些单词之外,还有很多其他类型的词汇,大家一定要注意积累 。