雅思写作考什么 雅思培训类写作

雅思写作考什么 雅思培训类写作

雅思写作大家都知道不容易拿高分,那我们要攻克它,就要在各个环节做到位 。比如审题阶段,雅思写作的审题很重要,很多人就是大致看看然后简单思考然后开写,这怎么能拿高分呢 。对于雅思写作task2文而言,审题贯穿四大评分标准,接下来就看看雅思写作审题的重要性吧 。
要写出高分作文就必须sufficiently addresses all parts of the task即充分回应写作任务的各个部分 。如果审题错误,那么文章大部分篇幅都没有在回答问题,或者只是回答了部分问题,如果分论点错误,那么也就不可能presents a well-developed response to the question with relevant, extended and supported ideas就写作任务中的问题进行较为充分的回应,并提出相关的、得以延伸的以及含有论据的论点 。其次会影响的就是Coherence and Cohesion,虽然审题错误并不怎么影响manage all aspects of cohesion well各种衔接手段运用得当,以及uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately充分且合理地使用分段,但是sequences information and ideas logically将信息与论点进行有逻辑的排序会,就会出现问题 。最后影响到的是Lexical Resource,所有词汇的使用可能并不扣题,也是达到高分的阻碍之一,而对于Grammatical Range and Accuracy,也就是语法部分的影响比较小 。
1. 偏题
在雅思大作文中,如果审题不清很容易出现文不对题,即偏题 。而当考官在评判这类文章的时候,通常有两种可能:如果文章本身写的不好,考官可能认为是考生的能力问题;如果考生的写作水平比较高或者写的非常准确,考官很有可能认为这篇文章有背诵的嫌疑,因为文章本身和题目是对不上的 。所以考生应该关注文章本身的内容,一定要是准确回答问题 。针对这部分的学习,建议考生可以通过一些机经和教材重点训练一下审题的能力 。
Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.
To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?
【雅思写作考什么 雅思培训类写作】这道题目就审题部分而言,考官希望考生分析是否有必要建立法律强制人们回收垃圾 。可是在官方给出的5分文章中,考生一直在强调政府要提供物资加强宣传,没有正面回答是否要建立法律,更有趣的是考生还在最后说道学校老师要做什么事情,完全脱离政府这个对象,所以考生严重偏题,只能拿5分 。
2. 漏题
有些题目比较长,考生们很容易会漏掉题目中的某些重要信息,文章可能花了很多篇幅却只回答了题目中的一个小问题,还有其他问题可能只回答了一部分或者压根没有说到 。这时候烤鸭可以多找一些比较长的题目,找出其中的关键词或词组,并且试着让他们用自己的语言来重写题目中的信息内容 。
In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing.
What do you think are the main causes of crime?
How can we deal with those causes?
在官方给出的5分文章中,就审题部分来说,低分考生完全忽视了第二个问题How can we deal with those causes,因为这位考生的作文只回答了犯罪的原因,并且举例自己听说的一个犯罪行为 。犯罪原因对应第一个问题main causes,而举例部分却没有回答解决方式属于冗余部分,所以考生只能拿5分 。
3. 蒙题
雅思大作文考题尤其是学术类的,话题偏重于社会话题,语言偏书面化,因此有很多考生,其中不乏许多年纪较大的考生,都会有此感慨:题目有单词不认识 。考生们最担心的就是万一考题中有单词不认识该怎么办,的确,有些考生词汇量少,是有可能不认识一些词的 。比如,有一篇讲juvenile delinquents的,就有不少考生不认识这两个字,因为生词导致作文理解失误,最终使文章偏题 。考生可以从“写作机经”开始,找出题干中的频率较高的核心词 。或者,考生可以根据题目的上下文来猜测难词的意义 。
Some people think that people will forget their own tradition and history because they no longer wear their traditional costumes. Do you agree or disagree?
针对上题,难词costumes,可以通过前文wear穿戴,推测词意“服饰” 。
In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. Discuss the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.
针对上题,难词alarming,可以通过后文problems问题,推测词意“令人担忧的” 。
Nowadays people can use computer to talk, learn and communicate without leaving home. There is a danger that it will cause more isolation and a lack of communication among people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
针对上题,难词isolation,可以通过后文a lack of communication缺少沟通,推测词意“孤立隔离” 。
Some people say that the age of books has passed; information can be accessed via videos, computers, television, films and so forth. Other people think books and written words will still be essential for information dissemination and education. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
针对上题,难词dissemination,可以通过后文education教育,推测词意“传播普及” 。
Intelligent robots will be more widely used in the future. Is this a blessing or a curse? What is your opinion?
针对上题,难词curse,可以通过前文blessing祝福,推测词意“诅咒” 。
Is it fair that sports professionals earn much more money than people in other important professions? Give reasons for both sides of the argument and your opinion.
针对上题,难词profession,可以通过前文professionals专业人员,推测词意“职业” 。
Waste disposal presents increasing problems, especially in urban areas. What do you think are the causes? Give some suggestion to the government and individuals on how to reduce the amount of rubbish.
针对上题,难词disposal,可以通过后文reduce the amount of rubbish减少垃圾数量,推测词意“处理” 。
There are more and more cars in cities. Hence, pedestrians and cyclists are endangered by heavy traffic Gardens and streets give way to car parks and highways. How can city planners satisfy all people’s needs?
针对上题,难词pedestrians,可以通过后文cyclists骑自行车的人以及give way to car parks and highways让路给停车场和高速公路,推测词意“行人” 。
People are now able to perform everyday tasks such as shopping, banking and business transactions without meeting others face to face. What are the effects on both the individual and the society?
针对上题,难词transaction,可以通过前文perform everyday tasks完成每天任务,推测词意“交易” 。
总而言之,雅思写作的审题十分重要,对于四个评分标准都有或多或少的影响,如果审题出现失误,那么Task Response部分分数就会非常低 。雅思写作的审题常见错误有许多,其中三种比较典型,分别是偏题、漏题、蒙题 。偏题主要是指考生没有扣住题目要求回答问题,而是泛泛而谈扯出别的话题 。漏题是指考生漏掉了题目中的问题,通常情况是题目中有两到三个小问题,而考生作文只回答了其中一到两个问题 。蒙题是指题目中有生词难词,考生平时要对照机经积累单词,考场上要学会通过上下文来推测这些词的意义 。