赞美新疆美食 新疆旅游美食

赞美新疆美食 新疆旅游美食

Amazing landscapes of China’s Xinjiang
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located in the central part of the Eurasian Continent, on the northwest border of China. It covers about one-sixth of China’s total territory.
新疆维吾尔自治区位于欧亚大陆中部,在中国西北地区,约占中国领土面积的六分之一 。
The northwestern border region of Xinjiang, lauded variously as a land of song and dance, melons and fruits, precious stones, and carpets, is situated in the heart of the Eurasia Continent. Xinjiang was a key link on the Silk Road and a hub for east-west cultural exchanges in ancient times.
新疆位于亚欧大陆核心地带,被誉为歌舞之乡、瓜果之乡、宝石之乡和地毯之乡,自古以来是丝绸之路和东西方文化交流的枢纽 。
Attractions in Xinjiang
Karakul Lake
The Karakul is a lake in Akto County along the highway, located 196 km from Kashgar City. Karakul is a very unusual plateau lake. In fact, it is the highest lake of the Pamir Plateau, at an altitude of 3,600 m. The view is stunning, thanks to the surrounding, snow-covered mountains and beautiful reflections in the crystal-clear water. On a clear day, the scenery is rather mind-blowing and picturesque. Besides the amazing water reflections, grazing goats, yaks and sheep make the experience more alluring and real.
卡拉库里湖是阿克托县公路沿线的一个湖泊,距喀什市196公里 。它是一个独特的高原湖泊,属于帕米尔高原最高的湖泊,海拔3600米 。由于周围的环境、白雪覆盖的山脉和晶莹剔透的水中倒影,这里的景色令人惊叹 。在晴天,这里风景如画,令人心旷神怡 。除了美妙的湖光倒影,山羊、牦牛和绵羊也让这一美景更具有吸引力并且更加真实 。
Tianchi (Heavenly) Lake
Tianchi Lake, also known as Heavenly Lake (天池), is located on the northern side of the Bogeda Peak in the Tianshan mountains. It is 120 km from Urumqi City and only a 90-minute drive, and the center of the Tianchi scenic area of startling contrasts – an alpine drift lake at an altitude of 1,980 m (6,496 ft) with glistening glaciers on the mountain peaks nearby when the sun is shining.
天池,位于博格达峰北侧,距离乌鲁木齐市120公里,90分钟的车程,而天池风景区有着令人惊叹的美景——海拔1980米(6496英尺)的天然高山湖泊,阳光明媚时,附近的山峰冰川闪闪发光,晶莹如玉 。
Kanas Lake
Kanas Lake is in the Kanas Geopark and is mainly made up of Crouching Dragon Bay, Moon Bay, Immortal Bay and the interesting mystery of the legendary big red monster fish! The water, surrounded by snow-covered mountains, decorates the world like a diamond. The best time to visit Immortal Bay is in the early morning when the area is often covered by thin white mist, giving you a fairy world to enjoy. Walking along the river from Moon Bay to Crouching Dragon Bay is another highlight and offers numerous photographic opportunities.
喀纳斯湖位于喀纳斯地质公园,包括卧龙湾,月亮湾,神仙湾以及神秘的水怪传说,湖泊被白雪皑皑的山所包围,像钻石一样装点着世界 。参观神仙湾的最佳时间是清晨,这个地区经常覆盖着薄薄的白雾,让你仿佛置身于童话世界 。从月亮湾到卧龙湾散步,你也会领略到沿途的美景,同时也会发现很多摄影的机会 。
Delicious food in Xinjiang
Xinjiang boasts a rich and unique food culture. Breakfast here includes melons, jam and milk tea while lunch is often served with flour-based delicacies featuring beef and mutton. Dinner usually entails Nang, tea or noodles.
新疆拥有丰富而独特的饮食文化 。这里的早餐有甜瓜、果酱和奶茶,午餐则是用美味牛肉和羊肉 。晚餐通常有馕、茶或面条 。
Nang is essential to Uighur daily life. The bread, baked in Nang Keng (an earthen stove for cooking the bread), is usually round in shape. Nang has a history of two thousand years. There are more than 50 kinds of Nang in Xinjiang, including meat, oil and sesame.

馕是维族人日常的主食 。馕通常是圆形的,在馕坑(一种用来煮面包的土炉)里烤 。馕有两千年的历史 。新疆有50多种馕,里面有肉、油和芝麻 。
Zhua Fan
【赞美新疆美食 新疆旅游美食】Zhua Fan is cooked using ingredients like fresh mutton, carrots, onions, vegetables, oil, rice and water. It is served at festivals, funerals and weddings of both Uygurs and Uzbeks.
手抓饭是用新鲜的羊肉、胡萝卜、洋葱、蔬菜、油、米饭和水来烹饪 。在维吾尔族和乌兹别克族的节日、葬礼和婚礼上都会供应 。
Various products of Xinjiang
Xinjiang specialties include lavender, cotton, tomato, mutton, beef, jujube, and various fruits.
新疆物产包括薰衣草、棉花、西红柿、羊肉、牛肉、红枣和各种水果 。
In addition,Xinjiang has the richest mineral resources in China, with 138 different types accounting for more than 80 percent of all minerals discovered in the country. Nephrite is one of China’s top five famous jades and most of it is found in Hetian, Xinjiang.
此外,新疆拥有中国最丰富的矿产资源,类型高达138种,占全国矿资源的80%以上 。软玉是中国五大名玉之一,大部分位于新疆和田 。
The Rich Cultural Heritage of Xinjiang
Xinjiang’s cultural heritage, as well as her colorful ethnic customs and natural ecological civilization, make it one of China’s leading tourist destinations, and the song and dance of Xinjiang people is the highlights.
新疆的文化遗产,丰富多彩的民族风情和自然生态文明,使其成为中国著名的旅游目的地之一,同时新疆人民的歌舞表演也是当地的重要特色 。
Xinjiang Uighur is China’s ethnic group who are good at singing and dancing, and the folk dance of Kashgar is a treasure of Chinese dance art, so Kashgar in Xinjiang is also known as “the home of song and dance”. In Kashgar, both young and old, they will spontaneously dance with the music. The beautiful dance with the pace of light, particularly the pliable and flexible wrists and neck increases the beauty of dance. Uygur dance has a strong sense of rhythm, sometimes fast while sometimes slow. All the dance movements reflect the daily life of Uighur.
新疆维吾尔族是我国能歌善舞的民族,喀什的民间舞蹈是中国舞蹈艺术的瑰宝,新疆喀什又被誉为“歌舞之乡” 。在喀什,无论男女老少,都会不自觉地跟随音乐跳舞 。优美的舞蹈伴随着轻快的步伐,尤其是柔韧灵活的手腕和脖子增加了舞蹈的美感 。维吾尔族舞蹈的节奏感很强,时快时慢 。各种舞蹈动作也反映了维族人的日常生活 。