最实用的日常英语口语对话 简单的口语对话英文

最实用的日常英语口语对话 简单的口语对话英文

英语的学习都是从最简单的交流开始的,从简单的到最难的,多多的积累,就会获得不错的口语能力 。今天我们就为大家整理了简单的英语口语日常对话,一起来了解一下吧 。
1.- Would you like to come to the party?
【最实用的日常英语口语对话 简单的口语对话英文】– Oh yes, thank you.
2.-I hope y
can come to the dance next Saturday. you
-I’m sorry, but Ican’t.
3.- Willyou?go dancing with us?
– Of course. I’ll be glad to.
4.- Will you come to our English Evening?
Yes, thank you.
5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning?
– OK.When?
6.- You and your friends must come overto my house and see mooncakes.
OK. Thank you very much.
1.- Well done and congratulations to you.
-Thanks very much.
2.- I hope you’ll succeed in everything.
– So do I.
3.- I wish you success.
-Thank you.
4.- We send you our best wishes.
– Thank you very much.
5.- Happy new year !
Happy new year! (The same to you.)
6.- A merry Christmas to you.
-Thank you.
7.- I hope you’ll have a good time.
-Thank you.
8.-Happy birthday!
– Thank you.
1.- Hello!
– Hello, Bill1?
-No, this is Sam.
Hi, Sam. This is Mike. How are you?
2.- Hello.
Hello. May I speak to Mr Green?
3.- No. 5 Middle School.
-Mr Green, please.
I’m sorry. Mr Green is not in.
When will he be back?
About six this afternoon.
All right.I’ll ring again then.
Very well.
4.- Hello!
– Hello, Ham Mei. Could I borrow your Chinese-English Dictionary please?
– Sorry! It’s not a very good line. Could you speak more loudly?
– Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary?
– Sure.I’ll bring it to you?tomorrow.
-Thank you.Goodbye.
以上就是为大家整理的简单的英语口语日常对话,英语学习的主要意义就在于交流,如果只是能够获取高分,却不敢开口,英语再好也没用意义 。