year的音标是什么 year的音标怎么拼读

year的音标是什么 year的音标怎么拼读


year的音标:英[j??r; j??r],美 [j?r],中文释义为年;年度;历年;年纪;一年的期间 。例句:She worked abroad for a year. 她在国外工作了一年 。
year 英 [j??r; j??r] 美 [j?r]n. 年;年度;历年;年纪;一年的期间;某年级的学生
last year 去年
【year的音标是什么 year的音标怎么拼读】new year 新年
next year 明年
of the year 本年度最杰出的
for years 好几年
1.She worked abroad for a year.
她在国外工作了一年 。
2.Wheat was in surplus that year.
那一年小麦过剩 。
3.Sales have slumped this year.
今年销售量锐减 。
4.Shooting began early this year.
拍摄于今年初开始 。
5.My parents split up last year.
我父母去年离婚了 。
6.Prices jumped by 60% last year.
去年,物价暴涨60% 。
7.We had an election last year.
我们去年进行了一次选举 。
8.We started German in year seven.
我们在七年级开始学习德语 。
9.Elections take place every year.
每年都进行各项选举 。
10.His father died later that year.
那年晚些时候他的父亲去世了 。
11.Ticket prices shot up last year.
去年票价猛涨 。
12.I’m dreading Christmas this year.
我害怕今年的圣诞节 。
13.His mother passed away last year.
他母亲去年去世了 。
14.He’s worked hard all year.
他一年到头都在辛勤劳动 。
15.She makes $100 000 a year.
她一年赚10万元 。