情人节贺卡简短情话英文 2019情人节贺卡简短情话恋爱对话

情人节贺卡简短情话英文 2019情人节贺卡简短情话恋爱对话

在情人节的时候贺卡上应该写点什么东西呢?下面我们就来看看情人节贺卡简短情话英文 , 2019情人节贺卡简短情话 。1、时间可以让我爱上你 , 你却可以让我忘记时间 。time can let me fall in love with you ,  but you can let me forget time 。2、你是我的一切 , 上帝让你来到我身边 , 我真是太幸运 。you are everything to me ,  god let you come to me ,  i'm so lucky 。3、我笨笨的时候 , 不要骂我 , 要耐心一点 , 不然我会自卑的 。i'm stupid ,  don't scold me ,  be patient ,  or i'll inferiority 。4、好想从现在开始抱着你 , 紧紧的抱着你 , 一直走到上帝面前 。really want to hold you from now on ,  tightly hold you ,  until you come to god 。5、我不知道人类为什么结婚 , 不如让我们一起研究看看吧!i don't know why people get married ,  let us study together and have a look!6、很后悔认识了你 , 你让我感受到你不在我身边时的痛苦 。regret getting to know you ,  you make me feel the pain when you're not here with me 。7、爱你就像每天睁开眼睛一样、这是必需的!情人节高兴!love you like every day opened his eyes ,  this is a must! happy valentine's day!8、我之所以活到现在的全部意义 , 就是为了此刻能与你相遇 。the reason i live to the full significance of the now ,  is to can meet with you at the moment 。9、世界上较傻的是暗恋 , 比暗恋更傻的是互相暗恋 。in the world the most silly of is unrequited love ,  more stupid than unrequited love is unrequited love each other 。10、美丽的你 , 好吗?在世界的一方我为你祝福愿你拥有一个甜蜜的情人 。you are beautiful ,  ok? in one of the world i bless you wish you have a sweet lover 。11、请你疏忽一次吧 , 恋爱对话 , 让我偷走你的心 , 把它放在较安详的地方——我的心中 。please neglect it again ,  let me steal your heart ,  put it in the safest place -- my heart 。12、有些人用嘴巴去爱 , 而我是用心去爱 , 也许我会失去很多 , 但我不会后悔 。some people use the mouth to love ,  and i am love ,  maybe i'll lose a lot ,  but i won't regret it 。13、爱是冷冷的冬夜里 , 一杯热腾腾的咖啡;爱是春暖花开时 , 对你满满的笑意 。love is a cold winter night ,  a cup of hot coffee; love is the spring ,  full of smile for you 。14、没有你 , 我的天空少了一片色彩;没有你 , 我的世界多了一种思念 。without you ,  i'm missing a piece of the sky color; without you ,  my world is much more a kind of missing 。15、我感觉你心不在 , 我感觉爱已离开 , 对你多一次坦白 , 多一次的伤害 。i feel your heart is not here ,  i feel love has left ,  confessing to you one more time , 谈恋爱 ,  one more time 。16、我知道爱要自由才气高兴 , 我却宁愿留在你身边 , 陪你 , 陪你走过 。i know that love freedom can happy ,  but i'd rather stay at your side ,  to accompany you ,  accompany you through 。17、花一样的你 , 花一样的我 , 花一样的世界 , 花一样的未来 , 花一样的情人节!flowers the same as you ,  me ,  the world of flower ,  the future of the flower ,  flower of valentine's day!18、想你想你好想你 , 找个画家画下你 , 把你贴在杯子里 , 天天喝水亲亲你!think you think you good think you ,  find a painter under you ,  stick you in a cup ,  drink water every day kiss you!19、别说我每天动你的歪脑筋 。地球如果不歪对着太阳转 , 我们怎会有春天?don't say i move your crooked brains every day 。earth if not tilted toward the sun ,  how can we have a spring?20、这样的等待 , 也是甜蜜的一种负担 , 思念你 , 早已成为生活中 , 不行或缺的习惯 。such waiting for ,  also is a kind of sweet burden ,  miss you ,  has been a life ,  indispensable habit 。以上就是我给大家带来的情人节贺卡简短情话英文,2019情人节贺卡简短情话 。