
意思1(英文解释和中文解释)sth (with sth) cause sth to continue; keep sth in existence at the same level, standard, etc 保持或维持某事物: maintain friendly relations, contacts, etc (with sb) (与某人)保持友好关系、 接触等

*(例句) enough food to maintain one's strength 足以维持体力的食物
* maintain law and order 维持法治
* maintain prices, ie prevent them falling 维持住物价(防止跌落)
* maintain one's rights 保留自己的权利
* Maintain your speed at 60 mph. 你要保持每小时60英里的速度.
* The improvement in his health is being maintained. 他的健康状况仍在继续好转.

support (sb) financially 在财务上支持(某人); 赡养; 扶养: earn enough to maintain a family in comfort 挣的钱足以维持一家人过舒适的生活
* This school is maintained by a charity. 该校由一慈善机构资助.
* She maintains two sons at university. 她供两个儿子上大学.

keep (sth) in good condition or working order 保养, 维修(某物): maintain the roads, a house, a car, etc 保养道路、 房子、 汽车等
* Engineers maintain the turbines. 机修工维修涡轮机.
* a well-maintained house 保养良好的房子.

assert (sth) as true 断言(某事)属实; 坚持: maintain one's innocence 坚持自己无辜
* maintain that one is innocent of a charge 对某项指控坚称无罪.





一、表达意思不同1、maintain:vt. 维持;继续;维修;主张;供养2、remain:vi. 保持;依然;留下;剩余;逗留;残存 、n. 遗迹;剩余物,残骸二、词性不同1、maintain:主要作及物动词 。2、remain:既可作不及物动词,也可作名词 。扩展资料:aintain的用法1:maintain的基本意思是“保持”“继续”,指采取某种手段或措施保留一种有价值的东西,使其获得保养并维持良好状况,有时也指使事情能正常持续下去,引申可表示“坚持”“主张”“供给”“赡养”等 。maintain的用法2:maintain只用作及物动词,后面可接表示生命、法律、秩序、和平、友谊等名词作宾语; 也可接that从句,还可接以“to be+ adj .”充当补足语的复合宾语 。maintain的常用短语:用作动词 (v.)maintain at (v.+prep.)maintain in (v.+prep.)maintain on (v.+prep.)maintain with (v.+prep.)
keep 和maintain的区别maintain:指通过维修,精心照料等使物体保持良好,正常状态

maintain和retain 有什么区别maintain:维持, 维修, 继续, 供养, 主张,保持某个动作或状态的意思示例:维持;持续;使继续:He maintained his rights.他维护了自己的权利 。We must maintain friendly relations with them.我们必须和他们保持友好关系 。保养;维修,维护;养护:The trucks have to be constantly maintained.卡车必须经常得到保养 。a well-maintained machinery维修得好的机器retain:保持, 保留,主要指保留,持有某样东西,还有“取得”的意思示例:Theinterioroftheshopstillretainsanineteenth-centuryatmosphere.这家商店的内部装修仍然保留着19世纪的风格 。Hedecidedtoretainhimforthetrial.他决定聘请他为出庭律师 。Heretainsadeeprespectfortheprofession.他对这个职业仍然深怀敬意 。参考资料百度百科.百度百科[引用时间2017-12-22]
maintain的用法addicted在这里是形容词,be addicted to是固定搭配,表示沉溺于某事 。另外给楼主纠正一个误区啊,这里的too...to并不是平时我们说的那个太……以至于不能……那个意思 。这里是巧了,其实这里too和to没有结构上的联系的,前一个too就是用来修饰addicted的程度的,表示太沉溺于了 。然后由于固定搭配addicted必须和to连用,就给你了个假象 。另外对于你提的这个问题我有点费解啊,too……to结构中的两部分本来词性就不一样,一般的都是too后面跟形容词,to后面跟一个动词,这一个形容词和一个动词之何谈一致的问题呢?要想说两部分结构一致,应该是说类似于not only…but also;either…or吧?
2.楼主啊,对于这个地方contact的词性,你又理解错了啊 。contact在这里是名词形式,它其实也是一个多词性的词 。可做动词,也可以做名词 。这里maintain contact正好就是maintain+n的用法形式啊 。至于maintain的其他用法,楼上已经给了很详尽的列举,我在此就不罗嗦啦 。

lamw中的maintain source fields怎样嵌套结构:Maintain Source Fields 借助刚才第1步的EXCEL,使用Table Maintenance完成它会...Conversion Rules 目标结构与源字段匹配(可以选择自动)SAP中如何借

c语言数据结构里的false、error、overflow、infeasible用法好像啊 。分别用在什么地方啊


overflow一般用于exit的参数中,比如创建指针时,一般判断一下内存是否分配成功,不成功一般调用returnexit(overflow);infeasible其意思是不可行的,一般在某个判断中,如果什么什么不可行,就会returninfeasible例如:求后继元素时,如果是最后一个元素,则求其后继是不可行的,此时就会returninfeasible;很多函数的返回类型都是Status,这里Status是用typedef定义的intl类型即:typedefintStatus;在这样的函数中根据不同情况返回ture或falseok或error 。StatusListEmpty(SqListL){//若L为空表,则返回TRUE,否则返回FALSEif(L.length==0){returnTRUE;}else{returnFALSE;}}StatusGetElem(SqListL,inti,ElemType*e){//用e返回L中的第i个元素的值,1=<i<=ListLength(L)if(iL.length){returnERROR;}*e=*(L.elem+i-1);returnOK;}扩展资料C语言append()方法为切片添加元素Go语言的内建函数append()可以为切片动态添加元素 。每个切片会指向一个底层数组,这个数组能容纳一定数量的元素 。当底层数组不能容纳新增的元素时,切片就会自动按照一定的策略进行“扩容”,此时该切片指向的底层数组就会更换 。“扩容”操作往往发生在append()函数调用时 。举个例子:参考资料来源:百度百科—c语言
数据结构中 viod 和status的区别及用法,要详细viod
[释义][体] 虚;

[例句]It is found that the dynamic shear moduli increase as confining pressure increases and decrease as viod ratio increases.
研究结果发现:动剪切模量随周围有效应力的增加而增加,随孔隙比的增加而减少 。

status英[ˈsteɪtəs]美[ˈstetəs, ˈstætəs]
n.地位; 身份; 情形,状态;

[例句]People of higher status tend more to use certain drugs.
社会地位较高的人往往更容易吸食某种毒品 。
void是空类型,函数调用不返回值 。
status是用在函数前是严书的写法,它是函数的类型,其值是函数结果状态代码 。

maintain跟sustain用法的不同?maintain的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释及物动词 vt.
1. 维持;保持;使继续
Ann and Mary maintained their friendship for the next thirty years.
安妮和玛丽在此后的三十年中一直保持着她们之间的友谊 。2. 维修,保养
Frank maintains his car very well.
弗兰克把自己的车子保养得很好 。3. 坚持;主张;断言[+(that)]
He maintains that he once saw a UFO.
他坚持称自己曾看见过飞碟 。4. 供养,抚养;负担,支持
Mr. Smith maintains his son at college.
史密斯先生供养念大学的儿子 。5. 保卫,坚守maintain的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释及物动词 vt.
1. 维持;保持;使继续
Ann and Mary maintained their friendship for the next thirty years.
安妮和玛丽在此后的三十年中一直保持着她们之间的友谊 。2. 维修,保养
Frank maintains his car very well.
弗兰克把自己的车子保养得很好 。3. 坚持;主张;断言[+(that)]
He maintains that he once saw a UFO.
他坚持称自己曾看见过飞碟 。4. 供养,抚养;负担,支持
Mr. Smith maintains his son at college.
史密斯先生供养念大学的儿子 。5. 保卫,坚守

it is expensive to maintain. maintain 是个及物动词,这里后面为什么不加宾语呢,我迷惑了,请教高手!maintain的宾语就是it.

to的用法to [强 tu:, 弱 tu, 辅音前弱tə, t] adv. 向前;(门等)关上
prep. 到;向;(表示时间、方向)朝…方向
[到] [向] [给]
1. We work from nine to five.
我们从九点工作到五点 。
2. Tomorrow's high will be 80 to 90.
明天最高温度将达80度至90度 。
3. add this to the others
4. Live to eat , but eat to live.
活着为了吃饭,吃饭为了活着 。
5. Will we have time to go there?
6. Because I had much work to do.
因为我有许多工作(作业)要做 。
7. To let you know we are family.
让你们知道,我们是一家人唷 。
8. Then I began to like doing it.
后来我开始喜欢上这么做了 。
9. Use the cards to make a rhyme.
用卡片上的单词做一首小诗 。
10. Can anyone tell me what to do?
11. We live next door to a cinema.
我们住在一家电影院的隔壁 。
12. To win you have to risk loss.
要想胜利就得冒失败的风险 。
13. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.
神原不是死人的神,乃是活人的神 。因为在他那里,人都是活的 。(那里或作看来)
14. I just go out there to do the basics and want to help the team get a result.
我只是上去完成一些基本的任务并且希望帮助球队拿到一个满意的结果 。
15. To the world you might be one person, But to one person you just might be the world.
对于这个世界你可能只是某一个人,可对于一个人你可能是他的整个世界 。
16. For those who never seem to know what to prepare for others but who would like to learn.
对那些似乎永远不知道该准备什么礼物给别人但是却愿意学习的人来说 。
17. In memory to open a space for the file memory, in its realization of a simple file system.
在内存中开辟一个空间作为文件存储器,在其上实现一个简单的文件系统 。
18. You wonder where you would find tuna blubber in this cave, and where you should lug it to.
您想知道您在这个洞哪里会发现金枪鱼哭泣,并且您应该用力拖它的地方」 。
19. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
一些书是供试尝的,另一些是供吞咽的,少数一些则是要咀嚼和消化的 。(表语)
20. That means that, my personal duty aside, we have a duty to maintain a certain level of decorum.
这意味着,就算不考虑我个人的责任心,我们也有义务保持一定程度的礼节 。
21. Getting more education is the most obvious way to invest in your career, but why not go further?
22. Every body attracts every other body with a force that is proportional to the mass of each body.
物体之间用一种力量来相互吸引,这种力量是与物体之间的质量成比例的 。
23. If i pass the interview, I will continue to study , with the shortest time, to work with English.
如果能通过这次面试,我将继续努力的学习,用最短的时间,用英语进行工作 。
24. The only access to her personal information is that you must access an available file in the computer.
惟一接触她的个人资料的方法是你必须在电脑中存取个一个有效的文件 。
25. I have given this individual ample opportunity to prove himself and each time he has failed to impress.
我有给予的这一个个体充足的机会证明他自己和每次他有失败的对印象 。
26. We can use this simple sentence structure to ask many different questions and get a lot of information.
我们可以使用这一简单的句子结构来询问不同的问题并获得很多的信息 。
27. We want to buy Leather Goods and Accessories, Bags and Luggage - Leather, Leather Goods and Accessories, Suitcases, Bags.
我们要采购皮革商品和配件,袋子和行李-皮革,皮具商品和配件,手提箱,袋子 。
28. The aim of the nursing education is not only to have the knowledge of nursing, but also the quality and ability to care for others.
护理教育的目标是培养既具有专业护理知识,又具有人文关怀和照顾他人的品质和能力的高素质人才 。
29. That would help all of us to use the machinery that we have in place for considering these data and for arriving at policy recommendations.
这将帮助我们所有的人来运用机构,在该机构中我们占有适当的位置,考虑这些数据,并且达到政策建议 。
30. In computer graphics, to move a display image on the display space in a straight line from one location to another without rotating the image.

“Remain” 和 “maintain”的区别是什么?remain :剩余、剩下;maintain:保持 。1、“Remain” 和 “maintain”的宾语是要保持的一件事物,是另外一个东西;2、remain属于系动词,后面的叫表语,remain是可以替换成be动词的 。3、we should remain loyal to our lord;换成be loyal 也是一样的 。4、we should keep balance不可能换成remain 。
remain和maintain的区别(信末客套语)你永远忠实的,敬上. maintain是通过另一事物/作用使其保持不变而remain是指事物自身维持不变 remain 是不及物动词,后常用形容词

Remain maintain的区别remain :剩余、剩下;maintain:保持 。1、“Remain” 和 “maintain”的宾语是要保持的一件事物,是另外一个东西;2、remain属于系动词,后面的叫表语,remain是可以替换成be动词的 。3、we should remain loyal to our lord;换成be loyal 也是一样的 。4、we should keep balance不可能换成remain 。
谁能告诉我 remainmaintainretainreservepreserve的详细区别


remain、maintain、retain、reserve、preserve的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 。一、意思不同1、remain:保持不变 。2、maintain:维持,保持 。3、retain:持有 。4、reserve:保留,贮备 。5、preserve:保存,保养 。二、用法不同1、remain:remain的基本意思是“留下”“继续”,即在一段时间内持续地处于某位置或某状态,含有在别人走了的情况下仍然留下或在别的事物都改变了的情况下依然保持不变的意味 。2、maintain:maintain的基本意思是“保持”“继续”,指采取某种手段或措施保留一种有价值的东西,使其获得保养并维持良好状况,有时也指使事情能正常持续下去,引申可表示“坚持”“主张”“供给”“赡养”等 。3、retain:retain作“保留,保存,保持”解时是较为正式的用语,含有不失去的意味,指继续“保持”或“保存”某事物 。可用于指保留贵重的物品,老人保持活力,记忆中保持一定的事实等 。4、reserve:reserve的基本意思是“贮存待用” 。引申可作“留给”“留作专用”或“预订”解 。reserve是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语 。5、preserve:preserve的基本意思是“保持”,指把某物“收藏”或“保存”好,强调要采取措施使某物完好无损或质量不变,可用于有形物,也可用于无形物 。引申可表示“维持” 。三、侧重点不同1、remain:不及物动词,后面大多跟形容词 。2、maintain:及物动词 。3、retain:作及物动词用 。4、reserve:不及物,注重节省,节约 。5、preserve:及物,注重保护,不让其灭绝或遭到破坏 。
维持, 维修, 继续, 供养, 主张


维持, 维修, 继续, 供养, 主张

( )balance 可以用keep和maintain,但是为什么不能用remain,我感觉也对啊这是属于习惯搭配,没有为什么的,因为歪果仁不会这么说 。
就好像上课的时候我一个同学想说“引领中国文化”说成“lead Chinese culture”, 外国老师马上就说,culture can be shaped or built, but it can not be led, please correct that.

~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可 。



1、keep about〔around〕雇用; 拥有 2、keep abreast of( v.+adv.+prep. )跟上; 保持与…并列位置3、keep after( v.+prep. )〈非正〉责备; 挑剔; 反复地要求4、keep aloof( v.+adv. )站得远远地; 不参与5、keep apart( v.+adv. )(使)分开 扩展资料:单词用法:v. (动词)1、keep的基本意思是“保留,保管,保存,留下,保持”,指使某人或某物继续保持某种状态 。引申可作“管理,经营”“料理,照顾”“抚养,养活,饲养”“遵守,维护”“庆祝”“耽搁”“记”等解 。2、keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词 。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语 。keep用作不及物动词作“保存”解时,主动结构常含被动意义 。3、keep还可接以形容词、副词、as短语、现在分词(短语)、过去分词(短语)等充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,但不可接含动词不定式的复合宾语 。4、keep作“保持,继续”解时还可用作系动词,后跟表语,该表语可由形容词、副词、名词、动名词或介词短语等充当,此用法keep有时可用于进行体 。5、keep后接介词from,再接名词或动名词,表示“使自己不做某事”,主要用于否定句或疑问句 。6、、由keep构成的常用习语大多不用于进行体 。
英语语法问题回答楼主的问题,maintain[mein'tein]vt. 维持;维修,保养;坚持;断言keep[ki:p]n. 生计,维持
v. 保持,保存,维持首先,keep多用于保持某种状态,保持健康等maintain多用与,维持平衡,维持关系等,放中文里,两者就是保持与维持的关系,这个是它们最主要的区别 。而楼主给的例句都是用 keep,保持的意思 。

求翻译加讲解 急翻译:离家后做出改变要比回家后保持这些改变更容易 。
意思是说:离开家后,你会很容易因为受到外面的环境影响而改变,回到家后,你在外边不管变成什么样子,会受到家乡环境的影响,所以在家里是不可能继续维持你在外边的作息和生活习惯等这些改变的 。
句子分析:It is easier to make changes when you are away from home than to maintain the changes after you return.
1. it is easier (to do sth) than (to do sth), 这是一个比较级,前后结构保持一致 。
2. when ...和 after... 做时间状语 。

维持, 维修, 继续, 供养, 主张

To keep up or carry on; continue:
maintain good relations.
To keep in an existing state; preserve or retain:
maintain one's composure.
To keep in a condition of good repair or efficiency:
maintain two cars.
To provide for; support:
maintain a family.
To keep in existence; sustain:
enough food to maintain life.
To defend or hold against criticism or attack:
maintained his stand on taxes.
To declare to be true; affirm:
maintained her innocence.

保持, 保留

re.tained,,re.tains缩写 ret.
To maintain possession of.See Synonyms at keep
保持财产占有参见 keep
To keep or hold in a particular place, condition, or position.
To keep in mind; remember.
To hire (an attorney, for example) by the payment of a fee.
To keep in one's service or pay.

maintain放句末什么意思我知道maintain+ ed可以放在句末 做后置定语

求虚拟语气讲解虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)这一语法项目是各类英语考试中心测试的重点之一 。虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话并不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测 。
⒈ 用if条件从句表示的虚拟条件,是虚拟条件最普通的方式 。
① 虚拟现在时表示与现在事实相反的假设,其if 从句的谓语形式用动词的过去式(be 一般用were),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形,例如:If I were in your position I would marry her.
② 虚拟过去时是表示与过去事实相反的假设,if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主句用would / should / could / might + have +过去分词,例如:If it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis.
③ 大多数的虚拟条件句属于上面三种情况的一种,但并不排除存在条件和后果中,一个和现在情况相反,另一个和过去情况相反,例如:If you had followed what the doctor said, you would not have been so painful now.这个句子在高中出现频率颇高 。
④ 但是,如果后果用了虚拟语气,而条件却用陈述语气,这种用法是错的 。
⒉ 除了表示虚假条件外,if从句还可以表示对将来的推测,由于是将来还没有发生的,所以谈不上是真实的还是虚假的,只能说这个事情发生的可能性有多大 。一般情况下,可以用陈述语气的if从句来表示对一个未来事实的推测,这个事实是完全可能发生的 。If从句的谓语形式用一般过去式或用were to / should +动词原形,主句用would / should /could/ might +动词原形,例如:Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she were to get a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.(1996年1月四级第44题)
⒊ 有时可以把含有助动词、情态动词、be或have的虚拟条件句中的连词if 省去,而将had , should, were 等词提到主语之前,即用倒装结构,这时候,如果出现not等否定词,否定词需放在主语后面 。这种结构在口语中很少使用,但频频出现在各类考试中出现,例如:If it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis.→Had it not rained so hard yesterday, we could have played tennis.
⒋ 大多数的虚拟条件通过上面所讲的两种方法表达,但在个别句子中也可以通过介词without和介词短语but for表达,副词otherwise等表达出来 。例如:We didn't know his telephone number; otherwise we would have telephoned him.(1995年6月四级第46题)值得注意的是,包含but for的句子,谓语动词必定要用虚拟形式,但包含without等短语的句子,谓语动词未必一定要用虚拟语气 。
⒌ 有时虚拟条件不是明确地表达出来,而在蕴含在用but引导的从句里,于是便出现了有谓语动词是虚拟语气的主句加上谓语动词是陈述语气的but从句构成的并列复合句,例如I would have hung you but the telephone was out of order.在这样的句子里,如果主句没有用虚拟语气,或者从句用了虚拟语气,都是错的 。
⒈ 在表示愿望的动词wish后的宾语从句中,需用虚拟语气 。(wish后的that 常省略),根据主句时态,从句谓语时态相应退后一位,例如:How she wished his family could go with him.
⒉ 在具有愿望、请求、建议、命令等主观意愿的动词(desire, demand, advice, insist, require, suggest, propose, order, recommend, decide …) 后的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气 。谓语动词用(should) +动词原形 。值得注意的是,如果宾语从句的动词是否定的,否定词not的位置应在动词之前,而不是动词之后 。例如:The head nurse insisted that the patient not be move.另外,如suggest表达“暗示”,insist表示“坚持某种说法”时,后面的从句不用虚拟语气,例如:Her pale face suggests that she is ill.或He insisted that he did not kill the boy.
① 在It is+上述动词的过去分词,其后所跟的主语从句中,如It is suggested that pupils wear school uniforms.
② 在上述动词相应的名词形式作主语+连系动词,其后的表语从句中,例如His suggestion was that classed be re-scheduled.
③ 在对上述动词相应的名词进行解释的同位语从句中,如:The workers raised the demand that their pay be increased to cope with the inflation.
⒊ would (had)rather , would sooner也用来表达主观愿望,它们之后的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气 。谓语动词用过去式表示现在或将来,用过去完成式表示与过去事实相反,例如:I would rather he went right now.
⒈ it is +necessary等形容词后,that主语从句中虚拟形式使用,这类形容词包括necessary, important, essential, imperative, urgent, preferable, vital, advisable等,例如It is necessary that you listen to the teacher carefully.或者It is essential that you be able to pronounce every single word correctly.
⒉ 在It's (high/about) time 之后的定语从句中需用虚拟语气 。谓语动词用过去式,例如It is high time that you went to school
⒊ 虚拟语气在as if / as though 引导的方式状语从句中的应用(谓语动词形式与wish后的宾语从句基本相同)表示与现在事实相反或对现在情况有怀疑,谓语动词用过去式 。例如:He felt as if he alone were responsible for what had happened. 表示过去想象中的动作或情况,谓语动词用过去完成式 。
⒋ 在lest 引导的状语从句中,谓语动词多用虚拟语气,(should )+ 动词原形 。例如: The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he injure himself.(1998年1月四级第38题)
⒌ 在if only 引起的感叹句中需用虚拟语气 。谓语动词用过去式或过去完成式 。例如: Look at the terrible situation I am in! if only I had followed your advice.

虚拟语气:表示动作或状态不是客观存在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望、假设或推测等 。如:
①If I were a bird, I could fly in the air.如果我是一只小鸟,我就能在空中飞行 。
②I wish I could pass the examination.我希望我能通过考试 。
③May you succeed!祝您成功!
虚拟语气在语法里算得上是个难点 。让我们就从最简单的开始吧 。



一、情态动词的过去式用于现在时态时,表示说话人的谦虚、客气、有礼貌、或委婉的语气,常用于日常会话中 。如:
⑴.Would you be kind enough to show me the way to the post office?请你告诉我去邮局的路好吗?
⑵.It would be better for you not to stay up too late.你最好别熬夜到很晚 。
二、表祝愿 。
1、常用“may+动词原形”表示祝愿,但愿,此时may须置于句首(多用于正式文体中) 。
⑴、May good luck be yours!祝你好运!
⑵、May you be happy!祝你快乐!
⑶、May you do even better!祝你取得更大成就!
⑷、May you have a good time. 祝愿你玩的痛快 。
⑸、May the friendship between us last long. 祝愿我们的友情天长地久 。
⑹、May you be happy. (注意那个be ) 祝你幸福 。
2、用动词原形 。例如:
(1).Long live the people! 人民万岁!
(2).“God bless you,”said the priest.牧师说:“愿上帝保佑你!”
(3).Have a good journey! 祝愿你旅途愉快!
三、表示强烈愿望 。(该类型虚拟语气谓语仅用动词原形,第三人称单数也不加“s”)
(1).God save me.
(2).Heaven help us.
1.命令虚拟语气只能用在第二人称(you),而且通常省略主语(也就是you) 。
3.虚拟语气动词用一般现在时态(Simple Present),如:work, be , go
4.否定形式的命令语气,可用助动词do,加上not 。
(1). Work !
(2). Work harder !
(3). Be more alert ! (虚拟语气动词Be)
(4). You go out !
(5). Do not work so hard. (do not 表示否定的虚拟语气)
(6). Don't be afraid. (口语中常用don't 代替do not)
五、在一些习惯表达中 。如:
(1).You’d better set off now.你最好现在就出发 。
(2).I’d rather not tell you the secret.我情愿不告诉你这个秘密 。
第一节:宾语从句(Subordinate Clasue)中的虚拟语气
在动词wish后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气,常省去宾语从句的引导词that 。
从句用过去式或过去进行式(时间上是同时的) 。其句子结构为:宾语从句的谓语be和were(was),实义动词用过去式 。例:
1. I wish (that可省略,下同)I knew the answer to the question.(wish, 动词过去式knew)我希望知道这个答案 。(事实上是不知道)
2. I wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around.(wish, were)但愿我的家乡四季如春 。(事实上不可能)
3. I wish I were a bird.(wish, were)但愿我是只小鸟 。(事实上不可能)
4. When she was at the party,she wished she were at home.(wished,过去虚拟动词were)(事实上并不在家)
5. Now that he is in China, he wishes he understood Chinese.(wishes,过去虚拟动词understood)
现在他在中国,他希望能懂得中文 。(事实上并不懂)
6. When we begin the trip, they will wish they were with us.(will wish,过去虚拟动词were)(事实上并不和我们在一起)
用wish表示对过去事情的遗憾 。其句子结构为:宾语从句的谓语用过去完成时,或would, could, might+现在完成时 。例:
1. I wish (that可省略,下同)I hadn't wasted so much time.
我后悔不该浪费这么多时间 。(事实上已浪费了)
2. He wishes he hadn't lost the chance.
他真希望没有失去机会 。(其实已失去)
3. We wished he had spoken to us.
(wished,had + spoken)(事实上他并没同我们讲)
4. I wish you had called earlier.
(wish, had + called)(事实上已迟了)
5. They will wish they had listened to us sooner.
(will wish,had + listened)(事实上并不如此)
例题分析:I wish I ______ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.
A. could have slept B. slept C. might have slept D. have slept
动词wish后面接从句,表达不可能实现或与事实相反的情况时,谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即用过去式(表示现在发生的动作)或过去完成式(表示过去发生的动作) 。本题后半句谓语动词have用的是过去时had
to get up and come, 所以前面要用过去完成时表示过去发生的动作 。所以, 选项A)could have slept是答案
从句动词"would/should/could/might + 动词原形"(时间上较后)(请注意:主句和从句的主语不相同) 。用wish表示对将来事情的愿望 。例:
1. I wish it would stop raining.(虚拟动词would+动词原形stop)
我希望雨能停止 。(事实上雨还在下着呢)
2. I wish you would be quiet.(would + be)
我希望你安静一些 。(事实上那家伙还在吵着呢)
3. You wished she would arrive the next day.(would + arrive)
你希望她第二天会到 。(事实上她还没到)
4. I wish she would change her mind.(would + change)
我希望她会改变主意 。(呵呵,女孩子可没那么容易就改变主意喔)
5. He will wish we would join him the following week.(would + join)
1.如果将wish改为过去式wished, 其后that 从句中的动词形式不变 。例如:
I wished I hadn't spent so much money.
我要是那时没有花掉那么多钱就好了 。
2. 如果that 从句中用would , 一般表示对现状不满或希望未来有所改变或请求
I wish he would answer my letter.
I wish prices would come down.
I wish you would help me.
I wish you would stop asking silly questions.

表示“要求”的:ask, desire, request, demand, require, beg
表示“提议、劝告、建议”的:move, prpose, suggest, recommend, advise, vote
表示“决定、命令”的:decide, order
表示“主张”的:maintain, urge
表示“同意、坚持”的:consent, insist
1.The doctor suggested that he (should) try to lose his weight.
2.He insisted that we (should ) tell him the news.
3.When I suggested that he try shaving cream, he said, “The razor and water do the job. ”(当我建议他用刮胡膏时,他说“剃刀和水就行了” 。)
4.He pursued various theories for several days until I suggested we take the toy apart to see how it did work. (他费了几天功夫寻找理论根据,直到我建议拆开看看它是如何转动的 。)
5.One can suggest that students should spend two or three years in an English�speaking country. (我们建议学生应在说英语的国家呆上两三年 。)
order, suggest, propose, require, demand, request, insist, command, insist +... (should) do
6.I suggest that we (should) hold a meeting next week.
7.He insisted that he (should ) be sent there.
但注意:在insist 后的从句中, 如果是坚持自己, 用陈述语气, 坚持别人做什么事情, 用虚拟语气.
8.she insists that she is right.
9.she insisted that I should finish the work at once.
或者说,suggest, insist不表示建议或坚持要某人做某事时,即它们用于其本意暗示、表明、坚持认为时,宾语从句用陈述语气 。
10.The guard at gate insisted that everybody obey the rules.
三、在expect, believe, think, suspect等动词的否定或疑问形式后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气
在expect, believe, think, suspect等动词的否定或疑问形式后的宾语从句中,我们经常用“should+动词原形(或完成形式)”,表示惊奇,怀疑,不满等 。
I never thought that he should be such a brave young soldier.
我们从来没想到他是个如此勇敢的小战士 。
四、would rather,would sooner,had rather,would (just) as soon,would prefer之后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气
would rather , would sooner, had rather, would (just) as soon,would prefer(希望)也用来表达主观愿望,它们之后的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气 。谓语动词用过去式表示现在或将来,用过去完成式表示与过去事实相反 。表示”宁愿做什么”或"对过去做的事的懊悔" 。
(1).I would rather he came tomorrow than today.
(2).John would rather that she had not gone to the party yesterday evening.
(3).Don' t live in the world, I would rather( I would just as soon) you die.
(4).I would rather you go tomorrow.
(5).I would rather everything hadn' t happened in the past.
(6).The manager would rather his daughter did not work in the same office.经理宁愿她女儿不与他在同一间办公室工作 。
(7).To be frank,I'd rather you were not involved in the case.坦率地说,我希望你不要卷入这件事 。
(8).You don't have to be in such a hurry.I would rather you went on business first.你没有必要这么着急,我宁愿你先去上班 。
(9).I'd rather you didn't make any comment on the issue for the time being.我倒希望你暂时先不要就此事发表意见 。
(10).Frankly speaking,I'd rather you didn't do anything about it for the time being.坦白地说,我宁愿你现在对此事什么也不要做 。
(11).Wouldn't you rather your child went to bed early?为什么你不愿让你的孩子早点上床呢?
(12).I would just as soon you had returned the book yesterday.我真希望你昨天把这本书还了 。

注:①若某人愿自己做某事,would rather后用动词原形
I would rather stay at home today.
②would rather...than...中用动词原形
I would rather stay at home than go out today.
五、“had hoped”后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气
用“had hoped”表示原来希望做到而实际上未能实现的事情,其宾语从句的谓语用“would+动词原形” 。
I had hoped that she would go to the U.S. and study there, but she said she liked to stay in China.我原本希望她到美国去念书,但她说她喜欢留在中国 。

一、“It is (was)+形容词(或过去分词)+that……”结构中的虚拟语气
在形如“It is (was)+形容词(或过去分词)+that……”结构中,使用某些表示愿望、建议、请求、命令、可能、适当、较好、迫切、紧近、重要等形容词后的主语从句的谓语也用虚拟语气 。其表达形式为should +动词原形或省略should直接用动词原形(美国英语中省去should)
常用的形容词:* natural (自然的), appropriate (适当的),advisable (合适的), preferable (更可取的), better (更好的)* necessary (必须的), important (重要的), imperative (急需的), urgent (急迫的), essential (本质的), vital (必不可少的)* probable (很可能的), possible (可能的)* desirable (极好的)advisable(合理的),compulsory(必须的),crucial(紧急的),desirable(理想的),essential(必要的),imperative(迫切的),incredible(惊人的),necessary(必要的),possible(可能的),strange(奇怪的),urgent(紧迫的) 。
常用的过去分词(Past Participle):* required (需要的), demanded (要求), requested (被请求的), desired (要求)* suggested (建议), recommended (推荐)* orderd (命令)
1. It is necessary that we (should 可省略,下同)have a walk now.(necessary, should + have) (表示有需要去散步)
2.It was necessary that we (should) make everything ready ahead of time.(necessary, should + make) (表示有必要事先做好准备)
3. It is required that nobody (should) smoke here.(required, should + smoke) (表示要求不要在此抽烟)
4. It is important that every pupil (should) be able to understand therule of school.(important, should + be) (表示重要的是学生都能了解校规)
5. It's important that we (should) take good care of the patient.(important, should + take) (表示重要的是照顾好病人)
6. It is natural that she should do so. (形容词natural, should+动词原形do)
7.It is essential that these application forms be sent back as early as possible.这些申请表应尽早地寄回,这是很重要的 。
8.It is vital that enough money be collected to fund the project.重要的是募集足够的钱,为这个项目提供资金 。
9.It is desired that we(should)get everything ready this evening.希望我们今晚一切都准备就绪 。
注:在上述所列形容词后面用that引出的宾语从句中,谓语动词也要用虚拟语气 。
10.I don't think it advisable that Tom be assigned to the job since he has no experience.汤姆缺乏经验,指派他做这项工作我认为是不恰当的 。

二、在It is +名词+that…的主语从句中的虚拟语气
在It is +名词+that的主语从句中,常用虚拟语气,表示建议、命令、请求、道歉、怀疑、惊奇等 。这类名词
requirement,resolution,shame,suggestion,surprise,wish,wonder等 。
⑴、It is my proposal that he be sent to study further abroad.我建议派他去国外进一步学习 。

当某些表示建议、请求、命令等主观意向的名词作主语时,其后的表语从句或同位语从句需用虚拟语气,其表达形式为should +动词原形或直接用动词原形 。这类名词常见的有:
demand (要求), desire (请求),requirment (要求)
advice (劝告), recommendation (建议),suggestion (建议)
order (命令)
necessity (必要地), preference (优先)
proposal (计划), plan (计划), idea (办法),
recommendation以及plan,idea,resolution等 。
We are all for your proposal that the discussion be put off.我们都赞成你提出的将讨论延期的建议 。
The suggestion that the mayor present the prizes was accepted by
everyone.由市长颁发奖金的建议被每个人接受 。
⑴、 The advice is that we (should 可省略,下同) leave at once.
(名词advice,should + leave) (表示加以劝告)
⑵、 My idea is that we (should) get more people to attend the
(idea, should + get) (表示做出主意)
⑶、 I make a proposal that we (should) hold a meeting next week.
(proposal, should + hold) (表示做出计划)
⑷、 The judge assented to the suggestion that .
〔A〕both of the criminals will soon be set freedom
〔B〕some of the criminals there are of guilt only
〔C〕the girl was to be paroled in the custody of a welfare society
〔D〕the prisoner be sentenced to death


To attempt to prove by reasoning; maintain or contend:
例:The speaker argued that more immigrants should be admitted to the country.

英语语法问题maintain和keep区别是什么maintain [mein'tein] vt.维持;维修,保养;坚持;断言
keep [ki:p] n.生计,维持v.保持,保存,维持

keep和maintain用法有什么区别,为什么保持乐观要用maintain而不是keep?maintain [mein'tein] vt. 维持;维修,保养;坚持;断言 keep [ki:p] n. 生计,维持 v. 保持,保存,维持首先,keep多用于保持某种状态,保持健康等 maintain多用与,维持平衡,维持关系等,放中文里,两者就是保持与维持的关系,这个是它们最主要的区别 。

1)Maintain 系统正式用语 。侧重表示小心使用及经常加以维护或补充使之“保持”正常状态 。
如:We have to maintain the house in good condition.
我们必须使这幢房子保持完好无损 。

2)keep 表示“保持”某一状态或“保持”某物完好无损 。
A refrigerator keeps food fresh.
冰箱可以使食品保持新鲜 。



另外sustain有“经受”的意思,比如说sustain some damage,精锐教育老师解答



一、释义不同1、sustain:vt. 支持;承受;维持;认可;经受2、maintain:vt. 维持;维修;保养;坚持;断言3、retain:vt. 保持;保留;记住;聘请二、引申不同1、sustain:引申为“经受” 。还可表示“确认…正当有效”、“准许” 。2、maintain:引申可表示“坚持”、“主张”、“供给”、“赡养”等 。3、retain:可用于指保留贵重的物品,老人保持活力,记忆中保持一定的事实等 。三、侧重不同1、sustain:强调始终不渝地支撑或保持 。2、maintain:指保持某种状况或状态,给予所需的力量,以防力量、价值等有所损失3、retain:指继续保持 。
maintain和sustain的区别maintain vt是保持、维修、坚持、供养的意思
contain vt是包含、控制的意思 。vi表示自制 。
sustain vt是承受、撑住、维持、长期保持的意思 。
基本来说他们的差别还是蛮明显的 。用心记一下应该不会用错 。

sustain,maintain和retain的区别第一个是维持的意思,第二个偏重坚持的意思,第三个是保持的意思,三个词的意义相近,在使用的时候要结合具体的语境 。

maintaining和maintainance做名词时区别?maintaining做动名词主语,而maintainance则直接做主语 。就是用动名词形式(即ing)做句子的主语(后面需要接其他词,如名词或名词短语,整个做主语),例如maintaining an adequate food suplyis of great significance to social stability. 和 In the future the machines will need spare parts and maintenance.
maintenance强调状态,而maintaining强调动作 。
望采纳 。。。谢谢!



【maintain用法】attitude后常接towards/to,指“对……的态度,看法”Attitude 英 ['ætɪtjuːd]美 ['ætɪtuːd]n. 态度;看法;姿势形容词: attitudinal词语用法n. (名词)attitude的基本意思是“态度,看法”,指一个人的态度、心态、感觉及想法等,作此解时常与介词to或towards连用,表示“对…的态度或看法” 。attitude也可作“姿态,姿势”解,是正式用语 。例句用作名词 (n.)1、We must maintain a firm attitude.我们必须采取坚定的态度 。2、She shows a very positive attitude to her work.她工作态度非常积极 。扩展资料:近义词的用法posture 英 ['pɒstʃə(r)]美 ['pɑːstʃər]n. 姿势;情形形容词: postural 名词: posturer 词汇搭配readiness posture 战备状态defence posture 防御态势 forced posture 强迫体位sitting posture 坐姿例句用作名词 (n.)Only humans have a natural upright posture.只有人类才有自然直立的姿势 。