论文摘要翻译工具 论文摘要英文翻译器

论文摘要翻译工具 论文摘要英文翻译器

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。论文摘要英文翻译器,论文摘要翻译工具这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Mathematics Education in China by the examination-oriented education as a long-term effects of the classroom teacher "re-indoctrination style of teaching, light Inquiry Teaching"; re limited knowledge of the "Society" Light infinite knowledge, "will study", teachers used to let through a large number of exercises students to learn mathematics, and this is the basic feature of mathematics teaching. In fact teachers teaching should not only allow students to concepts, conclusions and skills, memory, imitation and acceptance, more importantly, through education to enable students to develop independent thinking, to find the problem, self-exploration, positive practice, appropriate reflection, etc. capacity. Therefore, teachers are teaching methods improvement and innovation, not only specific education and teaching methods, strategies, should also include whether their education and teaching of leading, motivating, etc. basic features. So, how to improve and innovate the ways teachers teach the new curriculum reform the key. In high school mathematics teaching, the function accounted for a large proportion of the content, it is a focus of high school mathematics teaching and difficult. Therefore, high school students to learn the function became hot and difficult to learn mathematics. As the function of the contents, and relatively abstract, in teaching, often lectures students will encounter when you hear it, "understand", but the answer function, but the overall feel when Problem difficulties, there was no way situation. My high school mathematics curriculum standards are also to function as the high school mathematics curriculum throughout the main line, the new function of the content of the course has undergone many changes in the content of the function has adopted a new approach. Accurately grasp the new mathematics curriculum in high school function, location, requirements, and deal with the changes in the way, for the effective implementation of the function of teaching, promoting student understanding of the nature of the function of great significance. This article aims to create from the situation, the question guided learning, self-exploration, information technology integration, and several other aspects of the teaching function of the new curriculum under study, summed up allows students to truly understand the function of thinking of teaching.Key words: convergence of information technology situational problem Guidance 。
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