
钱多多的手机铃声是什么?钱多多的手机铃声是【it is ok】

蓝调歌曲 It Is Ok~

Maxwell Rivera
Maxwell Rivera是位道地的纽约客,同时流有波多黎各和印地安血统,虽然从小在教堂的唱诗班中演出,却没有让Maxwell正视看待音乐这条路,一直折腾到 17岁,利用朋友送的廉价卡西欧键盘开始尝试创作,受到80年代节奏蓝调的影响,随即一脚踏进音乐之途 。1991年在纽约各大Club演出,经过三年的琢磨,于1994年顺利签入Columbia国际唱片旗下 。散发浓郁Neo-Soul媚惑情调,灵韵穿绕如丝绸般超乎想像的舒适感受,赢得四座黑人音乐最高荣誉Soul Train奖项加冕、连续四届葛莱美的提名肯定 。
Maxwell是来自纽约的节奏蓝调性灵歌手,以一头蓬松的头发及其浪漫感性、丰沛情感建构的音乐观在乐坛卓然自成一格 。96年步入乐坛发行首张专辑「Maxwell‘s Urban Hang Suite」,旋即专辑与单曲「Ascension(Don’t Ever Wonder)」双双打入全美节奏蓝调榜Top 10,并且获得“滚石”杂志乐评票选为「最佳节奏蓝调艺人」,”时代杂志”亦将这张专辑选做1996年十大最杰出专辑之一,进而荣获葛莱美奖「最佳节奏蓝调专辑」奖项的提名 。而在97年“Soul Train(灵魂列车)”音乐奖中,Maxwell更是抱走叁项大奖:「最佳节奏蓝调/灵魂乐男性艺人单曲」、「最佳节奏蓝调/灵魂乐男性艺人专辑」,以及「最佳节奏蓝调/灵魂或饶舌乐新进艺人」等 。由于首张专辑的杰出表现,使得Maxwell被视做九零年代末期Urban音乐最具代表性的人物 。
It Is Ok歌词:
( and one and two ah ah )
why don't u leave me
when i really need me
myself and I baby
i don't want u to change my mind
ah ah
I forget this
forget about a night so wonderful so mense
Stiring ur finger in my pie
ah but
heat it up don't heat it up
i might have falling love with style
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok love me tonight
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok it's ok ( ah ah )
why don't u leave me
when i really need me
myself and I baby
i don't want u to change my mind
ah ah
I forget this
forget about a night so wonderful so mense
Stiring ur finger in my pie
ah but
heat it up don't heat it up
i might have falling love with style
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok love me tonight
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok it's ok
can you still me
baby i am ok
every night and everyday
u don't what i want
i know what i really was
stay away of me another day
we need another man
man is having mine
don't u wanna let it go
every other day every this is pay
come on come on come on come on
heat it up don't heat it up
i might have falling love with style
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok love me tonight
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok
and 1, and 2 这样就好,这样就好,
why don't u leave me 为什么留我一个人,
when i really need you , myself and I ,baby 在我最需要你的时候,宝贝
i don't want u to change my mind 我不想因为你改变我的想法
ah~ah~ I forget this 我忘了,
forget about the night so wonderful so mense 我忘了那个有着月色的美妙夜晚
Stiring ur finger in my pie 我们吃着香甜的点心
ah but... heat it up don't heat it up i might have falling love with style 燃烧着我,让我陷入了爱情
it's ok 这样就好
i want u baby know 我想让你知道
it's ok 这样就好
love me tonight 今晚 给我的爱
it's ok 这样就好
i want u baby know 我想让你明白
it's ok , it's ok (X2) 这样就好
rap: can you still me 能让我安静点吗?,
baby i am ok 宝贝可不可以
every night and everyday 每日每夜,
u don't do what i want 你从不做我想要的,
i know what i really was 我知道事情的真相,
stay away of me another day 留在我身边在多一天,
we need another man 如果有另一的人
man is having mine 和我在一起
don't u wanna let it go 你会赶走他么
every other day every this is pay 隔天还会想起么?
come on come on come on 来吧
but... heat it up don't heat it up i might have falling love with style 好了宝贝,热起来吧,带我坠入爱情
it's ok 就这样吧


《钱多多嫁人记》里 钱多多的手机来电铃声是什么?主人那家伙又来电话了在qq音乐上可以找到


钱多多手机铃声给我邮箱,我发给你 。it's ok 搜这个是不包含 主人那家伙又来电话了前奏的,如果要和钱多多一样的铃声,你直接在QQ音乐里面搜“主人那家伙又来电话了" 有个网络歌手,你试听一下就知道哪个是了 。


钱多多的手机铃声是什么?急!t is ok ''他又来电话啦''(主人那家伙又来电话了!~)很多版本,atomic kitten - it is ok铃声 钱多多的就是这种的 。我给你找了链接:你再听下吧:http://www.haoring03.com/ring/200912/zrnjhyldhl_Its_Ok_2589.html

《钱多多嫁人记》中钱多多手机铃声是什么后面的歌叫It's ok
如果你要下载的话:多多的手机铃声《主人那家伙又来电话啦+ItsOk》 http://fc.wo99.com/mplay.php?id=13209193 (往下移一点点,找到下载一下载二下载三,把鼠标移到下载三,然后点右键,目标另存为 。。存哪都行 。然后~~就大功告成啦 。

钱多多嫁人记里面多多的手机铃声叫什么歌手:dj maxwell
歌名:it's ok

求《钱多多嫁人记》中女主角手机铃声!谢谢啦!我有啊,我怎么给你啊?请点击我的回答左下方【继续追问】里面补充邮箱地址,我发给你 。


主人那家伙又来电话啦+It's Ok 试听 就是钱多多嫁人记里李小冉的手机铃声 麻烦给我在酷狗上有,没有具体的名称,你搜‘钱多多嫁人记’就会出来了!我就是从上面下载的!你也试试吧!!

钱多多嫁人记里的多多的手机铃声英文歌词是啥呀,在那下载??????????跪求!!!!!!!1it's ok

( and one and two ah ah )
why don't u leave me
when i really need me
myself and I baby
i don't want u to change my mind
ah ah
I forget this
forget about a night so wonderful so mense
Stiring ur finger in my pie
ah but
heat it up don't heat it up
i might have falling love with style
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok love me tonight
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok it's ok ( ah ah )
why don't u leave me
when i really need me
myself and I baby
i don't want u to change my mind
ah ah
I forget this
forget about a night so wonderful so mense
Stiring ur finger in my pie
ah but
heat it up don't heat it up
i might have falling love with style
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok love me tonight
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok it's ok
can you still me
baby i am ok
every night and everyday
u don't what i want
i know what i really was
stay away of me another day
we need another man
man is having mine
don't u wanna let it go
every other day every this is pay
come on come on come on come on
heat it up don't heat it up
i might have falling love with style
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok love me tonight
it's ok i want u baby know
it's ok ( it's ok )
it's ok

钱多多手机铃声亲~已发 。。发件人:dialun
如有疑问 。。请追问

钱多多的手机铃声是什麼歌?It is Ok在QQ音乐里找就听那个网络歌手就是那首歌


《钱多多嫁人记》里 钱多多的手机来电铃声是什么?主人那家伙又来电话了+it is ok 或者你可以去酷狗音乐找,输入钱多多的手机铃声,就能找到 希望采纳


钱多多的手机铃声,在哪下载的钱多多手机铃声:http://www.soso.com/q?sc=web&bs=%A1%B6%C7%AE%B6%E0%B6%E0%BC%DE%C8%CB%BC%C7%A1%B7%C7%AE%B6%E0%B6%E0%CA%D6%BB%FA%C1%E5%C9%F9+kukud&ch=w.uf&num=10&w=%C7%AE%B6%E0%B6%E0%CA%D6%BB%FA%C1%E5%C9%F9+kukud 麻烦采纳,谢谢!

钱多多的手机铃声,it`Ok,怎么下载,http://www.larino.net/...redlock_-_its_ok.mp3 这 是网址 你不好下载我可以发到你的邮箱
