steamed buns

steamed-buns是什么意思steamed bunsn.馒头; 蒸包The Chinese like to have steamed buns as breakfast.中国人喜欢在早饭吃馒头 。

老板来一个steamed buns.什么意思?steamed buns
n. 馒头;蒸包

1.The steamed buns fresh from the steamer were nice and warm.
刚出锅的馒头真热火 。

2. The steamed buns are cold; let's heat them up.
馒头凉了 , 縢一縢吧 。

3. These buns haven's been steamed long enough.
这一屉馒头欠火 。

4. We have rice, noodles, steamed buns, dumplings or pancake.
主食有米饭、面条、馒头、饺子和煎饼等 。

5. Steamed buns with turnip seedlings as stuffing are very delicious.
用鸡毛菜包的包子是很好吃的 。

steamed buns是什么?馒头

eat a few steamed buns什么意思eat a few steamed buns

n.馒头; 蒸包; steamed buns


Now steamed buns are taking a hit.
现在馒头正在受到冲击 。

Yao, who left the countryside more than two decades ago, still eats like a peasant, fillingup on cheap steamed buns and noodles and pinching every penny so that he can put hiskids through school.
二十多年前离开农村的姚在吃方面还是像个农民吃便宜的馒头和面条 , 他会节省每一分钱 , 以便让自己的孩子能够完成学业

steamed buns怎么读【steamed buns】
英语读音【sti:md bʌnz】
美语读音【sti:md bʌnz】
The steamed buns fresh from the steamer were nice and warm.
The steamed buns are cold; let's heat them up.

馒头凉了, 縢一縢吧.

steamed buns是什么意思steamed buns
包子 ;
Which do you prefer - porridge or steamed buns?

My little sister likes some steamed buns.
我妹妹喜欢吃点馒头 。
Soup steamed buns without ginger inside.
汤包的芯里面没有姜 。
The steamed buns are cold; let's heat them up.
馒头凉了 , 縢一縢吧 。

关于馒头的英文说法,"steamed bun"对还是"steamed bread"合适?

steamed buns


steamed bun对 。steamed bun读音:英 [stiːmd bʌn]美 [stiːmd bʌn]释义:馒头 , 包子 , 馍馍 。语法:是物质名词 , 表示单纯物质概念时 , 没有复数形式 , 如要表示数量 , 须在其前使用具有单复形式的计量单位 。扩展资料steamed bun的近义词:steamed rollsteamed roll读音:英 [stiːmd rəʊl]美 [stiːmd rəʊl]释义:馒头 , 花卷 。语法:steamed roll的基本意思是“馒头 , 花卷” , 还可指“食物”“营养” , 引申还可表示“生计”“谋生之道”“三餐” 。例句:Put the steamed roll over the fire for a while. 把馒头在火上嘘一嘘 。
steamed buns


馒头的英文:steamed bread , 读音:[sti:md][bred] 。steamed英 [sti:md]美 [sti:md]adj.蒸熟的 。v.蒸煮;冒蒸汽( steam的过去式和过去分词 );快速行走 , 疾行;(靠蒸汽)行驶 。bread英 [bred]美 [brɛd]n.面包;食物;营养 , 营养物;生计 。vt.在…上撒面包屑 。steamed bread的用法示例如下:1.Eat a whitening agent with sulphur steamed bread. 吃个增白剂加硫磺馒头 。2.What would you like, steamed bread, rice or dumplings? 你吃什么 , 馒头、米饭还是饺子?3.Steamed bread, rice and noodles. 馒头 , 米饭和面条 。4.Two fried eggs and some steamed bread. 两个煎鸡蛋和一些馒头 。扩展资料:steamed bread近义词:(1)steamed bun , n.包子;[医]馒头bun英 [bʌn]美 [bʌn]n.圆形的小面包或点心;(女子的)圆发髻;酒宴 , 闹饮;〈英方〉尾巴(2)steamed roll , 卷子;卷roll英 [rəʊl]美 [roʊl]vt.滚动;辗;使(眼球等)左右转动;(使)原地转圈 。vi.翻滚;左右摇晃;开始移动 , 启动 。n.名册;滚翻 。
学习外语有什么好处!学好外语 , 说一口流利地道的外语 , 能提高就业竞争力!不管是在生活、旅游还是工作中 , 你都可以用到英语 , 百利无一害!发音准确 , 别人才能听懂你的话 。对于没什么英语基础的人来说 , 可以试试阿卡索 , 能根据学员水平量身定制课程 , 更加具有针对性 , 有利于英语口语的提升 。而且 , 外教老师来自以英语为母语的国家 , 100%有证 , 学的也放心 。【免费外教一对一课程】阿卡索课程的优势如下:1.咱外教均有tesol证书 , 外教经验比较丰富 , 在官网也可以查到学历信息 。2.固定外教一对一教学 , 课程根据学员的英语情况和需求来定制 。3.在线学习 , 25分钟一节课 , 每天1节课 , 高频次学习方式 , 保证学习效果 。如果你想要免费获取全网最齐全的英语资源 , 欢迎百度搜索:阿卡索官网论坛。专注于打造中国英语学习资源分享网站 。内容十分丰富 , 包含少儿英语、英语口语听力、英语四六级、新概念、商务英语等免费资源下载 。
外语学习17. While talking to you, your could-be employer isdeciding whether your education, your
experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your"wares" and
abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.
[参考译文]在跟你谈话的时候 , 可能成为你的雇主的人就一直在衡量你的教育、经
验和其他资格是不是值得他雇用你 , 而你的"商品"和能力一定要以一
种有条不紊而且合情合理的相互关联的方式被展示出来 。

想要学习一门外语,哪种外语比较有用?常常听人讲:“语言就是一种沟通工具而已” 。但有些人却不这样认为 , 先不论语言本身的艺术感及其所体现的文化特色 , 语言其实更像一把打开新世界大们的钥匙 。学习一门外语带给人们的不仅仅是眼界的提升 , 它或许会潜移默化的改变我们 , 让我们的生活变得更多彩更美妙 。
如果以使用该语言的人口总数为标准 , 西班牙语是世界第二大语言(仅次于汉语) 。它是联合国的工作语言之一 , 有20个国家的官方语言是西班牙语 , 在美国约16%的人们在生活中使用西班牙语 。换句话说 , 如果学会了西班牙语 , 就可以和世界上近5亿的人们自由沟通呢!是不是很有用?
由于一些西班牙语字母的发音部位比较靠后 , 所以听起来略低缓雄厚 , 感觉很有磁性 。罗马帝国的皇帝查理五世曾说过 , 西班牙语是他用来和上帝沟通的语言 。想知道和上帝沟通的语言有多好听吗?那就赶紧听听西班牙语吧 。
“我对上帝说西班牙语 , 对女人说意大利语 , 对男人说法语 , 对我的马说德语 。” ----查理五世
美国一家机构曾做过这样的统计 , 母语是英语的人们大概需要600个小时的学习就可以掌握西班牙语啦 。虽然我们的母语并非英语 , 但学习西语也不是难事 , 因为它毕竟是世界上公认的最易学的语言之一 。
为了让大家有个更直观的了解 , 我们来举个例子 , 西班牙语一共有27个字母 , 每个字母的发音规则都是固定的(每个字母大概有1-3个规则) , 学会了这些规则那么即便不了解该单词的含义 , 也可以根据发音规则直接读出这个词来 , 无需查阅音标 。母语是中文的同学在专业老师的帮助下 , 仅需2-3个小时的学习 , 再在课下加深记忆 , 就可以通关西班牙语的发音部分了 。
俗话说兴趣是最好的老师 。但若每天对着枯燥的课文 , 没完没了的习题 , 那真的很难提起兴趣啊 。学习西语就不会有这样的困扰 , 因为西语国家文化实在太丰富有趣啦!动感磁性的西班牙语歌曲 , 带有魔幻主义色彩的拉美小说 , 好看的西语电影 , 热情洋溢的西语国家节日庆典 , 性感的拉丁舞 , 激情的足球比赛等等 , 这些都是我们学习西语的动力甚至是好方法!听着歌就把语言学了 , 可不要太惬意啊!
5.学习西语 , 会变得更快乐!
心理学家发现 , 学习语言从来就不是一件单独和片面的事情 , 我们说的语言和我们的身份意识交织在一起不可分离 , 而每种语言都离不开它背后的文化特色 , 我们学着这门语言 , 这门语言所属的文化也会影响我们的行动和思维 。
在多个调查机构的幸福指数调查排名中南美国家总是名列前茅 。特别是民调机构Gallup在2014年面向全球143个国家和地区西语国家的受访者提出了:你昨天笑了吗?大部分时间都感到快乐了吗?做了一些有趣的事情吗?此类的问题 , 最后的快乐指数排名显示 , 前十名的国家依次为巴拉圭、哥伦比亚、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、巴拿马、委内瑞拉、哥斯达黎加、萨尔瓦多、尼加拉瓜 。而这十个国家全部都是西语为母语的国家 , 即便他们的经济生活水平不高 , 西语国家的人们生活依旧乐观 , 快乐 。而许多学习西语的同学 , 也会潜移默化地受西语文化的影响 , 发觉自己好像越来越快乐了!
6.学会了西语 , 将丰富我们的旅程!
在拉丁美洲 , 除了巴西外的绝大部分国家都是讲西班牙语的 。拉美这块土地其实相当的神奇美妙 。自然风景 , 土着文化和殖民历史的完美融合让拉丁美洲变得独一无二 , 无可替代 。这些都等着我们去探索和感受 。
7.学会了西语 , 会变得更有优势!
拉丁美洲正在迅速发展的进程中 , “一带一路”倡议的推进 , 会促使近年来西语客户一直持续增长的购买力继续提升 , 贸易前景非常可观 , 就工作机会而言 , 懂得西班牙语显然会让简历变得更有优势!
8.学会了西语 , 离掌握五门外语的日子也不远啦!
西班牙语是拉丁语系的一门语言 , 同属拉丁语系的语言还有:法语 , 葡萄牙语 , 罗马尼亚语 , 意大利语 。这些语言非常相像 , 像到什么程度呢?据说西班牙和葡萄牙边境的居民们见面 , 大家聊天时都各说各的语言 , 还能愉快地进行沟通 。意大利的大学生们在完全没有提前学西语的情况下 , 就通过校际交换项目跑到西班牙的大学来上课 , 半年后和当地人聊天毫无障碍 。
这就意味着 , 如果学会了西班牙语 , 再学其他拉丁语系的语言将会事半功倍 , 精通五门外语不是梦!

steamed buns


韩语最好学 。韩国、日本和越南同属汉字文明圈文明邻近 , 一样平常韩剧、日剧看起来也比美剧更有感觉 , 文明的共通能够让你控制说话 , 以后更好学习一语言 。韩语的简略还在于韩语有70%都是汉字词 , 别的韩语是表音文字 , 学会发音以后 , 看到词就能够发进去 。扩展资料韩字在很短的时间内就被制定了出来 , 并且契合了中国古代哲学思想 , 是兼具哲学意象的拼音文字 。诞生时期为第一次世界大战到第二次世界大战之间 , 由当地文人、语言学家编译 。朝鲜半岛在14世纪以前都使用中文 。而其他国家的部分学者认为 , 韩字字母是受八思巴字影响创制出来的 。但是他们的学说不是以第一手资料为论举的 , 那第一手资料就是1940年发现的训民正音解例本制字解 , 所以有关韩字的其他所有学说在训民正音解例本的发现之后失灵 , 数年间的争论告终 。参考资料来源:百度百科-韩语
steamed buns是什么意思steamed bunsn.馒头; 蒸包;
[例句]Heat up the cold steamed buns.把凉馒头回回笼 。
steam 英 [sti:m]美 [stim]
n. 蒸汽 , 雾; 〈口〉精神 , 精力; 轮船 , 乘轮船旅行;
vt.& vi. 冒蒸汽; 快速行走 , 疾行;
vi. 动力; 成蒸汽上升; 汽动; [非正式]发怒;
vt. 蒸煮;
过去分词: steamed 过去式: steamed 现在分词: steaming 第三人称单数: steams
1. In 1941, the train would have been pulled by a steam engine.
1941年 , 火车本可以由蒸汽机车拉动 。
2. In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam.
在发电厂里 , 热能将水转化成高压蒸汽 。
bun 英 [bʌn]美 [bʌn]
n. 圆形的小面包或点心; (女子的)圆发髻; 酒宴 , 闹饮; 〈英方〉尾巴;
复数: buns
1. She had pale thin yellow hair she pulled back into a bun.
她把一头稀疏的浅黄色头发向后梳 , 挽成了个圆髻 。
2. She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun.
她正坐在餐桌旁 , 吃着葡萄干圆面包 。

steamed-buns是什么意思steamed buns

n.馒头; 蒸包;

[例句]Heat up the cold steamed buns.

把凉馒头回回笼 。

馒头Steamed buns ?对吗?【steamed buns】Bun 不是屁股!Butt 才是呢!Bun一般指像包子的东西 。Steamed buns 可以 , 或者直接音译过来:Mantou 。不过, 千万不要把Bun 理解为屁股!

关于馒头的英文说法,"steamed bun"对还是"steamed bread"合适?steamed
bun是小圆面包的意思 , 而bread英文解释是
baked , 即由面粉或餐和面团常常积有酵母或烤粉,然后烤成的食物 , 即烤面包 , 与蒸馒头不相符

steamed stuffed bun英语怎么说steamed stuffed bun
The steamed stuffed bun is too hot to eat.
包子太烫了 , 没法下口 。

馒头 , 英语怎么说阿steamed buns馒头
steamed twisted rolls花卷儿
steamed stuffed buns包子
steaned bun with meat filling肉包子
steamed bun filled with bean paste豆沙包
meat-filled bun cooked in a small bamboo steamer小笼包

steamed roll

steamed bun

steamed bread

Don't leave that steamed bread on the table, it will dry out
不要把馒头放在桌子上 , 它会干硬的 。

We should also eat carbohydrates, the main fuel for our body, which we can get from bread, rice and noodles.
我们还应该摄入我们身体所需的主要养料—碳水化合物 , 我们可以从馒头、米饭和面条中得到它 。

adj. 蒸(熟)的
v. steam的过去式和过去分词;蒸煮
Steam has fogged my glasses.
蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清 。
The boiler discharged steam.
锅炉排放了蒸汽 。
The ship steamed into the harbor.
轮船驶抵港口 。

v. 滚动;转动;发出隆隆声;运转;行驶;起伏;卷 , 绕;辗
n. 滚动 , 打滚;卷 , 卷状物;名册
roll - on / roll - off ship
The drums rolled.
鼓声隆隆 。
Thunder rolled.
雷声隆隆 。

n. 小圆面包
I want a currant bun.
我想吃个掺有葡萄干的小圆面包 。
Do you like to eat honey bun?
a round bun shaped to hold a hamburger patty.
可以装牛肉馅的圆形面包 。

go home in a few years practice什么意思1、 years存在错误 , 应改为years' 。
go home in a few years' practice的意思是经过几年的锻炼后回家 。
2、 in a few years' practice在几年的锻炼后 , 是时间状语 。
in a few years 几年后 , 几年内
(1)The exposed would have been destroyed naturally in a few years.
暴露在外的 , 几年之后会自然地毁掉了 。
(2)In a few years he had climbed to the top of his profession.
他在几年内攀上了职业的巅峰 。
(3)You will see differently in a few years.
再过几年你的看法就会不同了 。
practicen. 锻炼;练习;实行;习惯;业务v.练习;实践;开业;执业
(1)We must put our plans into practice.
我们必须将计划付诸实行 。
(2)You should make a practice of being on time for work.
你应该养成准时上班的习惯 。

求一篇关于粽子的笑话翻译米饭和包子是仇敌:steamed buns with stuffing and rice are enemy 。
米饭见到包着的就打:rice see a thing that is wrap will fight it 。
看到粽子就说:兄弟们上 , 打他:one day 。rice saw a pyramid-shaped mass of glutinous rice wrapped in leaves  , said:let us fight it !
粽子说:嘘 , 我是卧底 。pyramid-shaped mass of glutinous rice wrapped in leaves said:be quiet,i am an inside job.
把他们连起来 , 不好意思没有大写 , 韩文也不会 , 
steamed buns with stuffing 是包子的意思
a pyramid-shaped mass of glutinous rice wrapped in leaves 是粽子的意思
对了 , 楼上的 , dumplings是饺子的意思

将包子翻译成英语steamed bun with stuffing有的外文纪录片就叫dumpling , 有馅的都这么说

英文翻译帮帮忙1每年学生们都在学校的花园里种树The students plant in the garden of school every year.2从英国来的那个老师有只小黑狗吗?Does the teacher from Britain have a little black dog?3你们班的那个小女孩每天都在教室里吃苹果吗?Does that girl in your class eat apples in the classroom every day?4她妈妈在工厂里每月挣1000元钱 。Her mother earns one thousand yuan in the factory every month.5两山之间的小村庄是你家乡吗?Is that your hometown between the two mountains?6你们班的英语老师是住在学校里面吗?Does the English teacher of your class live in the school?7你每天都能见到你爸爸吗?Can you see your father every day?8桌子上的钱包里的钱是你的吗?Is the wallet on the desk yours?9你们班的那个漂亮小男孩每天都在教室里做作业吗?Does the pretty boy in your class do his homework in the classroom every day?10从英国来的那个老师每天晚上都在二楼的教室里教我们英语 。The teacher from Britain teaches us English in the classroom on the second floor every evening.11昨天从英国来的老师是在你们学校附近的医院吗?Was the teacher from Britain in the hospital near your school?12明年我将会成为我们班最好的学生 。I'll be the best student in my class next year.13我妈妈十年前非常漂亮 。My mother was very beautiful ten years ago.14去年我们学校有三位从英国来的老师 。There was three teachers who come from Britain last year in our school.15二十年前我爸爸非常穷 。My father was very poor twenty years ago.16昨天二楼的厕所里有一条死狗 。There was a dead dog in the washroom on the second floor.17桌子上有什么东西吗?Is there anything on the table?18教室里有人吗?Is there anybody in the classroom?19你们村里去年有多少孩子?How many children were there in your village last year?20你爸爸的钱包里昨天有多少钱?How much money was there in your father's wallet yesterday?21明年你们学校有多少位从英国来的老师?How many teachers from Britain will there be in your school next year?22桌子上的那个瓶子里有多少水?How much water are there in the bottle on the table?23北京市明年会有多少辆车?How many vehicles will there be in Beijing next year?24昨天夜里12点谁在二楼的厕所里?Who was in the washroom on the second floor at 0 o'clock last night?25十年前我们学校才有五位老师 。There were only five teachers ten years ago.26明年北京动物园就会有20只熊猫 。There will be twenty pandas in the Beijing zoo next year.27去年那所医院有多少从英国来的医生 。How many doctors from Britain in that hospital last year?28拿着刀的那个贼在哪呢Where is the theif with a knife?29明年你们学校有多少位从上海来的女生?How many girls from Shanghai will be in your school next year?30明天你们班的同学要在学校的花园里种树吗?Are your classmates going to plant trees in the garden of school tomorrow?31昨天你们班的傻子在二楼的厕所里见到一个大钱包吗?Did the idiot in your class pick a big wallet in the washroom on the second floor yesterday?32昨天早上那个从英国来的老师吃了30个包子了吗?Did the teacher from Britain eat thirty steamed buns with stuffing yesterday?33昨天晚上我没在家里看电视 。I didn't watch TV at home last night.34对于一个司机来说了解汽车非常必要 。It very important for a driver to know much about vehicles.35我很高兴你能来接我 。I'm very happy that you come to pick me up.36为了买一辆新的自行车 , 我爸爸拼命挣钱 。My father makes money very hard in order to buy a new bicycle.37我想去看我妈妈 。I want to visit my mother.38你看见他昨天在教室里做作业了吗?Did you see him doing his homework in the classroom yesterday?39学习英语花了我五年时间 。It takes me five years to learn English.

我们要进行英语演讲 , 演讲内蒙古 , 但有些词不知道怎么说!比如蒙古包 , 烧麦 , 羊杂碎 , 是直接说shaomai? 。。你可以这样说 steamed dumplings , we call it shao mai
steamed buns with stuffing
包子 。。
蒙古包子就用 Mongolian baozi 。。这样
还有那个mutton string羊肉串 。。。
还有那个蒙古什么什么你就合成就行比如 Mongolian robe蒙古袍
蒙古什么就合成就行 Mongolian后面加一个词就行
蒙古包: Mongolian yurt
蒙古奶酪:Mongolian cheese
就这么多了 。。。剩下的自己想想有成就感 。。
全是自己打的 。。请给分 。。谢谢

steamed stuffed bun是可数名词吗包子 bun 是可数名词! A bun. Two buns.
"Good Friday is celebrated with a traditional breakfast of codfish cakes and hot-cross buns ."

bread 面包=才是不可数名词! A loaf of bread. A lot of bread.

steamed stuffed bun怎么读
steamed buns


一、steamed stuffed bun英 [stiːmd stʌft bʌn]美 [stiːmd stʌft bʌn]n.包子1、The steamed stuffed bun is too hot to eat. 包子太烫了 , 没法下口 。2、For breakfast on Singles'Day, singles often eat four deep-fried dough sticks representing the four "ones" in "11.11" and one steamed stuffed bun representing the middle dot. 广大单身男女早餐通常会吃四根油条和一个包子来纪念这一特殊日子 。二、steamed英 [stiːmd]美 [stiːmd]v.蒸发;散发蒸汽;冒水汽;蒸(食物);依靠蒸汽动力行驶steam的过去分词和过去式The steamed bread is very fluffy. 馒头很暄 。三、stuffed英 [stʌft]美 [stʌft]adj.饱 v.填满;装满;塞满;灌满;把…塞进(或填进);在(蔬菜、鸡等)里填入(另外一种食物);给…装馅stuff的过去分词和过去式They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies. 他们填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖 。四、bun英 [bʌn]美 [bʌn]n.小圆甜蛋糕;小圆甜饼;圆面包;圆发髻You cannot eat a bun in one bite. 你不能一口吃下一个面包 。扩展资料steam1、N-UNCOUNT 蒸汽;水蒸气 Steam is the hot mist that forms when water boils. Steam vehicles and machines are operated using steam as a means of power.In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam.在发电厂里 , 热能将水转化成高压蒸汽 。2、VERB 冒蒸汽;冒热气 If something steams, it gives off steam....restaurants where coffee pots steamed on their burners.咖啡壶在炉子上冒着热气的餐馆3、V-ERG 蒸(食物) If you steam food or if it steams, you cook it in steam rather than in water. →see usage note at: cookSteam the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender...将胡萝卜蒸至刚好变软 。4、PHRASE 进展迅速;全速前进 If something such as a plan or a project goes full steam ahead, it progresses quickly.The Government was determined to go full steam ahead with its privatisation programme...政府下决心要全力实施私有化计划 。5、PHRASE 发泄怒火;宣泄情感 If you let off steam, you get rid of your energy, anger, or strong emotions with physical activity or by behaving in a noisy or violent way.Regular exercise helps to combat unwanted stress and is a good way of relaxing or letting off steam.经常运动有助于摆脱多余的压力 , 也是放松或宣泄情感的好办法 。6、PHRASE (信念、计划、项目等)变得越来越重要 , 开始发展壮大 If a belief, a plan, or a project picks up steam, it starts to develop and become more important.Just as the presidential campaign was picking up steam, riots exploded in Los Angeles.正当总统竞选活动的声势日益壮大时 , 洛杉矶爆发了暴乱 。7、PHRASE 精疲力竭;丧失热情;泄气 If you run out of steam, you stop doing something because you have no more energy or enthusiasm left.I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through.我决定粉刷一下浴室的天花板 , 但干了一半就精疲力竭了 。8、PHRASE 靠自己的力量 If you do something under your own steam, you do it without any help from anyone else.Patients who are well enough to turn up under their own steam are well enough to wait to be seen by a doctor.让那些身体状况不那么糟、还能自己来看病的病人花点时间候诊没什么问题 。
英语中,馒头,包子是可数的吗是的 , 面不可数 。馒头包子可数

steamed buns


knowledge不可数 。knowledge 英 ['nɒlɪdʒ]美 ['nɑːlɪdʒ]n. 学问;了解;知识;认识;知道1、knowledge可表示“了解 , 知道”或“知识 , 认识 , 学问”等 , 是不可数名词 。有时在knowledge前可直接加上不定冠词a , 表示“对…有某种程度的了解或熟悉” 。2、knowledge后可接of短语作定语或that从句作同位语 , 表示关于某方面的知识或对某人〔某事物〕的了解或理解 , 此时knowledge前须加定冠词 。3、knowledge可用some ,  much ,  little ,  more等词修饰 。扩展资料近义词一、ability 英 [ə'bɪləti]美 [ə'bɪləti]n. 能力;才能例:She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.她有处变不惊的本事 。二、apprehension 英 [ˌæprɪ'henʃn]美 [ˌæprɪ'henʃn]n. 理解;忧惧;逮捕;了解例:The matter is beyond my apprehension.这件事我无法理解 。