
战略大作战这部电影的主题曲叫什么名字?留邮箱给我 选下佳 消息我下我会传给你的现在网上不好下 我找了很久结果自己从电影最后切了下来 不过没杂音


美国片《战略大作战》的主题曲是:<Burring Bridges>youku上的视频可以么?

求美国二战经典《战略大作战》主题曲《Burring Bridges》MP3!!...http://lib.verycd.com/2006/02/11/0000089365.html
电驴网页内可以找到这出电影的大碟,里面就有你要的歌,因为比较少有,我找到的只有电驴还可以下载,不过你要有点耐性 。碟名“Lalo Schifrin -《战略大作战》(Kelly's Heroes)”



爱情公寓四的主题曲和片尾曲是什么【爱情公寓4】的片尾曲是【I remember the】-shandy gan 颜培珊

电视剧画皮的主题歌和片尾曲是什么主题曲《唯爱》主唱:薛凯琪 周子扬

求二战影片 。战略大作战》的主题曲下载地址电驴网页内可以找到这出电影的大碟,里面就有你要的歌,因为比较少有,我找到的只有电驴还可以下载,不过你要有点耐性 。碟名“Lalo Schifrin -《战略大作战》(Kelly's Heroes)”

战略大作战主题曲电影《战略大作战》主题曲的下载地址http://www.filmscoremonthly.com/store/MP3/0720/15_BURNING_BRIDGES__SUNG_BY.MP3 歌词:

Friends have tried to warn me but I held my head up high,
all the time they warned me but I only passed them by,
they all tried to tell me but I guess I didn't care,
turned my back and left them standing there.

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forever more.

Joey tried to help me find a job, a while ago,
when I finally got it I didn't want to go,
the party mary gave for me, when I just walked away,
now there's nothing left for me to say.

All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
burning bridges lost forevermore.

Years have passed and I keep thinking, what a fool I've been,
I look back into the past, and think of way back then,
I know I lost everything I thought I could win, I guess I should have listened to my friends.

All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forevermore.
Burning Bridges lost forevermore希望是你要找的歌曲!

二战电影战略大作战的插曲叫什么【战略大作战主题曲】Burring Bridges

美国经典战争片《战略大作战》主题曲叫什么名字?Burning Bridges

Friends have tried to warn me but I held my head up high,
all the time they warned me but I only passed them by,
they all tried to tell me but I guess I didn't care,
turned my back and left them standing there.

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forever more.

Joey tried to help me find a job, a while ago,
when I finally got it I didn't want to go,
the party mary gave for me, when I just walked away,
now there's nothing left for me to say.

All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
burning bridges lost forevermore.

Years have passed and I keep thinking, what a fool I've been,
I look back into the past, and think of way back then,
I know I lost everything I thought I could win, I guess I should have listened to my friends.

All the burning bridges that are falling after me,
all the lonely feelings and the burning memories,
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door,
Burning bridges lost forevermore.
Burning Bridges lost forevermore

美国电影插曲!在电驴上有原声专辑,你要找的那首名字应该是 Requiem或者opening titles,不知对不对

求电影《战略大作战》的主题曲:<Burring Bridges>下载地址``,邮箱18932015513@qq.com,要完整的MP3,谢谢是要找这个吗

有没有和战略大作战一样的电影电视演的叫《劫后余生》,几个法国兵偷走了金库里的黄金 。


求电影《战略大作战(kelly's hero)》的片头曲http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=burning+bridges+&lm=-1 第22个

电影战略大作战片尾曲是什么?Kelly s Heroes

望采纳 。谢谢

请教1970年电影《战略大作战》的一首歌名Burning Bridges

在哪可以找到美国片《战略大作战》的主题曲是:<Burring Bridges>http://lib.verycd.com/2006/02/11/0000089365.html
电驴网页内可以找到这出电影的大碟,里面就有你要的歌,因为比较少有,我找到的只有电驴还可以下载,不过你要有点耐性 。碟名“Lalo Schifrin -《战略大作战》(Kelly's Heroes)”

找一部美国电影我保证绝对是《战略大作战》!首发命中,望采纳 。抄袭复制者退散!


最新二战电影白色虎式 。抵抗行动 。拯救大兵瑞恩(前二十五分钟奥马哈海滩登陆战十分真实残酷) 。硫磺岛家书(小日本的,美国人导演的,不想看也无妨)前哨(一部恐怖片,说的是要塞中纳粹士兵冤魂复活的故事,不是二战期间的) 。金陵十三钗(战斗场面的真实度是国产影片中最高的) 。南京,南京(战争反思题材的,但情色比较重),这里的黎明静悄悄(不是电影,是一部电视剧)以上是比较新的 。再给你推荐几部世界经典的 。虎口脱险(二战喜剧片) 。紫日(国产高水平作品),战争子午线 。黄河绝恋 。举起手来什么的就当笑话看吧 。莫斯科保卫战(前苏联影片) 。解放系列(苏联为了拍摄它们动用了战争片历史上最多的军队和武器,投资也相当惊人 。但片中战斗场面全由军队完成,尤其是大规模装甲部队战斗场面非常宏大),丹娘(讲前苏联女英雄卓雅的) 。兵临城下(美国和俄罗斯都拍过,不知你看完没有) 。柏林的女人(揭露苏军攻克柏林后军队劣迹的) 。细细的红线(太平洋战场的),遥远的乔 。桂河大桥 。巴顿将军 。兄弟连 。太平洋 。血战科科达 。辛德勒名单(战争反思片)决战斯大林格勒(德国拍的,虽说片中难免美化了德国军队,但对战争的反思十分深刻),帝国的毁灭 。另外再跟你推荐几部二战纪录片 。天启 。世纪战争(其实这两年探索发现制作的战争警报和铁血二战都是把这部片再包装的) 。伟大的卫国战争(前苏联于七十年代末拍过,这两年又拍了两部新的,都是经典之作 。)中国远征军 。另外我也是历史爱好者,尤其喜爱二战史,现在时间紧可能想不出全部的好电影,有机会再告诉你 。

极地重生,二战经典电影,求原著啊已取得联系,如果满意回答请采纳 。




