
好听的轻音乐英文歌曲I love you,2. Serenade【绝对熟悉 。而你叫不出名字】

1. Valentine's Day【温馨的钢琴曲】3. 倾斜【舒服】

4. 天际【和狮子座很像】

5. 夏日香气【有些伤感,和离别有关】

6. Love Story meets Viva La Vida 【泰勒·斯威夫特的love story钢琴曲】

7. Take A Bow【节奏感,同名歌曲rihanna的take a bow很棒】


9. River flows in you 【曲如其名】

10. November【11月的肖邦】

11. Daylight of the evening【阳光的味道】

12. 在记忆里【我永远活在你视野的角落】

13. dance to the death【与你忧伤地舞蹈】

14. あの日の川【此时只有音乐能代替我】

15. 等风的日子【未来会怎样我已不怕,有这样美丽的过程已足够】

16. remember【你还记得,我们一起走过的雨街】

17. Juste un Petit Coeur Qui Bat【可惜太晚了,这个结局,我们谁都没想到,如果在前一刻,那不就好了吗?】

18. raindrops 【我以为呵出一口气,能化作晴天的云,没想到竟在眼角凝结成雨滴】

19. Kimi Wo Omou Melodi【爱情一开始就是场做得迷离而完美的梦,失落在爱情落幕的季节,沉默瞬间发现自己曾经那样用心付出过】

20. 忧伤还是快乐 忧伤还是快乐系列篇 忧伤还是快乐姐妹篇 【记住这里是三首一样风格 。但不一样的曲子】

21. 回忆如梦 【我相信了你编写的童话,自己就成了童话中幽蓝的花】

22. 千与千寻 【如果我们各奔东西,请记得彼此】

23. 静静聆听 【原来纯音乐也可以很pop】

24. Waltz For Julia【不曾和你在一座城市,但是,为了你,我愿意等下去】

25. the truth that you leave 【爱情不是存在于我住的地方,而是存在于我爱的地方 。】




人教版的《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 音乐 (五线谱) 五年级上册》目录在下面了拓展资料:本书是根据教育部国家音乐课程标准(修订稿)编写的一套音乐教材,供各实验区五年级学生使用 。“十五”全国教育科学规划国家级重点课题成果,国家音像最高奖──国家音像制品奖获奖作品 。依据国家课程标准,以全新的课程理念引领贯穿, 将先进的教育、教学理念融入每一个教学环节 。人民教育出版社立体化教材的重要组成部分,与教材同步配套,学科齐全 。由课程设计专家、教材编写专家及教研专家等共同设计、审定,人教社专业音像出版社历时五年精心拍摄制作 。一位教师与六位学生创设的小班课堂,呈现出完整、真实的教学过程 。重点、难点精讲巧练,突出学生主体,体现合作、互动的学习方式 。集图、文、声、像为一体,全面调动动画、实拍外景、电脑游戏等多样化的媒体形式和教学资源,教学设计引人入胜,教学环境令人耳目一新 。展示全国数十位优秀教师的风采,汇集千余堂优质示范课,百名中外学生共同参与 。参考资料:人民教育出版社


音乐种类大致有以下种类:1、可分为声乐和器乐两大类型2、可分为经典音乐、流行音乐、民族音乐等类型音乐作品是通过人声表达的,这样的作品被称为声乐作品 。有一些作品是用乐器演奏出来的,这样的音乐作品被称为器乐作品 。扩展资料音乐的英名称:music;法文名称: musique;意大利文:musica 。音乐是有节奏、旋律或和声的人声或乐器音响等配合所构成的一种艺术,反映人类现实生活情感,也是最能即时打动人的艺术形式之一 。音乐还能表现出乐手们和音乐创作者的用心 。
怎么做原创的音乐歌曲?看你是想做专业点用来出售(包括往唱片公司寄的demo)的还是自己用来娱乐的,做音乐的前提是你得懂得基本的乐理常识和和声基础知识,当然这是专业点的,因为原创歌曲包括歌曲的词曲创作以及和声编写还有配器等,demo的话这几样是必不可缺的,当然这些一个人做的话需要很费劲的功夫和耐心因为写歌制作歌曲是一个不小的工程,所以你只要有一样专长的话就可以做原创音乐了,我们川音就是有分作曲系 音乐文学系(就是写词的)器乐系 等等……,剩下的可以找人合作创作或者制作,常用的录小样的音乐软件我们几乎都是用的cool edit,音乐制作(也就是伴奏的制作)包括谱曲 编曲常用的是NUENDO,还有就是你的电脑声卡一定要配置高的,一般的集成声卡做出来的音质比独立声卡差的 。这是小样的制作需要,你要是能够谱出曲来的话可以让人给你代做伴奏包括编曲啥的都给你包了,当然有可能跟你的实际表达想法有出入,但这也算是原创,但是制作歌曲小样的话找人带做也是需要破费你好几百大洋的 。娱乐的话那就简单了从网上下载个伴奏重新调试一下节奏稍改风格也算是二度创作,不算严格意义上的原创音乐 。
定主旋律看你想写什么风格的歌曲了 如果是悲伤的那就最好是写小调音乐,音阶变化不要陡降陡升这样才能写出悲伤的歌曲 欢快的则相反


求一首英文歌的名字,歌曲中涉及拉斯维加斯 。歌曲:money 歌手:jon and van 专辑:《page of life》
Have you seen the magazine
Where all the rich, the kings and queens,
Presidents of politics
And emperors of oh so clean.
Oh so clean.....oh so clean
Oh so clean.....oh so clean
Song for money. Song for money.
Song for money. Song for money.
Song for money. Song for money.
Song for money. Song for money.
The system loves the richest boy,
The richest sheiks of Arabie.
The system loves the richest girl.
A modern mind is climbing free.
Jon And Vangelis
The walls are clean, the body dry,
no memory can confuse her why
Because if I'm not there this way,
our crazyness is here to stay
Money, money, money, money, money - MONEY!
Money, money, money, money, money - MONEY!
Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
Have you seen the shouts us down,
we overroll Manhattan town, we
Hold the uncle by the family,
fakers countin' Tokyo 'round me
Money, money, money, money, money - MONEY!
Song for money. Song for money.
Song for money. Song for money.
Song for money. Song for money.
The system loves the richest boy,
The richest girl is in the world.
They'll buy her life for everything
Her food, her clothes, her car, her dream
Freedom can't invest itself,
It's all a game for someone else.
One thing sure, it's real you see
When you got conspiracy.
Money grubs,
Money greeds,
Money chops,
Money speeds,
Money breaks,
Money burns.
Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
It's only money.
It's only money.
It's only money.
It's only money.


《离开拉斯维加斯》开头歌曲什么名字不是有歌词吗?have you ever been 什么什么的,好像是说你曾经有过被世界抛弃的感觉吗,是sting唱的,你看电影演完了,最后放字幕时,每一首歌都有的,注意寻找一下哦,我查电影插曲都是这样的,不过有很多没有的,因为那些歌太偏,希望这个你能找到

有一首英文歌女生唱的 高潮是“啦啦啦啦啦”(好像是什么主题曲那个啦啦啦(拉斯维加斯?)然后后面好像yesterday. once. more?


酷狗中的 【拉斯维加斯开场曲 】的真名是什么《战争机器》Live 预告片的背景音乐,那首歌是,Gary Jules版,男声版 1 C.S.I罪案现场调查拉斯维加斯中有一集的开场曲就是这个,一个男人唱的,最有feel,个人感觉比GOW的女声还好听 。到酷狗上去搜索 。

孤胆车神 拉斯维加斯的主题曲,就是一打开游戏时的音乐《孤胆车神:拉斯维加斯》的主题曲是名DJ——Skrillex的《Bangarang》 。史奇雷克斯,Skrillex,原名桑尼·约翰·摩尔(Sonny John Moore),1988年1月15日出生于美国加州洛杉矶,美国DJ、歌手、吉他手、音乐制作人 。2004年,加入摇滚团体担任主唱、键盘手及吉他手,参与录制两张专辑,2007年离开乐队 。2009年,发行首张个人迷你专辑《Gypsyhook EP》,并以Skrillex艺名开始表演 。2010年,《Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites》、《More Monsters and Sprites》作品发布使他备受关注 。2011年12月,第54届格莱美奖提名他为最佳新人,最后获得最佳舞曲录音、最佳电子/舞曲专辑、最佳非古典混音录制三个奖项 。《孤胆车神:维加斯》是由Gameloft研发的一款角色扮演类手机游戏,于2013年6月2日发行 。游戏保持了一如既往的高度自由度,和《GTA》一样,这个系列最吸引人的地方,就是在完成各种任务的同时,享受那自由的国度,杀人、抢车、金钱交易,成为城市的主宰 。
慢摇 - 拉斯维加斯开场曲 用哭狗搜 想知道它的原名和歌词 谢谢了Gullia -- Oops Jaime Pas Langlais试听http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/6jlCAtCmlkU



1、《Bangarang》《Bangarang》是由 Sonny Moore、Sara Mitchell作曲、作词,Skrillex 演唱的一首歌曲,该歌曲收录在专辑《Bangarang EP》中,发行于2011年12月27日 。2、《Combust》《Combust》是由Audio作曲,是没有歌词的纯音乐,该歌曲收录在专辑《Ramiami Drum& Bass2015》中,发行于2015年3月15日 。3、《Night call》《Night call》是由Kavinsky作曲、作词,并演唱的一首歌曲,该歌曲收录在专辑《Night call》中,发行于2010年4月2日 。4、《Blue Milk》《Blue Milk》是由Stereolab作曲,是没有歌词的纯音乐,该歌曲收录在专辑《The Studio Album Collection 1992-2004》中,发行于2015年9月11日 。5、《Bad Machine》《Bad Machine》是由Starwood作曲,是没有歌词的纯音乐,该歌曲收录在专辑《If It Ain't Broke, Break It》中,发行于2011年6月11日 。
孤胆车神维加斯游戏主题曲叫什么你好,很高兴为你解答 。孤胆车神维加斯游戏主题曲叫 Bangarang,希望能帮到你,求采纳 。

求孤胆车神:拉斯维加斯 这个游戏进入首页里面的那个背景曲Skrillex-Bangarang采纳吧少年^_^

《孤胆车神:拉斯维加斯》的主题曲是?《孤胆车神:拉斯维加斯》的主题曲是名DJ——Skrillex的《Bangarang》 。史奇雷克斯,Skrillex,原名桑尼·约翰·摩尔(Sonny John Moore),1988年1月15日出生于美国加州洛杉矶,美国DJ、歌手、吉他手、音乐制作人 。2004年,加入摇滚团体担任主唱、键盘手及吉他手,参与录制两张专辑,2007年离开乐队 。2009年,发行首张个人迷你专辑《Gypsyhook EP》,并以Skrillex艺名开始表演 。2010年,《Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites》、《More Monsters and Sprites》作品发布使他备受关注 。2011年12月,第54届格莱美奖提名他为最佳新人,最后获得最佳舞曲录音、最佳电子/舞曲专辑、最佳非古典混音录制三个奖项 。《孤胆车神:维加斯》是由Gameloft研发的一款角色扮演类手机游戏,于2013年6月2日发行 。游戏保持了一如既往的高度自由度,和《GTA》一样,这个系列最吸引人的地方,就是在完成各种任务的同时,享受那自由的国度,杀人、抢车、金钱交易,成为城市的主宰 。

拉斯维加斯开场曲歌名是什么音乐是Dana Winner演唱的,视频是动画片《美少女战士》剪辑 。
比利时女歌手Dana Winner,音色纯净,音域宽广的她1988年在一次混音竞赛中,以一首由Mireille Mathieu唱的"Amour Défendu"的获胜.次年,发行了第一张单曲翻唱卡朋特的"Top of the World"(Op het dak van de wereld)从此走上演艺事业.
Dana Winner的第一张专辑"Regenbogen"CD在1993年10月发行,专辑取得巨大的成功,销量超过150000张,荣获比利时最佳女歌手金眼奖,囊获5个白金奖.第二张专辑"Mijn paradijs"发行后,夺得4个白金奖项,再次捧得金眼奖.
1995年,当属Dana的事业颠峰期,在新专辑"Regen van Geluk"发行后,各种奖项接踵而来,其中包括:"Golden Eye",最佳女歌手"Zamu"奖和"The Brussels International Trade Mart Award"提名.1996,
"Waar is het gevoel"专辑发行,无庸质疑的白金销量,并获第四次"Golden Eye"奖.
这首moonlight shadow也算是她的经典曲目了,歌曲充满东欧民谣气息,再加上她清澈透明的声音和一丝丝的空灵,基本上是把这首歌演译到位了,歌曲一开始就是模糊中透着清晰的钢琴,然后是纯净的声音从云端穿越而来,这声音和月光一样纯净,如雨后的空气那样清新,让我们不知不觉沉浸在美妙纯净的声音里

你好,请问一下,拉斯维加斯开场曲,那个歌叫什么名字啊??拉斯维加斯开场曲 去分贝网搜去

拉斯维加斯的开场曲叫什么CSI LV S2Ep5 Scuba Doobie-Doo

Jadus / the Charlatans


有没有和shape of you 一样好听的英文歌那就搜黄老板的哥呗,或者贾斯丁比伯的love yousrlf是黄老板写的

拉斯维加斯开场曲MP3链接地址 可以放在扣扣空间的QQ多少 。发给你

拉斯维加斯开场曲、急急急dj carpi - the garden是这个?



莎拉&布莱曼Sarah Brightman拉斯维加斯演唱会01 Kama Sutra
02 Harem Overture (Cancao do Mar)
03 Beautiful
04 It's A Beautiful Day
05 Dust In The Wind
06 Who Wants To Live Forever
07 Anytime, Anywhere Interlude
08 Anytime, Anywhere
09 Nella Fantasia
10 Stranger In Paradise
11 La Luna
12 Nessun Dorma
13 No One Like You
14 Arabian Nights
15 The War Is Over (with Eli Barak)
16 Free
17 What A Wonderful World
18 A Whiter Shade Of Pale
19 Phantom Of The Opera Suite
20 Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
21 Time To Say Goodbye
22 The Journey Home
23 A Question Of Honour

01 Kama Sutra

02 Harem Overture (Cancao do Mar)
Burning sands, winds of desire
Mirrored oasis reflect a burning fire
Within my heart, unwatered, feeding the flame
Welcoming you to my Harem

Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage

Deep desires, sleep untold
Whispers that echo the desert of my soul
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem

Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage

Time is change, time's fool is man
None will escape the passing sands of time
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem

03 Beautiful
If you can depend
On certainty
Count it out and weigh it up again
You can be sure
You've reached the end
And still you don't feel

Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
You are, yes you are, yes you are

If you can ignore
What you've become
Take it out and see it die again
You can be here
So who's a friend
And still you don't feel

Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
You are, yes you are, yes you are

Yes you are

Innermost thoughts
Will be understood
And you can have all you need

Do you know (do you know about anything)
Do you know (do you know about anyone)
Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
You are, yes you are, yes you are

Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
You are, yes you are, yes you are

Yes, you are

04 It's A Beautiful Day
Un bel giorno ...
Un bel giorno per morire

Un bel di, vedremo
Levarsi un fil di fumo
Sull'estremo con fin del mare
E poi la nave appare

With every new day
Your promises fade away
It's a fine day to see
Though the last day for me
It's a beautiful day

Un bel di, vedremo
Levarsi un fil di fumo
Sull'estremo con fin del mare
E poi la nave appare

With every new day
Your promises fade away
It's a fine day to see
Though the last day for me
It's a beautiful day

It's the last day for me
It's a beautiful day

It's the last day for me
It's a beautiful day

05 Dust In The Wind
I close my eyes, only for a moment and the moment's gone.
All my dreams pass before my eyes in curiosity.
Dust in the wind.
All they are is dust in the wind.
Same old song.
Just a drop of water in an endless sea.
All we do crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see.
Dust in the wind.
All we are is dust in the wind.

Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.
It slips away and all your money won't another minute buy.
Dust in the wind.
All we are is dust in the wind.
Dust in the wind.
Everything is dust in the wind.

06 Who Wants To Live Forever
There's no time for us,
There's no place for us,
What is this thing that builds our dreams,
Yet slips away from us.

Who wants to live forever,
Who wants to live forever, .....?

There's no chance for us,
It's all decided for us,
This world has only one sweet moment
Set aside for us.

Who wants to live forever,
Who wants to live forever, .....?

Now touch my tears with your lips,
Touch my world with your fingertips,
And we can have forever,
And we can love forever,
Forever is our today.

Who wants to live forever,
Who wants to live forever, .....?

Who waits forever anyway?

07 Anytime, Anywhere Interlude

08 Anytime, Anywhere
Strade son' cambiate.
Faccie son' diverse.
Era la mia città.
Non la conosco più.
La ora io sono solo un' estranea
Senza patria.

I remember you were there.
Any one emotion.
Any true devotion.
Anytime, anywhere.

Case son' cambiate.
Voci son' diverse.
Era la mia città.
Non la conosco più.
La ora io sono solo un' estranea
Senza patria.

I remember you were there.
Any one emotion.
Any true devotion.
Anytime, anywhere.

Tanti, anni son' passati.
Vite son' cambiate.
Era la mia città.
Non la conosco più.
E ora io sono solo un' estranea
Senza patria.

09 Nella Fantasia
Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,
Li tutti vivono in pace e in onestà.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,
Pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima.

Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo chiaro,
Li anche la notte è meno oscura.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano.

Nella fantasia esiste un vento caldo,
Che soffia sulle città, come amico.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,
Pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima.

10 Stranger In Paradise
Take my hand
I'm a stranger in paradise
All lost in a wonderland
A stranger in paradise
If I stand starry-eyed
That's the danger in paradise
For mortals who stand beside an angel like you

I saw your face ascending
Out of the common place and into the rare
Now somewhere out in space I hang suspended
Until I'm certain that there's a chance that you care

Won't you answer this fervent prayer
Of a stranger in paradise
Don't send me in dark despair
From all that I hunger for
But open your angel's arms
To this stranger in paradise
And tell him that he need be
A stranger no more


Take my hand
I'm a stranger in paradise
All lost in a wonderland
A stranger in paradise
If I stand starry-eyed
That's the danger in paradise
For mortals who stand beside an angel like you

I saw your face as I ascended
Out of the common place and into the rare
Now somewhere out in space I hang suspended
Until I'm certain that there's a chance that you care

Won't you answer this fervent prayer
Of a stranger in paradise
Don't send me in dark despair
From all that I hunger for
But open your angel's arms
To this stranger in paradise
And tell him that he need be
A stranger no more

A stranger no more

11 La Luna
Scende la notte, tranquillità
Piano il buio respira
Solo la luna veglierà
Con argento ci coprirà
Dal grande cielo splenderà
Solo la luna veglierà

La luna della notte
Dolcemente ci proteggerà
La luna della notte
Dolcemente ci proteggerà

Scende la notte , e lei è la
Su tutto'l cielo lei regna
Con gentilezza lei guarderà
Illuminando la sera
Con gentilezza lei guarderà
Illuminando la sera

La luna della notte
Dolcemente ci proteggerà
La luna della notte
Dolcemente ci proteggerà

Luna non veglierà
Luna scomparirà

12 Nessun Dorma
Nessun dorma!
Nessun dorma!
Tu pure, o Principe,
Nella tua fredda stanza guardi le stelle,
Che tremano d'amore e di speranza!

Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me,
Il nome mio nessun saprà!
No, no, sulla tua bocca lo dirò,
Quando la luce splenderà!

Ed il mio bacio scioglierà.
Il silenzio che ti fa mio!

Il nome suo nessun saprà!
E noi dovrem ahimè morir, morir!

Dilegua o notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle!
All' alba vincerò!
Vincerò! Vincerò!

13 No One Like You
And we too - will it not be soft and kind
That rest from life, from patience and from pain
That rest from bliss, we know not when we find
How can I have enough of life and love

In your eyes are my secrets that I've never shown you
In my heart I feel I've always known you
In your arms there's a comfort that I never knew
You're what I've been waiting for, there's no one like you

Sure as the sunrise, pure as a prayer
You fashioned hope right out of thin air
Ev'ry dream I abandoned, seems it could come true
I believe in miracles, there's no one like you

Innocent as a newborn in a world so fright'ning
It's as if my world's been struck by lightning
Ev'ry dream I abandoned, seems it could come true
I believe in miracles, there's no one like you

14 Arabian Nights

Voyage, voyage
Voyage, voyage
Wilderness to wilderness
I traveled from afar
On the soft wind of the Nadq
Came fragrance of Araar
Splendor of a thousand suns shone glory in my path
No love more pure and rage more fierce
Could still my beating heart
Voyage, voyage
Voyage, voyage

Should I return to trace the shadows of my chases
My steps will echo there from sand to stone
I will never let my eyelids close on empty spaces
My dreams will fill the void with tales unknown
Know the mighty infinite obscures the far horizon
The whispered road I take will never bend
And will the wind return my story to its promise
Or will my story chase me to my end


Yay hava mairay dilber
K mairay pyar k geet sunana
Tu hay mairay manzel
Or pyar mairah musafer
Mairay reshmi zulfay
Teri zanzeer

Melodies unspoken
Flowing from the lotus of my heart
Ending where we start

Promises unbroken
Promising a never-ending fire
Of love beyond desire

Ending where we start

15 The War Is Over (with Eli Barak)
My statues are falling
Like feathers of snow
Their voices are calling
In a whispering world
Waiting for the morning glow

Heaven is calling
From a rainy shore
Counting wounded lights falling
Into their dreams
Still searching for an open door

In morning dew
A glorious scene came through
Like war is over now
I feel I'm coming home again

Pure moments of thought
In the meaning of love
This war is over now
I feel I'm coming home again

An arrow of freedom
Is piercing my heart
Breaking chains of emotion
Give a moment to pray
Lost innocence to find its way

Fields of sensation
A cry in the dark
Hope is on the horizon
With a reason to stay
And living for a brand new day

In morning dew
A glorious scene came through
Like war is over now
I feel I'm coming home again

Pure moments of thought
In the meaning of love
This war is over now
I feel I'm coming home again

Salaam Allah alad donia alal'insaan
Ah, ah o ah
Mata nahia behob ou aman
Salaam Allah, Salaam Allah
Salaam Allah alad donia alal'insaan

In morning dew
A glorious scene came through
Like war is over now
I feel I'm coming home again

Pure moments of thought
In the meaning of love
This war is over now
I feel I'm coming home again
To you

16 Free
And do you still touch her like you do
Kiss her all over in the way I kissed with you
And when you sleep with her, do you sometimes think of me
Not if you love her the way that I see

I had to be free
Had to be free
It's all that I wanted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be
Alone if I needed

I had to be free
Had to be free
From feelings that haunted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be

And then in the evening light, when the bars of freedom fall
I watch the two of you in the shadows on the wall
How in the darkness steals some of the choices from my hand
Then will I begin to understand

I had to be free
Had to be free
It's all that I wanted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be
Alone if I needed

I had to be free
Had to be free
From feelings that haunted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be

I had to be free
Had to be free
It's all that I wanted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be
Alone if I needed

I had to be free
Had to be free
From feelings that haunted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be

17 What A Wonderful World
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands, sayin' "How do you do?"
They're really saying "I love you"

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

Wonderful world...
A wonderful world...
A wonderful world...
A wonderful world...

18 A Whiter Shade Of Pale
We skipped the light Fandango
Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
I was feeling kind of seasick
But the crowd called out for more
The room was humming harder
As the ceiling flew away
When we called out for another drink
The waiter brought a tray

And so it was that later
As the Miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale

She said there is no reason
And the truth is plain to see
But I wandered through my playing cards
And I would not let her be
One of the sixteen vestal virgins
Who were leaving for the coast
And although my eyes were open
They might just as well've been closed

And so it was that later
As the Miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale

19 Phantom Of The Opera Suite
Twisted every way, what answer can I give?
Am I to risk my life,to win the chance to live?
Can I betray the man who once inspired my voice?
Do I become his prey? Do I have any choice?
He kills without a thought, he murders all that's good
I know I can't refuse and yet, I wish I could
Oh God - if I agree,
what horrors wait for me in this, the Phantom's opera ...?

In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name

Little Lottie thought of everything and nothing
Her Father promised her the Angel of Music
Her father promised her
Her father promised her

20 Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
You were once my one companion
You were all that mattered
You were once a friend and father
Then my world was shattered

Wishing you were somehow here again
Wishing you were somehow near
Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed
Somehow you would be here

Wishing I could hear your voice again
Knowing that I never would
Dreaming of you won't help me to do
All that you dreamed I could

Passing bells and sculpted angels
Cold and monumental
Seem for you the wrong companions
You were warm and gentle

Too many years fighting back tears
Why can't the past just die?

Wishing you were somehow here again
Knowing we must say goodbye
Try to forgive, teach me to live
Give me the strength to try

No more memories, no more silent tears
No more gazing across the wasted years
Help me say goodbye
Help me say goodbye

21 Time To Say Goodbye
Quando sono sola
sogno all'orizzonte
e mancan le parole,
si lo so che non c'è luce
in una stanza quando manca il sole,
se non ci sei tu con me, con me.
Su le finestre
mostra a tutti il mio cuore
che hai accesso,
chiudi dentro me
la luce che
hai incontrato per strada.

Time to say goodbye. - Con te partirò.
Paesi che non ho mai
veduto e vissuto con te,
adesso sì li vivrò.
Con te partirò
su navi per mari
che, io lo so,
no, no, non esistono più,
it's time to say goodbye. - con te io li vivrò.

Quando sei lontana
sogno all'orizzonte
e mancan le parole,
e io si lo so
che sei con me, con me,
tu mia luna tu sei qui con me,
mio sole tu sei qui con me,
con me, con me, con me.

Time to say goodbye. - Con te partirò.
Paesi che non ho mai
veduto e vissuto con te,
adesso sì li vivrò.
Con te partirò
su navi per mari
che, io lo so,
no, no, non esistono più,

con te io li rivivrò.
Con te partirò
su navi per mari
che, io lo so,
no, no, non esistono più,
con te io li rivivrò.
Con te partirò

Io con te.

22 The Journey Home
The journey home is never too long
Your heart arrives before the train
The journey home is never too long
Some yesterdays always remain

I'm going back to where my heart was light
When my pillow was a ship, I sailed through the night

Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah, ...

The journey home is never too long
When open arms are waiting there
The journey home is never too long
There's room to love and room to spare

I want to feel the way that I did then
And think my wishes through before I wish again

Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah, ...

Not every boat you come across is one you have to take
Now sometimes standing still can be the best move you ever make

The journey home is never too long
Home hopes to heal the deepest pain
The journey home is never too long
Your heart arrives before the train

23 A Question Of Honour
Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana,
Come va l'eco della pia campana,
Là, fra la neve bianca;
Là, fra le nubi d'or;
Là, dov'è la speranza, la speranza
Il rimpianto, il rimpianto, e il dolor!

Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana,
Là, dov'è la speranza, la speranza
Il rimpianto
Sola e lontana!

Two men collide
When two men collide, when two men collide
It's a question of honour
Two men collide
When two men collide, when two men collide
It's a question of honour
Two men collide
When two men collide, when two men collide

If you win or you lose,
It's a question of honour
And the way that you choose,
It's a question of honour

I can't tell what's wrong or right
If black is white or day is night
But I know when two men collide
It's a question of honour

If you win or you lose,
It's a question of honour
And the way that you choose,
It's a question of honour
If you win or you lose,
It's a question of honour
And the way that you choose,
It's a question of honour

I can't tell what's wrong or right
If black is white or day is night
I know when two men collide
It's a question of honour

Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana,
Come l'eco della pia campana,
Là, fra la neve bianca;
Là, fra le nubi d'or;
N'andrò, n'andrò sola e lontana!
E fra le nubi d'or!

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