
芦荟 (一种百合科植物,南非原产;常作为医药用、观赏用)

nature cosmetic的芦荟胶!同学从韩国带回来的的说是自然乐园的,但是看看牌子的英文名自然乐园是Nature Republic

这是一种什么花啊,叫什么名字啊,好像有点像芦荟 。。。别名:仙女花

英文名:Bergeranthus multiceps (Salm-Dyck) Schwant

科属:番杏科 照波属


Bergeranthus.artus 黄红照波
Bergeranthus concavus
Bergeranthus longisepalus
Bergeranthus multiceps 照波(仙女花)
Bergeranthus scapiger 红瓣照波
Bergeranthus vespertinus 夜花照波

夏天生、夏天长、花开时定当阳光充足,为番杏科照波属植物,是番杏科多肉植物中的小属 。番杏科全科都是多肉植物 。本科种类是叶多肉植物的代表 。植株低矮丛生,锥形叶较短,肉质 。本属11种,基本上分布于南非和纳米比亚,少数在地中海地带 。照波名源自日本,在中国一般午后2时开花(日本午后3时左右开,又叫三时草),喜光线春夏秋季节可放在室外生长,冬天0度以上都能活,是较易管理的植物 。

[网络]Aloe Vera;Aloe Extract;ALOE;
[例句]由金盏花组成,茶树油、桉树油、葡萄籽油、芦荟精华素 。
The composition comprises calendula, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, grape seed oil, and Aloe vera.

芦荟英语Aloebarbados aloe拉丁文:Aloe ferox Mill翻译供参

芦荟的英文名字芦荟 (Aloe)
花语 : 合作
花占卜 : 您总是背负著一个很大的包袱,裏面装满感情的困扰,令您精神受损,消沉而无生气 。其实您是一个很坚强的人,勇於承受挑战和压力,只要您有坚定的意志,一定可以冲破心理障碍,重现昔日的光采 。
花箴言 : 爱的伤痕正是爱的记号 。

aloe芦荟的英文介绍Any of various chiefly African plants of the genus Aloe,having rosettes of succulent, often spiny-margined leaves and long stalks bearing yellow, orange, or red tubular flowers.
芦荟:一种主要产于的非洲芦荟 属植物,有肉质多浆的莲座丛,通常叶的边缘带刺并有黄、桔黄或红色管形花的长茎.

Aloe is a genus of succulent, flowering plants in the family Asphodelaceae, which contains about 400 different species. They are native to the drier parts of Africa, especially South Africa's Cape Province and the mountains of tropical Africa.

Members of the closely allied genera Gasteria and Haworthia, which have a similar mode of growth, are also sometimes popularly known as aloes. Note that the plant sometimes called "American aloe", Agave americana, belongs to a different family, namely Agavaceae.

Aloe plants are stiff and rugged, consisting mainly of a rosette of large, thick, fleshy leaves. Many common varieties of Aloe are seemingly stemless, with the rosette growing directly at ground level; Other varieties may have a branched or un-branched stem from which the fleshy leaves spring. The leaves are generally lance-shaped with a sharp apex and a spiny margin. They vary in color from grey to bright green and are sometimes striped or mottled.

Aloe flowers are small, tubular, and yellow or red and are borne on densely clustered, simple or branched leafless stems. The plants are cultivated as ornamental plants, especially in public buildings and gardens.

The aloe vera, in particular, is said to have medicinal properties. The plant may grow to a height of four feet. The aloe, a clear thick gel-like substance flows from the inside of cut leaves. The leaves also produce a bitter yellow juice which, when dried, becomes aloe latex.

Human use of Aloes are primarily as a herbal remedy in alternative medicines and "home first aid". Both the translucent inner pulp as well as the resinous yellow exudate (gel) from wounding the Aloe plant is used externally to relieve skin discomforts and internally as a laxative. To date, research has shown in certain cases that Aloes produce positive medicinal benefits for healing damaged skin, however there is still much debate regarding the effectiveness and safety for using Aloes medicinally in other manners.

Some Aloes have been used for human consumption. For example drinks made from or containing chunks of aloe pulp are popular in Asia as commercial beverages, and as a tea additive. This is notably true in Korea. The gel was once used on children's fingers to stop nail-biting.
External uses

Leaf close up[citation needed] [Note: much of the material in this section is derived from sources with a financial interest in selling products, and few properly conducted clinical trials are cited. This does not necessarily invalidate the claims made.]

For medicinal purposes, aloe vera is most commonly used externally to treat various skin conditions, and burns. Not only does it soothe the skin, ease pain and reduce inflammation, studies have been done to show that using aloe as a topical treatment to burns will help speed up the healing recovery process. A study performed in the 1990s showed that the healing of a moderate severe burn was sped up by six days when covering the wound on a regular basis with aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of the wound covered in a gauze bandage (Farrar, 2005). Aloe vera helps burns of various degrees, including sunburn. When the gel is rubbed over over-exposed skin, the redness will disappear within a couple of days, and it helps to preserve moisture so that the skin will not become dry and peel. A cut leaf from an aloe vera plant can be rubbed over the skin, as it exudes gel; the gel can also be bought in drugstores.
Aloe vera can also be used to treat minor cuts and scrapes. Rubbing a cut leaf over a cut will help prevent infection and will speed up the healing response from the body. The aloe vera acts as a sealant and pulls the skin back together like a bandage or a suture (http://www.newstarget.com/001560-02.html). Although aloe should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment, its many uses are beneficial and should be considered for anything such as an everyday moisturizer to a first-aid antiseptic. In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, continuous research is being done to learn how else the aloe vera plant can play an important part in human lives.

Many cosmetic companies are now adding this plant to every product possible including makeup, soaps, sunscreens, shampoos and lotions, as well as any product that is created to soothe, protect and moisturize the skin. This is due partially to the fact that Aloe extract is full of vitamins, nutrients and minerals, as well as, the perception of the general public of Aloe as a healing ingredient. The International Aloe Science Council advises choosing products that contain between twenty-five and forty percent aloe in them to receive the ultimate aloe vera benefits to the skin (http://www.iasc.org/aloe.html).

Aloe gel is also useful for any dry skin condition, especially eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin, and for treating fungal infections such as ringworm. In Ayurvedic medicine, the gel is usually applied fresh and can even be converted into an ointment for long-term use.
Internal uses
Aloe contains a number of medicinal substances used as a purgative. The medicinal substance is produced from various species of aloe, such as A. vera, A. vulgaris, A. socotrina, A. chinensis, and A. perryi. Several kinds of aloes are commercially available: Barbadoes, Socotrine, Hepatic, Indian, and Cape aloes. Barbadoes and Socotrine are the varieties most commonly used for curative purposes.

Aloes is the expressed juice of the leaves of the plant. When the leaves are cut, the juice that flows out is collected and evaporated. After the juice has been removed, the leaves are sometimes boiled, to yield an inferior kind of aloes. The juice of the leaves of certain species, e.g. Aloe venenosa, is poisonous.

There have been very few properly conducted studies about possible benefits of aloe gel taken internally. One study found improved wound healing in mice, Another found a positive effect of lowering risk factors in patients with heart disease. Some research has shown decreasing fasting blood sugar in diabetic animals given aloe[1]. None of these studies can be considered to be definitive, and there are many false advertising claims for aloe.

Aloe has been marketed as a remedy for coughs, wounds, ulcers, gastritis, diabetes, cancer, headaches, arthritis, immune-system deficiencies, and many other conditions when taken internally. However, these uses are unsubstantiated; the only substantiated internal use is as a laxative. Furthermore, there is evidence of significant adverse side effects (see for example this paper). Genotoxicity studies show that aloe-containing laxatives pose cancer risk to humans when used as directed[2]. Consult your doctor when contemplating taking Aloe internally. Avoid use during pregnancy because the anthraquinone glycosides are strongly purgative. High doses of the leaves can cause vomiting.

On 9 May 2002 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a final rule banning the use of aloe and cascara sagrada as laxative ingredients in over-the-counter drug products[3].
Compounds in Aloes
Aloe vera contains over seventy-five nutrients and twenty minerals, nineteen amino acids including all eight essential amino acids and eleven secondary amino acids as well and twelve vitamins. These vitamins include: A, B1, B6, B12, C and E (http://curezone.com/foods/aloevera.html). It has even been referred to as “a pharmacy in a plant” (Farrar, 2005).

Aloes also contain anthraquinone gycosides, resins, polysaccharides, sterols, gelonins, and chromones. It is also a source of a class of chemicals called Aloins.

Chemical properties of Aloin
Aloins are soluble and easily extracted by water. Aloes is the expressed juice of the leaves of the plant. When the leaves are cut, the juice that flows out is collected and evaporated. After the juice has been removed, the leaves are sometimes boiled, to yield an inferior kind of aloes. According to W. A. Shenstone, two classes of Aloins are to be recognized: (1) nataloins, which yield picric and oxalic acids with nitric acid, and do not give a red coloration with nitric acid; and (2) barbaloins, which yield aloetic acid (C7H2N3O5), chrysammic acid (C7H2N2O6), picric and oxalic acids with nitric acid, being reddened by the acid. This second group may be divided into a-barbaloins, obtained from Barbadoes aloes, and reddened in the cold, and b-barbaloins, obtained from Socotrine and Zanzibar aloes, reddened by ordinary nitric acid only when warmed or by fuming acid in the cold. Nataloin (2C17H13O7·H2O) forms bright yellow scales. Barbaloin (C17H18O7) forms yellow prismatic crystals. Aloes also contain a trace of volatile oil, to which its odour is due.
Medicinal use of Aloin
The dose is 130-320 mg, that of aloin being 30-130 mg. Aloes can be absorbed from a broken surface and will then cause purging. When given internally it increases the actual amount as well as the rate of flow of the bile. It hardly affects the small intestine, but markedly stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine, causing purging in about fifteen hours. There is hardly any increase in the intestinal secretion, the drug being emphatically not a hydragogue cathartic. There is no doubt that its habitual use may be a factor in the formation of haemorrhoids; as in the case of all drugs that act powerfully on the lower part of the intestine, without simultaneously lowering the venous pressure by causing increase of secretion from the bowel. Aloes also tends to increase the menstrual flow and therefore belongs to the group of emmenagogues. Aloin is preferable to aloes for therapeutic purposes, as it causes less, if any, pain. It is a valuable drug in many forms of constipation, as its continual use does not, as a rule, lead to the necessity of enlarging the dose. Its combined action on the bowel and the uterus is of especial value in chlorosis, of which amenorrhoea is an almost constant symptom. The drug should not be taken during pregnancy and when haemorrhoids are present. Many well-known patent medicines consist essentially of aloes.

Lign-aloes and Agarwood
The lign-aloes are quite different from plants of the Aloe genus. The term "Aloes" is used in the Bible (Numbers 24:6), but as the trees usually supposed to be meant by this word are not native in Syria, it has been suggested that the Septuagint reading in which the word does not occur is to be preferred. Lign-aloe is a corruption of the Latin lignum-aloe, a wood, not a resin. Dioscorides refers to it as agallochon, a wood brought from Arabia or India, which was odoriferous but with an astringent and bitter taste. This may be Agarwood, a native of East India, South East Asia, and China, which supplies the so-called eagle-wood or aloes-wood, which contains much resin and oil.
There are around 400 species in the genus Aloe. For a full list, see List of species of genus Aloe. Common species include:

Aloe angelica - Wylliespoort Aloe
Aloe arborescens - Candelabra Aloe, Tree Aloe, Krantz Aloe
Aloe aristata - Torch Plant, Lace Aloe
Aloe barberae - Tree Aloe
Aloe brevifolia - Shortleaf Aloe
Aloe castanea - Cat's Tail Aloe
Aloe ciliaris - Climbing Aloe
Aloe comosa - Clanwilliam's Aloe
Aloe dichotoma - quiver tree or kokerboom
Aloe dinteri - Namibian Partridge Breast Aloe
Aloe distans - Jeweled Aloe
Aloe excelsa - Noble Aloe, Zimbabwe Aloe
Aloe ferox - Cape Aloe, Tap Aloe, Bitter Aloe
Aloe glauca - Blue Aloe
Aloe humilis - Spider Aloe
Aloe khamiensis - Namaqua Aloe
Aloe longistyla - Karoo Aloe, Ramenas
Aloe maculata - Soap Aloe, Zebra Aloe
Aloe mitriformis - Gold Tooth Aloe
Aloe nobilis - Gold Tooth Aloe
Aloe perryi - Perry's Aloe
Aloe pictifolia - Kouga Aloe
Aloe perryi - Perry's Aloe
Aloe pictifolia - Kouga Aloe
Aloe pillansii - Bastard Quiver Tree
Aloe plicatilis - Fan Aloe
Aloe polyphylla - Spiral Aloe
Aloe pratensis - Rosette Aloe
Aloe ramosissima - Maidens Quiver Tree
Aloe saponaria - African Aloe
Aloe speciosa - Tilt-head Aloe
Aloe striata - Coral Aloe
Aloe tauri - Bullocks Bottle Brush Aloe
Aloe variegata - Partridge-breasted Aloe, Tiger Aloe
Aloe vera - True Aloe (vera means true in Latin), Barbados Aloe, Common Aloe, Yellow Aloe, Medicinal Aloe. This is the variety used medicinally.
Aloe zebrina - Zebra Aloe


芦荟用英文怎么读Aloe [æləu]

aloe用英语怎么说aloe英 [ˈæləʊ] 美 [ˈæloʊ] 
aloe 基本解释

芦荟的英文究竟是aloe还是aloe vera?中国芦荟的学名(拉丁文)是:Aloe vera L. var. chinesis (Haw.) Berger



请问芦荟用英语怎么读 。亲爱的楼主:芦荟:【单词】aloe 【音标】[英][ˈæləu] [美][ˈælo]【中文发音】安漏【复数】aloes祝您步步高升期望你的采纳,谢谢

(美国)库拉索芦荟的正确英文是什么?苗期的库拉索芦荟中尖呈钝角 。
库拉索芦荟叶尖应该是光照太少,除了幼苗外,光照不应少于8小时,才会叶片翠绿、肥厚汁浓、叶宽端尖 。

这个是什么牌子的芦荟胶,上面全是英文,看都看不懂它的商标就是Aloe Derma, 直接百度,出来的音译是爱露德玛

Aloe是Aloe Vera 即芦荟英文的前半部
Derma是英语 皮肤的词根
背面是说具体有什么功能,如搽了可以润泽肌肤,也可缓解日晒,虫子叮咬,皮肤擦破或破口的痒痛等 。

完美芦荟胶 英文介绍Perfect aloe vera gel

Specification: 40g / 38.00 yuan
Perfect aloe vera gel is "frozen stability method" technology from natural herb "aloe extract and become."
Manufacturers profess to cuts and bruises, wounds fester, scald, skin itching, whelk, shading, bug bites, toothache, corner of the lip canker, scars and so on have obvious auxiliary function (on the market at present fake numerous)

Usage: after skin cleaning, apply a small amount aloe vera gel coating all can. If the skin can be a serious, plus creme. Every morning and evening each. According to the reaction to determine the dosage.

Function: perfect aloe vera gel is pure natural beauty crystal with nutrition, moisturizing, sunscreen, whitening, anti-wrinkle, go spot, pox-eliminated effect. For wrinkles, shading, acne, freckles, pore bulky, senile plaques and skin coarse has good curative effect. The experiment proves: perfect aloe vera gel to oily, normal, dry skin has very good effectiveness of beauty. Can effectively prevent and reduce wrinkles, remove acne, fade melanin, removing various splash, the product regulates sebum secretion, make skin moist and smooth, glows the healthy luster.

Perfect aloe vera gel as protect skin to taste, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, Stop bleeding, analgesia, swelling, relieving itching, rehabilitation, regeneration and allergy, accelerate wound healing, reduce scar role.
Do people said that can perfect internal and external use. Especially for burns and mosquito more obvious effects. Because there are calm skin effect.


完美芦荟胶是以“冷冻稳定法”技术从天然草本植物“芦荟”中萃取而成 。

使用方法:清洁皮肤后,取少许芦荟胶涂均即可 。如果皮肤绷紧严重,可外加少许面霜 。每天早晚各一次 。根据反应确定用量 。

作用:完美芦荟胶是纯天然的美容晶,具有营养、保湿、防晒、增白、抗皱、去斑、去痘的功效 。对皱纹、黑斑、暗疮、雀斑、毛孔粗大、老年斑和皮肤粗糙有良好疗效 。实验证实:完美芦荟胶对油性、中性、干性皮肤都具有非常良好的美容功效 。能有效防止与减少皱纹,祛除暗疮,淡化祛除各种色斑、黑色素,调理皮脂分泌,使肌肤柔润光滑,焕发健康光彩 。

完美芦荟胶作为护肤品,具有消炎、杀菌;止血、镇痛、消肿、止痒、复健、再生、抗过敏、加速伤口愈合、减少疤痕的作用 。


芦荟其英文名来源于阿拉伯文“Alloeh”,是“苦味”的意思 。芦荟是多年生单子叶植物纲百合目百合科中的一个属 。

芦荟属热带旱生的阳生植物,为适应干热的气候,芦荟叶片多肉质含汁丰富 。芦荟的叶片中有一种特殊的保水能力很强的组织,即在大量的植物黏液中存在许多含水量很大的细胞,而这种黏液可以链接大量的水分 。

芦荟品种繁多,大约有360多种,人们长久以来认为具有医疗保健效果的芦荟却只局限在几个品种,其余的品种只有观赏价值 。


主料:银杏鲜果400克 。

辅料:红色甜椒片、香菜、胡萝卜片、芦荟汁 。

调料:盐、油、味精、白酱油 。


◇银杏鲜果剥壳去皮,装袋,放入冰箱冷冻,化解冰冻银杏,备用 。胡萝卜盛入煲 。

◇用芦荟叶肉20克,煎汁少量 。

◇将银杏保鲜果肉入锅油炒,放入芦荟煎汁少量,红色甜椒丝少许,调味果肉至合适口味,装盘 。

◇在腰盘顶端放置香菜叶,盖3片橙色胡萝卜片 。

特点:保健食品,舒筋活血 。


主料:鸡胸肉250克 。

辅料:芦荟叶肉10克、甜椒、胡萝卜片、香菜,红樱桃 。

调料:油、盐、味精、酒 。


◇将鲜鸡胸脯切成丁块,备用 。

◇把芦荟叶肉10克取出,清水煮烧后切成丁块备用 。

◇把鸡丁放入热油锅内,旺火炒鸡丁 。加入调料,炒至肉熟上口嫩,再把芦荟白肉入锅翻炒,即可上盘 。

特点:鸡肉鲜香,芦荟凉脆 。


主料:鲈鱼或草鱼1000克 。

辅料:芦荟叶肉片、橙色胡萝卜片、香菜、蛋清、淀粉 。

调料:油、盐、味精 。


◇把鲈鱼或草鱼剥皮,切下鱼片放入碗中,加入少量蛋清和干淀粉,拌匀后涂在鱼片表面 。

◇油锅用旺火,鱼片、芦荟叶肉片入锅烫一下,捞起 。

◇油、盐、味素兑成调味汁,把鱼片入锅炒几下,盛起装入煲内,炒至肉熟上口嫩,再把芦荟白肉入锅翻炒,即可上盘 。

特点:鱼肉细嫩滑润,味道鲜美可口 。


主料:番茄200克 。

辅料:芦荟,香菜、细香葱 。

调料:麻油、味精、鲜酱油 。


◇将番茄洗净去掉果蒂后,切成丁块,装入盆内 。

◇把芦荟叶肉取出,在开水中煮烧3-5分钟,捞出,切l0克芦荟叶肉成丁块,铺在番茄上 。

◇用调料兑成汁,浇在番茄上 。

特点:酸甜清口,富含维生素C和芦荟素,清热解毒 。

这种是什么花?有人说应该是一种芦荟,最好有英文名~银芳锦(珊瑚芦荟) Aloe striata
这是芦荟吗?是的中文学名:芦荟中文别名:狼牙掌·龙角芦荟英文名:candelabra aloe二名法:Aloe arborescens界:植物界门:被子植物门纲:单子叶植物纲目:天门冬目科:百合科属:芦荟属种:芦荟分布:芦荟原产于非洲热带干旱地区,一般来说,芦荟被作为原产于非洲的植物 。现在芦荟分布几乎遍及世界各地,据调查,在印度和马来西亚一带、非洲大陆和热带地区都有野生芦荟分布 。在我国云南元江地区,也有野生状态的芦荟存在 。拉丁学名:Aloe vera分布区域:非洲南、北部地区,南美洲的西印度群岛别称:卢会、讷会、象胆、奴会、劳伟特殊用途:做观赏植物 美容原产地:地中海、非洲药用价值:杀菌、抗炎、免疫、解毒土壤:排水性能好不易板结的疏松土质食用价值:做汤、炒菜生态习性:陆生植物花形状:伞形、总状、穗状、圆锥形象征意义:自尊又自卑的爱毒性:多吃中毒日照:喜光照叶子形状:呈座状或生于茎顶温度:15-35℃工业价值:调制化妆品生活型:多年生草本植物水分:耐旱、怕水渍望采纳

美国库拉索芦荟有几种及图片Aloe barbadensis Mill库拉索芦荟原产于美洲西印度群岛的库拉索群岛和巴巴多斯岛,所以也有人称之为巴巴多斯芦荟(Aloe barbadensis Mill)、美国翠叶芦荟和蕃拉芦荟(A.vera L.),我国称之为翠叶芦荟,日本叫“芦荟蕃拉” 。其叶汁经干燥获得的生药叫“老芦荟”,为红色膏体,呈不透明的红褐色或暗褐色,因此也称“肝色芦荟”,载入药典中 。

怎么分辨美国库拉索芦荟品种?、美国库拉索芦荟芦荟肥厚多汁,形状舌状,两边有齿,犹如虎齿狼牙,所以又叫狼牙掌 。它常年葱翠碧绿,冬季还开深红色、橙黄色或黄色的花朵,而且适合在室内干燥散射光下生长,又非常耐旱,是一种很适合室内栽培欣赏的多浆植物 。原产非洲南部、地中海地区 。喜暖热、干燥环境 。喜光,不耐寒 。

库拉索芦荟全叶冻干粉的英文名称是什么?Aloin Barbaloin

美国库拉索芦荟张什么样阿图片1、库拉索芦荟原产于美洲西印度群岛的库拉索群岛和巴巴多斯岛,所以也有人称之为巴巴多斯芦荟、美国翠叶芦荟和蕃拉芦荟,我国称之为翠叶芦荟,日本叫芦荟蕃拉 。其叶汁经干燥获得的生药叫老芦荟,为红色膏体,呈不透明的红褐色或暗褐色,因此也称肝色芦荟 。2、库拉索芦荟为多年生草本植物,茎较短,叶簇生于茎顶,直立或近于直立,每片重可达0.5-1.5kg,肥厚多汁;呈狭披针形,长14-36cm、宽2-6cm,先端长渐尖,基部宽阔,粉绿色,边缘有刺状小齿 。3、花茎单生或稍分枝,高60-90cm;总状花序疏散;小花长约2.5cm,黄色或有赤色斑点;管状小花6裂;雄蕊6,花药丁字着生;雌蕊1-3室,每室有多数胚珠 。三角形蒴果,室背开裂 。花期2-3月 。
英语作文 。。June the 9th was my birthday.I held a party and invited my best friend Judy.Judy took a present for me on that day.It was a oblong green backpack,40cm long and 30cm wide.I like it very much and I thanked Judy very much.I really had a great time on that day!

急!!!!!英语作文Dear David
I am very happy to be with you when my family stayed in Singapore. Thanks for your kindness and treating us so well. My family and I really had a good time in Singapore. The beautiful scenery,the delicious food, the friendly people all of these left us deep impression and we'll never forget that experience. When you are free, will you please come to China for your holiday? Then I will show you around. I am sure you will enjoy yourself. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Hua

求英语作文!hi dear ,

How are you doing ?
Here we are going to have an international meeting , so we need 3 interpriter ,so I'm just thinking if you have time to do me a favor . As I know you are great in Chinese now , so I think it would be fun if you join us , to work together it would be too much appreciate . The meeting will be on March 4th to March 7th , but we should be there advance , from 8 am tp 6 pm , during this time have 2 hours for lunch . Also , we still need one more , so I'm wondering if you may ask your friend who at that time can join us .

thanks a lot dear ,I'm looking for your answer .

All my best ,

My name'sTom我的名字叫
I'm in Class( )Grade six of()school.我在( )学校6年级()班级
I'm tall(short).I'm ( )centimeters.我很高(矮),我()厘米 。
I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语
Beacuse English is interesting.因为英语很有趣 。
So my English is very good.所以,我的英语很好 。
I acquire many award.我获得过很多奖项 。
I hope that every of you will love me 。希望大家能喜欢我 。

各位求指点,。。英语作文 。。【芦荟的英文】开头改下Everyone has his dream.
结尾This is my dream.It is really great.I think my dream will come true one day.

像can you tell me what's your dream? 这个就不用问了显庸俗