
大学英语四级作文:话题作文Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is that ( 2 ) .Besides,( 3 ) . The third reason is ( 4 ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( 5 ) .It is high time that。
大学英语四级作文及翻译What Do student need english for Today, it seems that everyone is studing English,especially students. But what do students study English for? A survey made by a teacher at a university gives us some hints 。.


大学英语四级写作要求because of, so, owing to, thanks to, thus, as a result of, hence, for this reason, consequently, is caused by, lead to, result in 4.比较法 主题句必须明确表明所要比较的对象和所要比较的范围,实际上就 。
英语四级作文常考类型有哪些?说起四级写作,不少考生肯定会有疑问,英语四级写作类型有哪些? 那么英 。1、 比较型议论文 对同一事物的正反两面进行比较分析,即分析事物的好与坏,利与弊,然后归纳自己的观点 。
要领:抓住事物突出的优缺点 。
写作常用套语 开头:There is no doubt that…has (brought society) both adv 。

英语四级作文都有哪些类型呢?【cet4作文满分多少,CET4作文要求】1、素材评论作文:根据素材写作文,并且发表一下自己对素材的理解和看法 。
2、图画评论作文:对图画进行阐述,此类作文需要抓住图画所表达的意思 。
3、图表评论作文:这类题同图画评论作文一样,要先对图表进行描述然后在对内容 。