11款 扫描网站安全的免费在线工具 网站安全扫描服务

网站安全检测漏洞扫描详情信息包含漏洞信息和发现时间,可以主动扫描 。测试方法:在数据输入界面,输入:,保存成功后弹出对话框,表明此处存在一个XSS漏洞 。
安装必要的防火墙,阻止各种扫描工具的试探和信息收集,甚至可以根据一些安全报告来阻止来自某些特定IP地址范围的机器连接,给服务器增加一个防护层,同时需要对防火墙内的网络环境进行调整,消除内部网络的安全隐患 。
使用商用或免费的漏洞扫描和风险评估工具定期对服务器进行扫描,来发现潜在的安全问题,并确保由于升级或修改配置等正常的维护工作不会带来安全问题 。
关闭不必要的服务,最好是只提供所需服务,安装操作系统的最新补丁,将服务升级到最新版本并安装所有补丁,对根据服务提供者的安全建议进行配置等,这些措施将极大提供服务器本身的安全 。
优化网站代码,避免sql注入等攻击手段 。检查网站漏洞,查找代码中可能出现的危险,经常对代码进行测试维护 。
利用入侵检测系统的实时监控能力,发现正在进行的攻击行为及攻击前的试探行为,记录黑客的来源及攻击步骤和方法 。
网络安全性问题关系到未来网络应用的深入发展,它涉及安全策略、移动代码、指令保护、密码学、操作系统、软件工程和网络安全管理等内容 。一般专用的内部网与公用的互联网的隔离主要使用“防火墙”技术 。
与“防火墙”配合使用的安全技术还有数据加密技术 。数据加密技术是为提高信息系统及数据的安全性和保密性,防止秘密数据被外部破坏所采用的主要技术手段之一 。随着信息技术的发展,网络安全与信息保密日益引起人们的关注 。
各国除了从法律上、管理上加强数据的安全保护外,从技术上分别在软件和硬件两方面采取措施,推动着数据加密技术和物理防范技术的不断发展 。按作用不同,数据加密技术主要分为数据传输、数据存储、数据完整性的鉴别以及密钥管理技术4种 。

用户登录A网站后,浏览器记录A网站cookie信息,此时访问B网站,并点击某些危险链接,导致A网站的cookie被携带,像A网站发送一些请求,产生用户数据安全问题 。
根据原理,常用解决方案有两种 。
(1)在A网站验证请求来源,即验证http 请求的HTTP Referer字段,我们也是利用此方式来防范CSRF攻击 。
(2)前端请求时生成一个随机token,后端验证此token的有效性,请求中不携带token或者token验证失败则认为是非法请求 。
11款 扫描网站安全的免费在线工具
SUCURIis one of the most popular free website malware and security scanner. You can do a quick test for malware, blacklisting status, injected SPAM, and defacements.
SUCURI also helps to clean and protect your website from online threats and works on any website platforms, including WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, phpBB, etc.
2. Qualys
SSL Server Testby Qualys is essential to scan your website for SSL/TLS misconfiguration and vulnerabilities. It provides an in-depth analysis of your https:// URL including expiry day, overall rating, cipher, SSL/TLS version, handshake simulation, protocol details, BEAST, and much more.
As a best practice, you should run the Qualys test after making any SSL/TLS related changes.
Qutteracheck website for malware and vulnerabilities exploits.
It scans your website for malicious files, suspicious files, potentially suspicious files, PhishTank, Safe Browsing (Google, Yandex), and Malware domain list.
Intruderis a powerful cloud-based vulnerability scanner to find weaknesses in the entire web application infrastructure. It is enterprise-ready and offers government & bank-level security scanning engine without complexity.
Its robust security checks include identifying:
Missing patches
Web application issues such as SQL injection & cross-site scripting
CMS issues
Intruder saves you time by prioritizing results based on their context as well as proactively scanning your systems for the latest vulnerabilities. It also integrates with major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure) as well as Slack & Jira.
You can give Intruder a try for 30 days for free.
5. UpGuard
UpGuard Web Scanis an external risk assessment tool that uses the publicly available information to grade.
Test results are categorized into the following groups.
Website risks
Email risks
Network security
Phishing and Malware
Brand protection
Good to get a quick security posture of your website.
SiteGuardinghelps you to scan your domain for malware, website blacklisting, injected spam, defacement, and much more. The scanner is compatible with WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, osCommerce, Bulletin, and another platform.
SiteGuarding also helps you to remove malware from your website, so if you are site is affected by viruses, they will be useful.
Mozilla recently introducedobservatory , which helps a site owner to check various security elements. It validates against OWASP header security, TLS best practices and performs third-party tests from SSL Labs, High-Tech Bridge, Security Headers, HSTS Preload, etc.
8.Web Cookies Scanner
Web Cookies Scanneris a free all-in-one security tool suitable for scanning web applications. It is capable of searching vulnerabilities and privacy issues on HTTP cookies, Flash applets, HTML5 localStorage, and sessionStorage, Supercookies, and Evercookies. The tool also offers a free URL malware scanner and an HTTP, HTML, and SSL/TLS vulnerability scanner.
To use this tool, you just need to enter your site’s full domain name and click on Check! After a while, you’ll get a full vulnerabilities report, showing a detail of all issues found and an overall privacy impact score.
You can use the on-demand service for free with no restrictions, or you can subscribe for a free trial of a fully automated RESTful API with different plans, which offer between 100 and unlimited API scans per month.
Fully supported by ethical hackers, theDetectifydomain and web application security service offers automated security and asset monitoring, being able to detect more than 1500 vulnerabilities.
Its vulnerability scanning capacity includes OWASP Top 10, CORS, Amazon S3 Bucket, and DNS misconfigurations. The Asset Monitoring service continuously monitors subdomains, searching for hostile takeovers and alerting if anomalies are detected.
Detectify offers three pricing plans: Starter, Professional, and Enterprise. All of them start with a 14-day free trial, which you can take without using a credit card.
Probelyprovides a virtual security specialist that you can add to your development crew, security team, DevOps, or SaaS business. This security specialist will scan your web application and find all of its vulnerabilities. You can think of Probely as a family doctor that gives you periodic diagnostics and tells you what to do to fix any issue.
It is a tool mainly built for developers, letting them be more independent when it comes to security testing. Its API-First development approach assures that any features will be first available on the API version of the service. It has many pricing plans, including a free one with basic scanning capacity.
The website vulnerability scanner is one of a comprehensive set of tools offered byPentest-Toolsthat comprise a solution for information gathering, web application testing, CMS testing, infrastructure testing, and SSL testing. In particular, the website scanner is designed to discover common web application vulnerabilities and server configuration issues.
The company offers a Light version of the tool, which performs a passive web security scan. It is capable of detecting many vulnerabilities, including insecure cookie settings, insecure HTTP headers, and outdated server software. You can perform up to 2 free, full scans of your website to get a comprehensive assessment. The results will tell you about vulnerabilities such as local file inclusion, SQL injection, OS command injection, XSS, between others.
This document is mainly from the below URL...Just changed a few picture(from my testing).
安全性一直是网站维护的重点,网站常见的安全问题有网站服务器系统存在漏洞、DDoS攻击、网页篡改、网站数据泄露等 。面对网络威胁的不确定性,企业该如何保障网站安全?
尽可能选择安全性较高、稳定性较强的服务器,同时,服务器各种安全补丁一定要及时更新,定期进行安全检查,对服务器和网站开展全面的安全检测,以防存在安全隐患,针对安全漏洞一定要及时修复 。
程序是网络入侵的其一有效途径 。
保障网站后台安全 。分配好后台管理权限,在网站后期的运营过程中,避免后台人为误操作,必要时可采购堡垒机加强安全防护;
注意网站程序各方面的安全性测试 。包括防止SQL注入、密码加密、数据备份、使用验证码等方面加强安全保护措施 。
应时刻关注内容管理系统、主题以及插件推出的更新,预防网络攻击者任何见缝插针的机会,必要时可以设置自动更新 。
网站存储的数据是重点保护对象 。定期的数据库备份对于网站发生异常后的数据恢复非常有必要 。备份频率可依据企业自身需求选择,比如对于电子商务类型的网站,由于用户数据每天在更新,数据库要做到日备份,最大程度地保证用户数据不被丢失 。
网络攻击者往往从弱口令寻找突破点,在弱口令上导致数据泄露是最为不该的 。不论是企业网站还是其他的IT资产,都需要强密码进行基本的保护,设置最少8到10个字符的强密码是最好的,或者设置双重验证来提高网站的安全性,在密码中配合使用大写字母,小写字母,数字和符号的组合 。此外,同一个密码尽量避免在其他系统上重复使用多次 。
安全问题多样化,网站建设既要平时加强安全防范,又要及时应对突发的安全状况 。平日的安全防范则是以上提到的等等方面,有必要时需要安全人员对网站或系统进行安全运维,清楚网站安全情况从而有效防范;当遇到突发安全状况时,比如网站被入侵,应及时寻求安全专家提供帮助,减少突发网络安全事件带来的损失 。

【11款 扫描网站安全的免费在线工具 网站安全扫描服务】6、结果会显示网站的一些信息,其中就包括域名备案,如果一些网站没有域名备案就是一个安全的网站.在如图结果中的域名备案 查看信息.
关于网站安全扫描和网站安全扫描服务的内容就分享到这儿!更多实用知识经验,尽在 www.hubeilong.com