简明的英语简洁地compactly; concisely; laconically; pithily; sententiously; succinctly; tersely 简洁法pregnant construction 简洁性conciseness 使简洁compress 指简洁brief 不简洁的laxative; unchaste 扼要的 。

不要说谎的英文是什么不要说谎的英文 Don't lie Don't tell a lie 不要说谎的英文例句 1. I told him not to tell a lie.我告诉他不要说谎.2. Don't lie. Answer questions truthfully, frankly and succinctly.不要说谎. 回答问题 。
总括的英文,总括的翻译,怎么用英语翻译总括,总括用总括generalize;summarize;unite 总括to sum up; to state succinctly Part V for the conclusion, to sum up the full text, summary opinion.第五部分为结语,总括全文,总结观点 。

自我介绍的英文单词是什么【succinctly怎么读,succinctly造句】Instead of the two-minute pitch, you should think about how to share relevant information about yourself quickly and succinctly so your target audience doesn't have time to start mentally planning out their grocery shopping 。
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