airfare怎么读,airfare can be one of the

airfare是什么意思airfare英[ˈeəfeə(r)]美[ˈerfer]n.机票费用; 飞机票价;[其他]复数:airfares [例句]He put Elizabeth's motel bill and airfare on his expense account.他将伊 。
飞机票英文怎么说?the purchase of the 锭lane ticket 问题八:飞机票的价钱用英语怎么说?短语单词是: airfare 短语是: fare of flight或者 air far川 of flight.问题九:乘飞机用英语怎么说?乘飞机的英文 。

By plane 问题十: 。

airfare怎么读,airfare can be one of the

问一下fare(票价)可数吗?飞机票价怎么说?飞机加s吗?fare可数,在航空业中专指飞机运价(不含税) 。
飞机票价可用fares或airfares(air不加s) 。
飞机可以用flights(一般指航班)、aircrafts、airplanes等 。
机票用英语怎么说英文翻译是什么3. He put Elizabeth's motel bill and airfare on his expense account.他将伊丽莎白住汽车旅馆的费用和机票费用记在他的报销账目中 。
4. Cheap flights are available from budget travel agent from £240.收费低廉 。
airfare怎么读,airfare can be one of the

订机票和座位英语怎么说【airfare怎么读,airfare can be one of the】标准对话 Dialog1ReservingTwoSeatstoNewYork 对话1预订两个到纽约的座位 A:I'dliketomakereservationsfortwotoNewYork.DoyouhaveanythinginEconomyClassforthisSaturday?A:我要预订两个座位到纽约,周六的经济舱有空位吗?B: 。