

电影中的告白,总在轰轰烈烈的戏剧化场景里展开,而现实却截然不同,今天小编给大家分享表白情书男生暗恋女生,一定收下这份心意 。中国作家钱歌川曾经说过:“写得好的情书,不仅是一封好信,而且是一首好诗 。”快来撩妹网和小编一起看看表白情书怎么写吧!
I do love you, Livy...as the dew loves the flowers; as the birds love the sunshine; as the wavelets love the breeze; as mothers love their first-born; as memory loves old faces; as the yearning tides love the moon; as the angels love the pure in heart... Take my kiss and my benediction, and try to be reconciled to the fact that I am.
我真的爱你,莉薇……就像露珠爱鲜花,鸟儿爱阳光,微波爱轻风,母亲爱她们的第一个孩子,我爱你,就像记忆青睐昔日认识的面孔,思念的潮水迷恋月亮,天使珍爱纯洁的心灵……请接受我的亲吻和我的祝福,要接受这个事实:我爱你 。
Dear First Lady, this is the day, the day that marks 31 years of such happiness as comes to few men. I told you once that it was like an adolescent's dream of what marriage should be like. That hasn't changed. I more than love you, I'm not whole without you. You are life itself to me. Happy Anniversary & thank you for 31 wonderful years.
亲爱的第一夫人,到今天为止,我们共同度过了31年的幸福时光,这是世上少数男人才享有的荣幸 。我曾告诉过你,我的婚姻就像一个青少年对婚姻所怀的梦想那样美好,一直以来都是如此 。你是我的至爱,没有你,我是不完整的 。你就是我的生命本身 。结婚纪念日快乐,感谢你31年来的美好陪伴!
My dearest Margarita, I haven't received your letter. I have thought agonizingly how can we solve this intractable problem. People said that I am very smart, but I'm helpless with it. Just recently I washed my head by myself, but not with the greatest success; I am not as careful as you are, but everything here reminds me of you. Men are living now just the way they were before, as if we didn't have a new, all-overshadowing danger to deal with. Be greeted and kissed, if this letter reaches you, and the devil take anyone who intercepts it.
我最亲爱的玛加丽达: 我收不到你的来信,我苦苦思考如何才能解决这个棘手的问题 。人们都说我智慧无比,可我对此事却束手无策 。最近我自己洗了一次头发,不是很成功;我没有你那么细心,这里的一切都让我想起你 。人们还是像以前一样生活,似乎那个新的、笼罩在我们上空的危险阴影不存在一样 。假如这封信能抵达你那儿,愿它问候你、亲吻你 。愿恶魔带走拦截我们通信的人 。
I cannot exist without you – I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again – my life seems to stop there – I see no further. You have absorb’d me.
没有你我无法存活 。我忘却了一切,只想着要与你再见 。我的生命好像就此终止,没有更远的未来 。你占据了我的一切 。
I have a sensation at the present moment as though I were dissolving ….I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for religion – I have shudder’d at it – I shudder no more – I could be martyr’d for my religion – love is my religion – I could die for that – I could die for you. My creed is love and you are its only tenet – you have ravish’d me away by a power I cannot resist.
我有一种感觉,就在这一刻我好像正在消融……我曾惊奇于有人会为宗教而牺牲,我曾一想到这就战栗不已 。现在我不再为此战栗了 。我也可以为我的宗教牺牲 。爱就是我的宗教,我可以为它而死,我可以为你而死 。我的信经就是爱,而你就是它唯一的信条 。你用我无法抵挡的力量将我彻底摧毁 。