

听惯了中文的爱情句子 , 觉得耳麻 , 在男友心动的感受 , 是时候感受下简短的关于爱情的英文句子 , 不一样的语言一样的爱 。爱用英文表达出来一样的炽热一样的让人心动 , 下面就和撩妹网一起看看简短的关于爱情的英文句子有哪些吧!
爱情 , 在指缝间承诺 。指缝 , 在爱情下交缠 。
Love is a promise between the fingers. Finger rift, twisted in the love.
有时候 , 心中所承受之重是无法用言语来表达的 。
Sometimes, the weight of the heart is not to be expressed in words.
你的名字 , 是我听过最美的情书 。
Your Name,It's the most beautiful love letter I've ever heard.
我能做的不多 , 但你需要的时候 , 我总是在的 。
I can't do much, but when you need it, I'm always there.
有些事情本身我们无法控制 , 只好控制自己 。
There are things that we can't control, and we hJavae to control ourselves.
最好的地方 , 是没去过的地方 。
The best place is where you hJavae never been.
一千零一个愿望太多了 , 我只要实现一个就够了 。
One thousand and one wishes are too much, and I'll just get one.
不要因为它的结束而哭 , 应当因为它的发生而笑 。
Don't cry because it is over, and laugh because it happens.
最好的时光 , 是回不来的时光 。
The best times are the ones that never come back.
悄然逝去的 , 不仅仅是时间 , 还有我们的青春 。
It's not just time, but our youth.