
1、Dear Mr. Black , 
尊敬的布莱克先生 , 
2、I am writingthis letter for the purpose of informing you of my decision to resign from mycurrent post of ×××(职位) I feel thankful for the help you and colleagues gave to me during the past twomonths.
我写这封信的目的是打算辞掉我×××的职位 , 感谢在过去的两个月里面 , 您和同事给予我的帮助 。
3、I am reallysorry for my resignation, but thejob as ××× is not suitable to me. During the pasttwo months,I have not made any contribution to this company. What’s worse, Iknow that the knowledge I lack causes my present situation, so I decide to quit my presentjob and to pursue further study.
我为我的辞职感到十分抱歉 , 但是×××这个工作并不是很适合我 , 因为在过去的两个月里面 , 我没有为公司做出任何贡献 。更糟糕的是 , 我知道我十分欠缺这个领域的专业知识 , 这才导致了我目前工作中的困境 , 因此 , 我决定辞去这一职位 , 并打算去深造 。
4、Your promptattention to this letter would be highly appreciated.I apologize for any trouble caused by my resignation, andwish all of you every success.
感谢您对这封信的及时关注 , 因我辞职而带来的任何不便我感到万分歉意 , 最后希望贵公司越来越好 。
5、Li Ming