

韩剧浪客行在上周五周六开播第一二集后 , 很多网友都在咨询第二集的背景音乐是什么 , 据说是海边那段BGM?听起来真的很不错 , 按照韩剧的惯性 , 一般OST需要在剧中播放一星期左右后才会有资源 , 所以大家请耐心等待哦!
韩剧浪客行BGM什么歌Good All Days - ???(Lee Chan Sol)
???? 浪客行(VAGABOND) OST Part 1
When I look up to the sky
I see the lines up on a high
So I wish
Good old days
They say it's hard to turn it back
But god I always want it back
So I wish
Good old days
You're going where it takes
But you know we'll make it through
I'll follow where it takes
Say yeah yeah yeah
Chase the days
Chase the days
When I look up to the sky
I see the lines up on a stars
So I wish
Good old days
You follow where it takes
Now I know that you'll be here
I'm going where it takes
I'll wait
You're days
Oh oh oh oh
Lighting up entire world
You will always be
Oh oh oh oh
I wanna make it all up
With you all day
la la la
You're going where it takes
It's closing many ways
Oh oh oh oh
Lighting up entire world
You will always be
Oh oh oh oh
I wanna make it all up
With you all day
Oh oh oh oh
Going up in higher world
You will always be
【韩剧浪客行BGM什么歌,浪客行背景音乐ost汇总】Oh oh oh oh
I wanna make it all up
With you all day
We're going where it takes
彼岸高清战旗直播4室:https://m.zhanqi.tv/tvlive4(推荐首选 , 画质超清 , 手机电脑均可观看)
另外爱豆app和韩剧TV也有直播可观看 , 直播当日进入app首页-直播 即可看到直播链接!
浪客行剧情简介浪客行好好看!!!男主的小侄子在空难中死了 , 但是男主发现飞机坠毁其实是一场有预谋的恐怖袭击 , 女主深入调查后才发现男主说的是真的 。男主是个在基层摸爬滚打的特效替身 , 所以中间动作戏很多 , 很刺激!!李昇基太迷人了!!!!秀智也好美丽!!!希望这部不要烂尾(每次推韩剧都要祈愿一遍)