
夜雨不怜香,秋花艳叶伤 。霜风晨又送,举目见荒凉 。
The night rain does not pity the fragrance, the autumn flower is gorgeous, the leaf is injured. Frost wind in the morning and see desolation.
秋夜雨飘飘,晨风落叶凋 。霜降凝露草,冬冷菊花娇 。
Autumn night rain, morning wind leaves. Frost dew grass, winter cold chrysanthemum Jiao.
海棠不惜胭脂色,独立蒙蒙细雨中 。
Begonia at Rouge color, independent in the drizzle.
草木渐零凋,阴晴冷意撩 。秋鸿南国去,冬韵北风描 。
The grass and trees are gradually withering, and the shade is cool. In autumn, Hong goes to the south, and in winter, he is described by the north wind.
春雨纷纷下,喜鹊叫喳喳 。微风梳翠柳,甘霖润杏花 。
Spring rain falls one after another, magpies chirp. The breeze combs the green willows and the rain moistens the apricot flowers.
江暗雨欲来,浪白风初起 。
River dark rain is coming, wave white wind is beginning to rise.
稻陂方渴雨,蚕箔却忧寒 。更有难知处,朱门惜牡丹 。
Daoi is thirsty for rain, but silkworm leaf is worried about cold. More difficult to know, Zhu men cherish peony.
入夜绵绵雨,临窗冷冷风 。小城昏寂寂,杯酒暖融融 。
Its raining at night, cold and windy near the window. The small town is lonely, and a cup of wine is warm.
谁无烦心事,听雨愁更愁,万籁俱寂夜,不眠锁心头 。
Who has no trouble, listen to the rain worry more worry, all sound silent night, sleepless lock heart.
山水有重逢,天涯梦不同 。春华秋实夜,醉酒问归人 。
【关于雨唯美英文诗】There is a reunion of mountains and rivers, but the dream of Tianya is different. In the night of spring and autumn, drunken people ask to return.