convicted with,convicted thief

把英语翻译成中文,谢谢!【convicted with,convicted thief】prisoner, convict, inmate4.俘虏;战俘 We might get taken prisoner by the enemy.我们有可能被敌人俘虏 。
convict1 及物动词 vt.1.证明 。有罪;判 。有罪,判决[H][(+of)]The judge convicted him of robbery.法官判他犯有抢劫罪 。
She w 。

convicted with,convicted thief

罪犯英语怎么说?offender 冒犯者 outlaw 歹徒 问题二:罪犯的英文怎么拼罪犯 convict; criminal; culprit; offender; outlaw 【法】 bedeweri; convict; convicted person; criminal; criminal offender culprit; delinquent; law offender;。
condemn convict的区别To his agony and surprise,the person he thought had killed his brot 。假如不管圣经上的解释,单纯用普通英文来判定,则condemn是道德上的谴责,没有法律效用 。
convict是定罪,也就是经过正式法律程序,最後由法官判定 。
所以这一题答案是convicted 。
但是假如依照圣经上的解释,这两个字就完全不是这 。
convicted with,convicted thief

2个繁荣sentence,convict 有什么区别?2个繁荣sentence,convict 有什么区别? 不要抄!人品比分更重要!convict是被判有罪. 通常指一个被告在证据确凿的时候被证明确实有罪.例如: He was convicted of murder 他被判谋杀罪名成立.另外convict还可以作名词, 意思是罪犯.例如: Three convicts escaped the prison last night.三 。