
衣食住行用英文怎么说?衣食住行 [词典]food, clothing shelter [housing] and transportation -- basic necessities of life;food, clothing, shelter and means of traveling -- the four basic needs of everybody;[电影] Creature Comfort 。
“衣食住行”的英语地道的翻译是什么?用于杂志 。
衣食住行 yi shi zhu xing 1.the basic necessities of life; the four essential requirements of the people: food, clothing, housing and transportation 以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供。


衣食住行各怎样翻译为英文?clothing food housing transportation 或者一句话:Basic necessities of life
英文“衣食住行”怎么翻译直译的是food, clothing, housing and transportation或者 food, clothing, shelter and means of traveling 意译的是:basic necessities of life

吃穿住行 用英语怎么翻译?【衣食住行英文演讲稿,衣食住行英文小短文】衣食住行: basic necessities of life Frankly, before the reform the majority of the peasants were extremely poor, hardly able to afford enough food, clothing, shelter and transportation.坦率地说,在没有改革以前 。