
break造句,符合初二的1.打破, 折断, 弄坏 Glass breaks easily.玻璃易碎 。
Oak may bend but will not break.橡木可以弯, 但不会断 。
The thief broke the window and got into the house.那个窃贼打破窗子, 进入屋内 。
He broke the door o 。
“break”是什么意思?1. I had to break a window to get into the house. 我只得打破一扇窗户进屋 。
2. Don’t lean on the fence like that – you’ll break it! 不要那样靠在篱笆上——会把它弄断的!3. Break the chocolate。


break是什么意思翻译四、造句:1.He needed to make a complete break with the past.他得与过去彻底告别 。
2.They decided to make a break for it that night.他们决定那天晚上逃跑 。
3.The first two classes are followed by a break。
break the ice造句1、Complimenting someone on their garment is also a great way to break the ice.赞美别人的衣服也是打破沉默的好办法 。
2、I'll give a prize to the best idea. Talking of good ideas, here'sone to break the。

用break造句带翻译?【break造句简单初二,breakfast造句】He broke the long jump record.他打破了跳远比赛记录 。
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