resolutely怎么读音发音英语,Resolutely don't

resolutely是什么意思resolutely [英]['rezəlu:tlɪ][美][ˈrɛzəˌlutlɪ]adv.坚决地,毅然地; 固;双语例句 The responsible person stressed, to consolidate and improve the nine year compulso 。
resolutely怎么读resolutely读【rezəluːtli】 。
1、坚决地 。
The government will resolutely(坚决地)reform(改革) to make sure the fruits Of reform will.2、毅然 。
dangerous time CPCalso didn’t yield(屈服)resolutely 。

resolutely怎么读音发音英语,Resolutely don't

resolutely怎么读音发音英语resolutely怎么读音绍如下:英/ˈrɛzəluːtli/ 。
美/ˈrɛsəˌlutli/ 。
adv.坚定地;奋力 。
We will continue to resolutely condemn terrorism and actively participate in the 。
雷厉风行的 用英语怎么说【resolutely怎么读音发音英语,Resolutely don't】雷厉风行 [词典]carry out (one's task) with drive and sweep;
resolutely怎么读音发音英语,Resolutely don't

resolutely 是什么意思?resolutely ['rezəlu:tli]基本翻译 adv. 坚决地;毅然地 请采纳