
1、我们都在路上,仍不解为何而忙 。
We are all on the way, still wondering why we are busy.
2、你只管负责精彩 , 相信上帝自有安排 。
You are only responsible for the wonderful, believe that God has his own arrangements.
3、大悲无泪,大悟无言 。
Great sorrow without tears, great enlightenment without words.
4、我们都在别人身上 , 搭载了太多希望 。
We all carry too much hope on others.
5、看不惯谁,要么干掉,要么跑掉 。
I cant bear to see anyone, either kill them or run away.
6、戒掉情绪,就不用再压抑了吧 。
Give up your emotions, and you wont have to suppress them any more.
Life is short, why care too much!
8、没有来日方长,你我只不过匆匆一场 。
There is no future, you and I are just in a hurry.
9、我的世界,不需要太多人懂 。
My world doesnt need too many people to understand.
10、不该有的东西,千万别有,比如期待 。
【英语哲理句子】Dont have something you shouldnt have, such as expectation.