petals linger about,petals on the moon

petal怎么读8、Inside these petals are fifteen or twenty little dust-spikes or stamens,with yellow heads which are full of tiny yellow grains of pollen4.花瓣之中则长有15或20个小的粉穗或雄蕊,顶部为黄色,包含很多细小 。
petal怎么读petal的发音:美 [ˈpet(ə)l]英 ['pet(ə)l]petal的意思:n.花瓣 复数:petals 例句:1.If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell 。

petals linger about,petals on the moon

petal可以用来形容人吗可以petal还是一种爱称,表示“宝贝、乖乖”,一般用来称呼女儿 。
petal 基本解释petal的近义词名词花瓣petal的反义词petal 相关例句名词1. A rose has many petals.玫瑰花有许多花瓣 。
petal 网络解释1. 花瓣:普通萼片多为绿色 。
petalo的翻译是:什么意思petals 英 [petlz]美 [petlz]n.花瓣( petal的名词复数 )1The petals fall.花瓣落了 。
2The square was packed, and the cobbled streets flowed with coloured petals.广场上挤满了人,鹅卵石铺就的街道上满是五颜 。
petals linger about,petals on the moon

请问petal和blossom的区别 。【petals linger about,petals on the moon】petal一般指花的花瓣,而blossom指全部花朵 petal 英音:['petl]美音:['pɛt!]名词 n.1.花瓣[C]A rose has many petals.玫瑰花有许多花瓣 。
blossom 英音:['blɔsəm]美音:['blɑs&# 。