Ryan Adams的《Cobwebs》 歌词Will you confuse my love for the cobwebs?Will you confuse my love for the cobwebs?For the cobwebs?Will you confuse my love for the cobwebs?Confuse my love for the cobwebs?Confuse my love for the cobwebs?
The Coral的《Cobwebs》 歌词专辑:Roots And Echoes Thriving Ivory - Cobwebs What do you say, you're having doubts?Your candle's burned and long been out What do you say?What do you mean, you can't go on?You've had your love。

They're walking cobwebs---it's stuck all over them from nose toThey're walking cobwebs---it's stuck all over them from nose to tail.这句子不可直译 意译:它们/他们 从头到脚都被(蜘蛛网)织住了,看似几个步行中的蜘蛛网 。
这可能是形容被难题缠住的处境,但要看前文才知道 。
角落的英文Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty corners.4、他蜷缩在角落里,吓得语无伦次 。
He cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror.5、角落里的那个男人引起了我的注意 。
My eyes were drawn to the man in the corner.6 。

英语短文理解【cobwebs是什么意思,cobwebs formed patterns】I stopped to watch my little girl busy playing in her room. In one。在一个方面是一个塑料的手机;在其他的玩具扫帚 。
我听到她在她相信小朋友,我永远不会忘记她说的话来说,即使是假装的 。
她说,“苏西的在角落里,因为她不是很好 。
她没听我说或做她应该做的事一个字 。
“在角落里,我 。
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