
正如谚语说的:〝入乡随俗〞用英语怎么说?正如谚语说的:〝入乡随俗〞英译:As the proverb says: "when in Rome, do as the Romans do"词汇解析:as:像;如同;作为;当作 发音:英 [æz , əz]美 [æz , əz]单词用法:as 。
入乡随俗用英语怎么说?正如谚语说的:〝入乡随俗〞的英文:As the saying goes,when in Rome, do as the Romans do saying读法英 [ˈseɪɪŋ]美 [ˈseɪɪŋ]1、n.谚语;格言; 。


入乡随俗用英语怎么说入乡随俗英文说法说法一 Do in Rome as Rome does.或者 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.直译:在罗马就要像罗马人那样做 。
说法二 A guest must do as his host does.直译:客人必须和主人做法相同 。
说法三 。
入乡随俗的英语翻译 入乡随俗用英语怎么说入乡随俗 英文:Do in Rome as Rome does [as the Romans do].; A guest must do as his host does.;observe the customs of the place; When in Rome, do as the Romans do. While in rome , do as。

入乡随俗用英语怎么说 。【就像谚语说的那样入乡随俗英文,入乡随俗英文短语】我记得是“到罗马办罗马的事?”具体是怎么说的?入乡随俗 [rùxiāngsuísú]While in rome ,do as rome dose do in Rome as Rome does Google 词义搜索 when in rome 隐藏摘要 入乡随俗 【摘要】入乡随俗- When in rome do as the romans do 入乡随俗,说起来 。