
1、Never fell in love and not look back, we are all the way. 从此不再相恋不再回头 , 我们就都一路好走 。
2、One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.往往在逃避命运的路上 , 却与之不期而遇 。
3、A great many worries can be diminished by realizing the unimportance of the matter which is causing anxiety.通过认识到那些引起焦虑的事物并不重要可以缓解大部分忧虑 。
4、There is a difference between giving up and letting go. Giving up is sacrificing what was rightfully yours, letting go is forgetting what was never yours.放弃与放手是有区别的 。放弃是牺牲本来属于你的 , 而放手是放下那些从来不是你的 。
【发朋友圈的英文句子带翻译】5、love never faded, even tempests and is never shaken.爱是永不褪色的印记 , 纵使狂风暴雨 , 也绝不动摇 。