
现在SS升级用哪个天赋最好?痛苦啊,恶魔就是用BB打,打的比较慢,优点是有些JY任务可以自己做 。
痛苦就是个怪上2~3个DOT,然后就可以换下一个目标了,带个胖子拉拉怪,拉不住也没关系,可以给个牺牲,安全又效率,你两个都用一次就知道差距了 。
说恶魔升级快的人基本都可以肯定最近几个版本没用痛苦天赋升过级的人,还按照老观念想当然的认为SS升级和LR一样,都是靠BB更快一些 。恶魔升级需要到60级点出EVA之后速度才开始快起来,前面胖子基本职能拉一个怪,虽然轻松但是速度相当惨不忍睹的 。而痛苦现在的DOT可以暴击,生命虹吸成了被动技能,雕文的支持可以瞬发暗影箭 。只要怪够多你就可以挨个的上DOT,然后吸血吸蓝,速度应该只比QS慢一些,比恶魔天赋在中前期快了不止一倍的,后期70之后就随意了,3系天赋都差不多了 。


求解释 。现在SS什么种族比较好?兽人会高点,有个小嗜血 。不过作用肯定不大 。估计这个技能带来的收益也就刚够弥补你输出上的失误的 。提升不会很大 。
亡灵意志只能解除恐惧,魅惑,闷棍效果,以前会有一段时间的免疫,现在削弱了,所以没什么用处 。

最看好的还是人类的自利,2分钟的章 。因为与装备章供CD,所以玩PVP只需要带两个更好的饰品而不需要带章就可以了,提升会不小的 。

别的种族没啥可说的了 。魔兽世界只是让种族之间有所区别,是游戏更好玩,在实际意义上没有很突出的作用的 。手法和装备绝对是第一位 。

选个自己觉得好看的种族就好了,最重要的是选个拥有好看坐骑的种族 。

HF更新应该是在下周 机体出什么还是不好猜测的

今天被SS咬了,怎么办?一般都会有什么问题的 。最后去打一针鼠疫疫苗和破伤风,防备万一 。
你处理的方法并不好,当时用清水冲,不能用肥皂 。

Look at me a foreigner, how to translate Chinese menu into English menu

英文摘抄5句话 ,不要太长 20个单词10个短语1The meeting that you have missed yesterday was very important.
2The girl who is making a speech right now is our monitor.
3The vase that I broke yesterday was very expensive.
4The boy who helped you yesterday is my neighbour.
5That's just the topic that I'm very interested in.
6He is just the boss who gave me that valueable opportunity.
7This is the topic/theme that I'm tired of.
8He is the teacher who helped me.
9We all like that speaker who is very humourous.
10The old lady whose two daughters are both teachers is our neighbour.11This is the house in which I lived two years ago.
12This is the house where I lived two years ago.
13Do you remember the day on which you joined our club?
14Do you remember the day when you joined our club?
15This is the reason why he came late.
16This is the reason for which he came late.17Have you taken down everything (that) Mr. Li has said?
18There seems to be nothing (that) seems impossible for him in the world.
19All that can be done has been done.
20There is little (that) I can do for you.21As is known to all, China is a developing country.
22He is from the south, as we can see from his accent.
23John, as you know, is a famous writer.
24He has been to Paris more than several times, which I don’t believe.
25I have never heard such a story as he tells.
26He is not such a fool as he looks.27This is the same book as I lost last week.28He told me that he would go to the college the next year
29I don’t know if there will be a bus any more30Have you determined whichever you should buy,a Motorola or Nokia cell phone?
31We all expect that they will win , for members of their team are stronger32Can you work out how much we will spend during the trip?
33I have made it a rule that I keep diaries.34We discovered what we had learned to be valuable35I know nothing about my new neighbor except that he used to work with a company.36When you start the engine, you must see to it that car is in neutral.
37Naturally , our grandparents were pleased to get our phone call . (副词)
38We worked hard , from sunrise to sunset . (介词状短语)
39To help my disabled aunt , I spend an hour working in her house every day . (不定式)
40 Seen from a distance , the farmhouse looked deserted
以上包括不定式、状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句 。
提问人的追问2010-01-28 16:15
还要这些句子的中文意思,不好意思,刚才忘说了,麻烦你了!回答人的补充2010-01-28 16:45 都是我摘抄的句子你叫我翻译T.T是不是要多给我点分数啊 。

1The meeting that you have missed yesterday was very important.昨天你错过的会议非常重要 。
2The girl who is making a speech right now is our monitor.现在在做演讲的是我们的班长 。
3The vase that I broke yesterday was very expensive.我昨天打破的花瓶很贵 。
4The boy who helped you yesterday is my neighbour.昨天帮助你的男孩是我的邻居 。
5That's just the topic that I'm very interested in.这就是我很感兴趣的话题 。
6He is just the boss who gave me that valueable opportunity.这就是给我难得机遇的老板 。
7This is the topic/theme that I'm tired of.这是我感到厌倦的话题 。
8He is the teacher who helped me.这是帮助我的老师 。
9We all like that speaker who is very humourous.我们都喜欢幽默的演讲者 。
10The old lady whose two daughters are both teachers is our neighbour.我们邻居老妇人的两个女儿都是老师 。

11This is the house in which I lived two years ago.这就是我2年前住的房子
12This is the house where I lived two years ago. 这就是2年前我住的房子
13Do you remember the day on which you joined our club?你记得你什么时候参加我们的俱乐部吗
14Do you remember the day when you joined our club? 同上(这种2句意思一样只是表达法不同)
15This is the reason why he came late.这就是他为什么迟到的理由
16This is the reason for which he came late.同上

17Have you taken down everything (that) Mr. Li has said?你已经记下李老师说的所有东西了吗?
18There seems to be nothing (that) seems impossible for him in the world.在这个世界上似乎没有东西他会在乎 。
19All that can be done has been done.所有该做的都做好了
20There is little (that) I can do for you.我只能为你尽绵薄之力 。

21As is known to all, China is a developing country.众所周知,中国是个发展中国家 。
22He is from the south, as we can see from his accent.我们可以从他的口音看出他来自南方 。
23John, as you know, is a famous writer 。你们都知道约翰是一个著名的作家 。
24He has been to Paris more than several times, which I don’t believe.我实在不敢相信他已经去巴黎很多次了
25I have never heard such a story as he tells.我从没听他说过这样的故事 。
2 6He is not such a fool as he looks.没有人比他更蠢了 。

27This is the same book as I lost last week.这就是我上次丢的那本书

28He told me that he would go to the college the next year他告诉我明年他会来这个大学 。
29I don’t know if there will be a bus any more我不知道还有没有车 。

30Have you determined whichever you should buy,a Motorola or Nokia cell phone?你决定买什么手机了吗 。摩托罗拉还是诺基亚?
31We all expect that they will win , for members of their team are stronger我们都期望他们能赢,因为他们的退伍有很强大的队员 。

32Can you work out how much we will spend during the trip?你可以算出我们在旅行期间的花费吗?
33I have made it a rule that I keep diaries.我已经把记日记当作习惯 。

34We discovered what we had learned to be valuable我们发现我们之前学得都是很有价值的 。

35I know nothing about my new neighbor except that he used to work with a company.

我只知道我们的新邻居他过去在一个公司工作 。

36When you start the engine, you must see to it that car is in neutral.当你发动引擎,你就会看到汽车处在发动状态 。
37Naturally , our grandparents were pleased to get our phone call . 我们的爷爷奶奶理所当然的很高兴接到我们的电话
38We worked hard , from sunrise to sunset .我们从白天到晚上都努力工作 。
39To help my disabled aunt , I spend an hour working in her house every day .我每天花1个小时帮助我残疾的阿姨整理房间 。
40 Seen from a distance , the farmhouse looked deserted 远看农场很荒芜 。
以上包括不定式、状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句 。

1. The sting of a reproach is the truth of it. 指责带给你刺痛,正是它的忠实之处 。
2. He that does what he should not, shall feel what he would not. 若做了不应该做的事,则将产生自己所不希望有的感觉 。
3. All mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,人人铭记之 。
4. It’s the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself. 自欺是世上最易之事 。
5. It’s easier to prevent bad habits than to break them. 防止染上恶习远比消除恶习容易 。
6. How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults. or resolution enough to mend them! 承认并改正错误,需要有足够的勇气和决心 。
7. Trick and treachery are the practice if fools;they have not wit enough to be honest. 傻瓜习惯于诡计和背判的伎俩,他们还没聪明到学会真诚待人
8. Let our fathers and grandfathers be &#118alued for their goodness, ourselves for our own. 让父亲和祖辈因他们的善行受到尊重,让我们因我们自己的善行受到尊重 。
9. Thirst after desert, not reward. 渴求美德而非奖赏 。
10. If thou injure conscience, it will have its revenge on thee. 伤害良心,将受到良心的严惩 。
11. None but the well-bred man knows how to confess a fault, or acknowledge himself in an error. 唯有有教养者方知如何承认错误,或意识到自己行为 。
12. If you do what you should not, you must hear what you would not. 若做了不应做之事,则必然会听见不愿听之语 。
13. An honest man will receive neither money nor praise; that is not his due. 正直的人既不收受他人的钱财,也不接受他人的奉承,这些都不是他应得的 。
14. The honest man takes pains, and then enjoys pleasure. 正直的人先经历痛苦,然后享受欢乐 。
15. Virtue and happiness are mother and daughter. 美德和幸福犹如母女 。
1 6. A bad workman always blames his tools. 拙匠总怪工具差 。
17.Sloth turneth the edge of wit.懒散能磨去才智的锋芒 。
18.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终 。
19.Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 学识可使老年时舒适地退隐和有所寄托;但如果年青时不使它扎下根,老年就得不到它的庇护 。
20.Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在 。
21. A friend exaggerates a man´s virtue, an enemy his crimes.朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过 。
22. Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友 。
23. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.吃亏的和解也比胜诉强 。
24. Virtue never grows old. 美德永远不会过时 。
25.Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 每一个人都是自身幸福的建筑师 。
26.A lazy youth,a lousy age. 少时懒惰老来苦 。
27. Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse. 知识能使好人更好,坏人更坏 。
28. There needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mystery of the world’s trade. 要知世事奥秘多,须要长期作学徒 。
29. Patience and application will carry us through. 忍耐和专心会使我们度过难关 。
30. A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.健康的身体贵於黄金铸成的皇冠 。


听说现在酒店的菜单翻译要统一消息听说了,不过这很难做到 。因为很多菜名在国内中文名字还没有统一呢,更别说统一翻译成英文了 。还有,由于文化的不同,把菜肴名字直接翻译成英文有时会让老外不知所云 。如果直接音译又不能充分表达中华美食文化的博大精深 。
最好的办法是由国家相关部门统一组织专家队伍进行整理,并长期存在,因为每年都会有很多创新菜出来的 。根据菜肴用料,烹饪方法,菜系等统一整理并公布,此外还要标注在国内不同地区些菜名的中文名称,以方便人们使用 。




区别如下:1、价格中国麦当劳一个麦香鱼汉堡套餐要人民币18.5元,在美国只要4美元 。对于一个月薪3000人民的中国人来说,这顿饭花去了一月收入的0.6%,对于一个月薪3000美元的美国人来说,这顿饭花去了一月收入的0.1% 。2、产品质量和数量中国麦当劳汉堡的量相当于美国麦当劳同样汉堡的80%,中国的中杯可乐比美国小杯还要小 。而且中国可乐不能续杯,美国无限续杯 。牛肉不同 。麦当劳的汉堡很重要的一点就是牛肉,国外的牛肉相对来说都比较新鲜 。在国外麦当劳吃到的牛肉一口咬下去是真有肉汁,国内的麦当劳,牛肉都比较硬的 。3、服务中国麦当劳前台不断推荐所谓的超值套餐 。美国的只需要问两句:may I help you?和anything else?中国吃完后直接走就可以,美国还得自己到盘子,并把盘子放好,美国人多数会选择DRIVE UP取餐4、消费人群中国的多是小孩或者白领,或者聚会娱乐休闲聚餐的地方 。在美国是图便宜,节约时间,卡车司机,图方便人士的好去处 。在美国,麦当劳等于是最廉价地位最低的快餐,很大程度上是为了跑长途的卡车司机设计的 。而在中国,麦当劳的价格可是不便宜 。我想这应该是二者最大的差别了 。5、店面装修中国的装修的相当豪华,一般都位于一个城市的中心地带,面积一般都在300平以上,甚至楼上楼下,还附带儿童乐园 。美国荒郊野外的加油站的一个角落也会有麦当劳6、人们心目中的地位在中国心中麦当劳价格较高,档次较高,麦当劳和肯德基是一个档次的,没有区别 。在美国心中,麦当劳就是一路边“低档”的代名词,在美国肯德基和麦当劳相比有天壤之别 。扩展资料:美国麦当劳菜单(部分):Egg McMuffin:起司、煎蛋、火腿麦满分Sausage McMuffin:起司、猪柳麦满分Sausage McMuffin with Egg:起司、猪柳、煎蛋麦满分Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit:培根鸡蛋起司脆饼三明治Sausage Biscuit:猪柳脆饼三明治Sausage Biscuit with Egg:猪柳、蛋脆饼三明治Steak, Egg & Cheese Biscuit:牛排、起司、蛋脆饼三明治Big Mac:最具招牌性的巨无霸汉堡Quarter Pounder:四分之一磅牛肉起司汉堡 。还有一款两片牛肉的 Double Quarter Pounder,肉感十足!Cheeseburger:起司汉堡,基本上就是牛肉+起司 。还有 Double Cheese Burger 两片牛肉+两片起司汉堡Hamburger:普通汉堡,只有牛肉McDouble:两片牛肉+一片起司汉堡Chicken McNuggets:麦当劳炸鸡块,买的时候可以搭配几种不同调料 。调料口味有:Sweet & Sour:甜酸酱Honey Mustard:蜂蜜芥末酱Chipotle Barbeque:墨西哥辣椒烤肉酱Tangy Barbeque:烤肉酱Spicy Buffalo:辣鸡翅酱Sweet Chili:甜椒酱Hot Mustard:辣芥末酱Creamy Ranch:农场沙拉酱
跪求Under the sea(小美人鱼里的)中英对照歌词!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

Down here all the fish is happy
As off through the waves they roll
The fish on the land ain't happy
They sad 'cause they in their bowl
But fish in the bowl is lucky
They in for a worser fate
One day when the boss get hungry
Guess who's gon' be on the plate
Under the sea
Under the sea
Nobody beat us
Fry us and eat us
In fricassee
We what the land folks loves to cook
Under the sea we off the hook
We got no troubles
Life is the bubbles
Under the sea
Under the sea
Since life is sweet here
We got the beat here
Even the sturgeon an' the ray
They get the urge 'n' start to play
We got the spirit
You got to hear it
Under the sea

The newt play the flute
The carp play the harp
The plaice play the bass
And they soundin' sharp
The bass play the brass
The chub play the tub
The fluke is the duke of soul
The ray he can play
The lings on the strings
The trout rockin' out
The blackfish she sings
The smelt and the sprat
They know where it's at
An' oh that blowfish blow

Under the sea
Under the sea
When the sardine
Begin the beguine
It's music to me
What do they got? A lot of sand
We got a hot crustacean band
Each little clam here
know how to jam here
Under the sea
Each little slug here
Cuttin' a rug here
Under the sea
Each little snail here
Know how to wail here
That's why it's hotter
Under the water
Ya we in luck here
Down in the muck here
Under the deep blue sea

[20:49] Under the Sea-SMTOWN(中文版)
[ti:Under the Sea]

[00:02.35]Under the sea
[00:04.09](李特, 希澈, 艺声, 强仁, 晟敏, 银赫)
[00:06.20](东海, 丽旭, Dana, Stephanie, 张力尹)
[00:20.38](东海)看看我的四周 就是下面的大海
[00:25.39](艺声)我的周围很美丽 想再次去看看
[00:30.28](丽旭)under the sea under the sea:
[00:44.56](ALL)我们却是一整天都在畅泳under the sea
[00:55.49](Dana)我们都很幸福 享受着乘浪的乐趣
[00:59.92](Stephanie)谁都不认识 渔港里的鱼儿们
[01:04.86](张力尹)不会郁闷不会厌烦 和鲸鱼商量 托它肚子的福
[01:14.77](ALL)under the sea under the sea
[01:19.29](Stephanie)谁都抓不住 戏弄不了我们
[01:24.20](ALL)我们都很有眼力见 懂得避开鱼饵
[01:28.89](张力尹)安全的世界 没有停下来的事under the sea
[01:36.16]甜蜜的世界 全都幸福地生活着
[01:40.97](Dana)铁甲鲨鱼 刚刚我们也兴致勃勃地演奏
[01:45.90](Stephanie)这样愉快的日子under the sea
[01:51.26](艺声&银赫)吹奏起序曲 弹着手琴 低沉的声音在回荡着
[01:55.91]吹着喇叭 帅气的发型 魅力十足的萨克斯风
[02:00.74]演奏着弘乐器 重复着抓不住的震撼的歌曲
[02:05.36]一个音痴都没有 低音也很帅气
[02:36.15](丽旭)under the sea under the sea
[02:45.50](晟敏)黑色的沙子 我们是帅气的乐队
[02:50.72](东海)连贝壳也一起演奏under the sea
[02:55.55](强仁)连不良少年也一起跳舞under the sea
[03:03.76]在那海底生活的我们运气真好under the sea

under the sea 的歌词和中文翻译


歌名:Under The Sea演唱:Samuel E. Wright作词:Samuel E. Wright作曲:Samuel E. Wright歌词:The seaweed is always greener水草总是看上去更加碧绿In somebody else's lake当它们长在别人的湖里You dream about going up there你梦想着游到那里But that is a big mistake但这却是大错特错Just look at the world around you看看你身边的世界吧Right here on the ocean floor就在这大洋底下Such wonderful things surround you有这么美好的事物围绕着你What more is you lookin' for?你还有他求么Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底Darling it's better亲爱的,这里更好Down where it's wetter在这更加湿润的地方Take it from me听我说Up on the shore they work all day岸上的人们整天劳作Out in the sun they slave away在太阳底下做牛做马While we devotin'此刻我们却在尽情Full time to floatin'尽情的畅游Under the sea在海底Down here all the fish is happy在这里所有的鱼儿都很快乐As off through the waves they roll当它们翻滚着卷起浪花The fish on the land ain't happy在岸上的鱼儿都不快乐They sad 'cause they in their bowl它们因为在狭小的鱼缸里而感到忧伤But fish in the bowl is lucky但是鱼缸里的鱼很幸运They in for a worser fate因为它们等待他们的是更糟的命运One day when the boss get hungry总有一天主人食不果腹的时候Guess who's gon' be on the plate你猜谁会成为盘中餐Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底Nobody beat us没人攻击我们Fry us and eat us油炸我们 或是吃掉我们In fricassee切成肉丁We what the land folks loves to cook我们就是岸上那些家伙喜欢的美味Under the sea we off the hook而在海底我们就能远离渔人的钩子We got no troubles没有烦恼Life is the bubbles生活就像泡泡Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底Since life is sweet here因为这里生活多么甜蜜We got the beat here我们拥有动力Naturally自然而然Even the sturgeon an' the ray哪怕是鲟鱼和鳐鱼They get the urge 'n' start to play它们都急着开始玩耍We got the spirit我们有我们的精神You got to hear it你该听话Under the sea在海底The newt play the flute蝾螈在吹笛子The carp play the harp鲤鱼在弹竖琴The plaice play the bass比目鱼弹奏着贝斯And they soundin' sharp它们在尖叫The bass play the brass低音歌唱家在演奏铜管乐The chub play the tub白鲑在摆弄浴盆The fluke is the duke of soul侥幸的是灵歌公爵(Yeah)The ray he can play能演奏的鳐鱼The lings on the strings弦上的鳕鱼The trout rockin' out玩摇滚的鳟鱼The blackfish she sings黑鲸在演唱The smelt and the sprat胡瓜鱼和鲱鱼They know where it's at它们知道各自的职责An' oh that blowfish blow看 河豚鱼在吹奏Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底When the sardine但沙丁鱼Begin the beguine跳起那比跟舞It's music to me那对我真是仙乐一般的享受What do they got? A lot of sand岸上的人有什么?一大堆沙子We got a hot crustacean band我们有火爆的甲克族乐队Each little clam here每只小蛤蜊know how to jam here都懂得伴奏Under the sea在海底Each little slug here每只小小的鼻涕虫Cuttin' a rug here都在跳着摇摆舞Under the sea在海底Each little snail here每只小小的蜗牛Know how to wail here都知道怎样哀号That's why it's hotter这就是为什么这里更棒Under the water在水下Ya we in luck here我们很幸运Down in the muck here在这污泥下Under the sea在海底扩展资料:《Under The Sea》是电影《小美人鱼》主题曲 。《小美人鱼》是罗恩·克莱蒙兹、约翰·马斯克执导的热血动画电影,由裘蒂·班森、雷内·奥博诺伊斯参与配音演出 。该片讲述了一个美人鱼爱上了王子,为了能加入人类的行列,她用自己的声音换取了一双腿 。该片于1989年11月17日在美国上映 。
求under the sea的中英对照!!注意不是SM唱的那个Under the sea

the seaweed is always greener水草总是看上去更加碧绿
in somebody else's lake当它们长在别人的湖里
you dream about going up there你梦想着游到那里
but that is a big mistake 但这却是大错特错
just look at the world around you 看看你身边的世界吧
right here on the ocean floor 就在这大洋底下
such wonderful things surround you 有这么美好的事物围绕着你
what more is you lookin' for? 你还有他求么?
under the sea 在海底
under the sea 在海底
darling it's better 亲爱的,这里更好
down where it's wetter 在这更加湿润的地方
take it from me 听我说
up on the shore they work all day 岸上的人们整天劳作
out in the sun they slave away 在太阳底下做牛做马
while we devotin' 此刻我们却在尽情
full time to floatin'尽情的畅游
under the sea 在海底
down here all the fish is happy 在这里所有的鱼儿都很快乐
as off through the waves they roll 当它们翻滚着卷起浪花
the fish on the land ain't happy 在岸上的鱼儿都不快乐
they sad 'cause they in their bowl 它们因为在狭小的鱼缸里而感到忧伤
but fish in the bowl is lucky (小美人鱼)但是鱼缸里的鱼很幸运
they in for a worser fate 因为它们等待他们的是更糟的命运?
one day when the boss get hungry 总有一天主人食不果腹的时候
guess who's gon' be on the plate 你猜谁会成为盘中餐?
under the sea 在海底
under the sea 在海底
nobody beat us 没人攻击我们
fry us and eat us 油炸我们 或是吃掉我们
in fricassee 切成肉丁
we what the land folks loves to cook 我们就是岸上那些家伙喜欢的美味
under the sea we off the hook 而在海底我们就能远离渔人的钩子
we got no troubles 没有烦恼
life is the bubbles 生活就像泡泡
under the sea 在海底
under the sea 在海底
since life is sweet here 因为这里生活多么甜蜜
we got the beat here 我们拥有动力
naturally 自然而然
even the sturgeon an' the ray 哪怕是鲟鱼和鳐鱼
they get the urge 'n' start to play 它们都急着开始玩耍
we got the spirit 我们有我们的精神
you got to hear it 你该听话
under the sea 在海底
the newt play the flute 蝾螈在吹笛子
the carp play the harp 鲤鱼在弹竖琴
the plaice play the bass 比目鱼弹奏着贝斯
and they soundin' sharp 它们在尖叫
the bass play the brass 低音歌唱家在演奏铜管乐
the chub play the tub 白鲑在摆弄浴盆
the fluke is the duke of soul 侥幸的是灵歌公爵
the ray he can play 能演奏的鳐鱼
the lings on the strings 弦上的鳕鱼
the trout rockin' out 玩摇滚的鳟鱼
the blackfish she sings 黑鲸在演唱
the smelt and the sprat 胡瓜鱼和鲱鱼
they know where it's at 它们知道各自的职责
an' oh that blowfish blow 噢 看 河豚鱼在吹奏
under the sea 在海底
under the sea 在海底
when the sardine 但沙丁鱼
begin the beguine 跳起那比跟舞
it's music to me 那对我真是仙乐一般的享受
what do they got? a lot of sand 岸上的人有什么?一大堆沙子
we got a hot crustacean band 我们有火爆的甲克族乐队
each little clam here 每只小蛤蜊
know how to jam here 都懂得伴奏
under the sea 在海底
under the sea 在海底
each little slug here 每只小小的鼻涕虫
cuttin' a rug here 都在跳着摇摆舞
each little snail here 每只小小的蜗牛
know how to wail here 都知道怎样哀号
that's why it's hotter 这就是为什么这里更棒
under the water 在水下
ya we in luck here 我们很幸运
down in the muck here 在这污泥下
under the sea 在海底

under the bridge中文歌词Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner
Sometimes I feel like my only friend
Is the city I live in
The city of angels
Lonely as I am
together we cry

I drive on her streets
'Cause she's my companion
I walk through her hills
'Cause She knows who I am
我徒步穿过她的山丘,因为她了解我 。
She sees my good deeds
And she kisses me windy
她知道我的好,以风亲吻我 。
(good deeds是一个的好行为、好品行; she kisses me windy应该是用windy和上一行deeds压韵,windy其实是个形容词,我翻译的时候当副词处理了,我觉得歌词作者是这个意思)
I never worry
Now that is a lie
既然这是个谎言,我从不担心 。

I don't ever want to feel
Like I did that day
(这是直译,其实就是说关于那天他所做的事,我以前连想都没想过 。歌词嘛,有的时候表达上是要故意“拽”一下的)
Take me to the place I love
Take me all the way
(all the way就是不耐其烦、不远万里这一类的含义,具体怎么说你自己处理吧)

It's hard to believe
That there's nobody out there
很难相信(直译,其实就是说:没有想到),外面一个人也没有 。
It's hard to believe
That I'm all alone
很难相信(同上),我孤身一人 。
At least I have her love
The city she loves me
至少,我有她的爱,这座城市她爱我 。(直译,按照汉语表达习惯就是:至少这座城市爱我,我有她的爱)

I don't ever want to feel
Like I did that day
Take me to the place I love
Take me all the way

Under the bridge downtown
Is where I drew some blood
Under the bridge downtown
I could not got enough
Under the bridge downtown
Forgot about my love
Under the bridge downtown
I gave my life away
在市中心的一座桥下,我丧掉了我的生命 。

谁有Under the sea的中文版歌词Under the sea(李特, 希澈, 艺声, 强仁, 晟敏, 银赫)(东海, 丽旭, Dana, Stephanie, 张力尹)(李特)那对面的海上看起来更有朝气但是(希澈)如果我去了那里的话也只会更失望(东海)看看我的四周 就是下面的大海(艺声)我的周围很美丽 想再次去看看(丽旭)under the sea under the sea:(李特)甚么时候都享受着这湿漉漉的大海(强仁)人们在烈日底下整天都在劳动着但是(ALL)我们却是一整天都在畅泳under the sea(Dana)我们都很幸福 享受着乘浪的乐趣(Stephanie)谁都不认识 渔港里的鱼儿们(张力尹)不会郁闷不会厌烦 和鲸鱼商量 托它肚子的福(强仁)那吃了饭的海(ALL)under the sea under the sea(Stephanie)谁都抓不住 戏弄不了我们(ALL)我们都很有眼力见 懂得避开鱼饵(张力尹)安全的世界 没有停下来的事under the sea甜蜜的世界 全都幸福地生活着(Dana)铁甲鲨鱼 刚刚我们也兴致勃勃地演奏(Stephanie)这样愉快的日子under the sea(艺声&银赫)吹奏起序曲 弹着手琴 低沉的声音在回荡着吹着喇叭 帅气的发型 魅力十足的萨克斯风演奏着弘乐器 重复着抓不住的震撼的歌曲一个音痴都没有 低音也很帅气(丽旭)under the sea under the sea(李特)在这里所有的东西都一起唱歌(晟敏)黑色的沙子 我们是帅气的乐队(东海)连贝壳也一起演奏under the sea(强仁)连不良少年也一起跳舞under the sea(晟敏)连小小的蜗牛也一起享受着在那海底生活的我们运气真好under the sea

求a-teens的under the sea 的歌词歌手:Samuel E. Wright
Samuel E. Wright - Under The Sea
《小美人鱼》(The Little Mermaid)插曲

The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

Down here all the fish is happy
As off through the waves they roll
The fish on the land ain't happy
They sad 'cause they in their bowl
But fish in the bowl is lucky
They in for a worser fate
One day when the boss get hungry
Guess who's gon' be on the plate
Under the sea
Under the sea
Nobody beat us
Fry us and eat us
In fricassee
We what the land folks loves to cook
Under the sea we off the hook
We got no troubles
Life is the bubbles
Under the sea
Under the sea
Since life is sweet here
We got the beat here
Even the sturgeon an' the ray
They get the urge 'n' start to play
We got the spirit
You got to hear it
Under the sea

The newt play the flute
The carp play the harp
The plaice play the bass
And they soundin' sharp
The bass play the brass
The chub play the tub
The fluke is the duke of soul
The ray he can play
The lings on the strings
The trout rockin' out
The blackfish she sings
The smelt and the sprat
They know where it's at
An' oh that blowfish blow

Under the sea
Under the sea
When the sardine
Begin the beguine
It's music to me
What do they got? A lot of sand
We got a hot crustacean band
Each little clam here
know how to jam here
Under the sea
Each little slug here
Cuttin' a rug here
Under the sea
Each little snail here
Know how to wail here
That's why it's hotter
Under the water
Ya we in luck here
Down in the muck here
Under the sea

帮忙翻译一首歌!!!!!"小美人鱼" (小美人鱼)插曲

是什么,更重要的是你lookin ' ?
虽然我们devotin '
专职floatin '

他们获得敦促' ,东经'开始发挥

他们soundin '夏普
该鳟rockin '

cuttin '地毯这里

Samuel E. Wright - Under The Sea
《小美人鱼》(The Little Mermaid)插曲

The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

Down here all the fish is happy
As off through the waves they roll
The fish on the land ain't happy
They sad 'cause they in their bowl
But fish in the bowl is lucky
They in for a worser fate
One day when the boss get hungry
Guess who's gon' be on the plate
Under the sea
Under the sea
Nobody beat us
Fry us and eat us
In fricassee
We what the land folks loves to cook
Under the sea we off the hook
We got no troubles
Life is the bubbles
Under the sea
Under the sea
Since life is sweet here
We got the beat here
Even the sturgeon an' the ray
They get the urge 'n' start to play
We got the spirit
You got to hear it
Under the sea

The newt play the flute
The carp play the harp
The plaice play the bass
And they soundin' sharp
The bass play the brass
The chub play the tub
The fluke is the duke of soul
The ray he can play
The lings on the strings
The trout rockin' out
The blackfish she sings
The smelt and the sprat
They know where it's at
An' oh that blowfish blow

Under the sea
Under the sea
When the sardine
Begin the beguine
It's music to me
What do they got? A lot of sand
We got a hot crustacean band
Each little clam here
know how to jam here
Under the sea
Each little slug here
Cuttin' a rug here
Under the sea
Each little snail here
Know how to wail here
That's why it's hotter
Under the water
Ya we in luck here
Down in the muck here
Under the sea

小美人鱼插曲!除了under the sea和kiss the girl!!!相当急~【97ssee】我也想要,不过找不到,PART OF YOUR WORLD挺好听的