
宁缺毋滥用英语怎么说标准的quality before quantity
Less but better

宁缺毋滥 用英语怎么说?rather go without than have something shoddy

品质保证 希望能够帮到楼主

求宁滥勿缺 , 宁缺毋滥 。英语翻译



1、英文翻译宁滥勿缺=The more the better;宁缺毋滥=The less the better2、中文意思前者:宁可缺少 , 也不能把乱七八糟的东西都收拢来 。后者:宁可把糟粕的东西也弄进来了 , 也不能少 。扩展资料1、宁缺毋滥成语读音:nìng quē wù làn成语释义:选拔人才或挑选事物 , 宁可少一些 , 也不要不顾质量贪多凑数 。成语示例:前天晚上 , 我们不是决定了“宁缺毋滥”的宗旨么?(茅盾《子夜》五)2、宁滥勿缺字典里没有这一词 , 但按字面意思解释即为即使质量不好也不能数量不够 。参考资料百度百科-宁缺毋滥
宁缺毋滥 英文翻译宁缺毋滥It is better to leave a deficiency uncovered than to have it covered without discretion.; put quality before quantity; Fewer (Less) but better.; rather go without than have sth. shoddy; rather go without than make do with a substandard substitute:
我们必须重视质量 , 宁缺毋滥 。We must put quality before quantity; We should rather go without than have something shoddy.

宁缺毋滥 , 英语怎么写宁缺毋滥:rather go without than have sth shoddy 。

请采纳 , 谢谢支持!

[词典]It is better to leave a deficiency uncovered than to have it covered without discretion.; put quality before quantity; Fewer [Less] but better.; rather go without than have sth. shoddy;
[例句]我们必须重视质量 , 宁缺毋滥 。
We must put quality before quantity; We should rather go without than have something shoddy.

宁缺毋滥求翻译成英文?1. Fewer (Less) but better2. would rather go without than have something shoddy3. put quality before qualitity

(一颗心宁缺毋滥)翻译成英文怎么写?对一个喜欢的人付出是心甘情愿的事情 , 不论是什么事情都愿意为你去做 , 甚至是为你放弃生命 , 这是我自己对你的诺言 。

Paying to
a person who like is willingly of affair, in
spite of is what affairs would like to do for
you, even is for you to give up life, this be my
promise to you.

心甘情愿只为他一个人付出 , 一颗心宁缺毋滥
For him, willing heart, nothing more

宁缺毋滥用英语怎么说?put quality before quantity;
rather go without than have sth. shoddy;

We must put quality before quantity ; We should rather go without than have something shoddy.

宁缺毋滥英语怎么说?rather go without than have sth shoddy/
would rather go without(sth)than be contented with anything less satisfactory


We must put quality before quantity.We would rather go without than have something shoddy.我们必须重视质量,宁缺毋滥.

请问 , 宁缺毋滥用英文怎么说宁缺毋滥
it is better to leave a deficiency uncovered than to have it covered without discretion
it is better to leave a deficiency uncovered than to have it covered without discretion
it is better to leave a deficiency uncovered than to have it covered without discretion

宁缺毋滥的英语宁缺毋滥 [nìng quē wú làn]
[词典] It is better to leave a deficiency uncovered than to have it covered without discretion.; put quality before quantity; Fewer [Less] but better.; rather go without than have sth. shoddy;

[例句]我们必须重视质量 , 宁缺毋滥 。
We must put quality before quantity; We should rather go without than have something shoddy.

宁缺毋滥英文 。宁缺毋滥的英文是: put quality before quantity

宁缺毋滥翻译成英文rather go without than have sth shoddy/
would rather go without(sth)than be contented with anything less satisfactory


We must put quality before quantity.We would rather go without than have something shoddy.我们必须重视质量,宁缺毋滥.

宁缺毋滥 , 英语怎么说 , 请说准确的 。谢谢宁缺毋滥
Best or nothing

宁缺毋滥的英文怎么说【宁缺毋滥英语】宁缺毋滥的英文:put quality before quantity