17 year old

years old 和year-old的区别和用法XX-year-old是“XX岁的”的意思,是形容词,一般用作定语,修饰名词,也可以用作名词.

11_year_old是什么用法?【17 year old】答:可以这么用:She is an11-year-old girl.We all like her very much.

16-year-old 跟16 years old什么区别啊?16-year-old是形容词,比如说a 16-year-old boy,但是16 years old一般作表语,比如the boy is 16 years old.希望对你有所帮助 。

The 17-year-old end of the rainy season. 是什么意思? 求解求解 。17岁雨季末端

【13-year-old】与【13 years old】有什么区别?(用法上)没区别 。要注意的就是由连字号“—”了名词“year”用单数,否则用复数 。

17-year-old 是什么用法?什么意思?形容词指代名词,大概意思是17岁的孩子,具体指代的人要联系上下文来理解 。
17-year-old原本为形容词,意思是“17岁的”,这里形容词性物主代词my(我的)后面很显然是个名词,所以这时候17-year-old是形容词指代名词 。

years old 和year-old 的区别简单的说,前者是两个词分开为名词、形容词;后者前加数字x-year-old ,整体作为形容词 。
前者: This television is already ten years old.
后者: This is a ten-year-old television.

year old和years old的区别year-old 是形容词,后面可以加名词,这个词中间那个是“-”是连词符
years old是表示几岁,比如5 years old

12 -year-old 和12 years old的区别意思一样的,前面那个是单数形式的,后面是复数形式的,具体用法要根据句子单复数成分

2道英语选择题 1、My father started teaching when he was____.A、19 years old B、19 year old1.A、19 years old

求一道英语完形填空题答案,第一句是when i was seven we were stationed in wisconsin for a year.只找到了这个,Sorry.
When I was seven, we were stationed in Wisconsin for a year. My __36__ lived in a big farmhouse and that was our first __37__ with country living.

Our family of six were lying on the grass, watching the shapes of the clouds __38__ across the sky. It was a time of __39__ conversation and just being together.

Daddy glanced at me and said, “Karen, run up to the house and __40__ me a cheese sandwich.” I __41__ and ran across our lawn that was the size of a football field. I went into the __42__ and gathered the ingredients(成分) for the “best-ever” sandwich. I ran back across the yard and _43__- handed my creation to Daddy. __44__ he chewed, he asked, “Did you wash your hands first?”

“No, sir,” I answered. I hadn’t even thought about it.

He spat the chewed-up food out onto the ground as he __45__ the sandwich into the air. I swallowed hard and blinked back my __46__. The day no longer seemed so beautiful.

__47__ it certainly wasn’t the last. Many times through the years, when I __48__ to meet his standards, he would ask, “Are you stupid?”

__49__ I made good grades in school, that little voice still said, “You’re stupid at the __50__ mistake.” I had to tiptoe around him __51__. No matter how good I tried to be, it would __52__ be enough. I could never be good enough for him.

In his later years, my dad became a kind grandfather to my sons. He __53__ me and showed his love for me in __54__ ways. But I wonder what if Dad had been like this. Perhaps that little “you’re stupid” voice that has plagued (折磨)me all my life would never have had a chance to __55__.

[英语]When he was young, he ____a birthday party every year.2,当然用过去时

求一道英语完形填空题答案,第一句是When I was about twelve years old要不嫌麻烦的话,把文章发上来

英语选择题 The life he was used to ____that year,when a terrible traffic accident……选C
be used to sth 习惯于某事
he was used to修饰the life ,意思是, 他所习惯了的生活在那一年发生了改变, 。。。。。

因为有时间状语那一年that year, 所以动词使用过去式changed

分析句子成分he is a student,宾语是a student还是student?student是表语,这是主系表结构,is是系动词而不是谓语动词,这个和汉语有区别

把he is 14 years old写成宾语从句如 I think he is 14 years old.

请问以下这三句中,主语、谓语和宾语分别是什么?“前后”一词在句中充当什么语言成分?许多人,挂着,标语牌 。那,有,房间 。
三仙姑,生过,孩子 。

he的宾语是什么宾语是句子中的成分 。he 的宾格是him

Ask him if he will come with us 是宾语从句吗?请分析句子成分 。是if he will come with us是从句

I,m ten-year-old是什么意思

17 year old


I,m ten-year-old的中文意思:我十岁了 。相同意思的英文表达:1、I was 102、I was 10 years old3、I am 10 years old词组解析:years old英文发音:[jɪəz əʊld]中文释义:岁;年龄;当我…岁时例句:He's only 24 years old and a drug addict. 他只有24岁,却是个瘾君子 。扩展资料英语中有关年龄的表达法:1、表示“整岁”,直接用基数词或year,age,例如“他20岁”可表示为:He is twenty.He is twenty years old.He is a twenty-year-old man.2、表示“在某人几十多岁”,用“in one's +基数词复数形式” 。例如:他七十多岁 。He is in his seventies.(从70岁到79岁之间)她五十多岁 。She is in her fifties.(从50岁到59岁之间)还可以借助early,middle,late来表达得更明确一些,例如:那女孩今年二十二、三岁 。The girl is in her early twenties.3、表示“快满多少岁”用进行时或将来时,例如“他快满十八岁了”可说成:He is getting on for eighteen.He is going on eighteen years old.
im.eightyearsoid是什么意思1 , 你这句话应该存在拼写错误,这句话的断句应该是 I am eight years old
2,之所以前面是im,这是英语在编辑短信是常用的方式,意思是I am


I 'm Years Old 什么意思
17 year old


I'm⋯⋯ years old 句型的意思是“我⋯⋯岁 ; 我今年⋯⋯岁” 。其中,⋯⋯省略号处可以加表示具体岁数的数词 。如:1、I'm one year old.我一岁 。(1岁时 one year old,year后面不加s)2、I'm seven years old.我七岁 。3、I'm five years old.我那时五岁 。其中,短语⋯⋯ years old 表示“⋯⋯岁”,“今年⋯⋯岁” 。20 years old表示 20岁;同理,短语⋯⋯ months old 表示“⋯⋯月大” 。7 months old 7个月大I'm⋯⋯表示“我是⋯⋯”I'm only 4 years old我只有4岁 。扩展资料:I'm⋯⋯ years old “我⋯⋯岁 ; 我今年⋯⋯岁” 。省略号处可以加表示具体岁数的数词 。如:1、I’m 30 years old, I remember thinking. 记得当时我想自己已经30岁了 。2、Now, I'm 34 years old and still barely getting by. 现在34 岁的我现在的生活也只是过得去而已 。3、Buying everything new: I’m 54 years old and have never owned a new car.不要总买崭新的东西: 我今年54岁了,还没有拥有过一辆新车 。
iamthreeyearsold用中文是什么意思I am three yearsold

years old


When I seven years old,my Mum told me, 这是什么歌!??在线7 Years - Lukas Graham
Once I was seven years old my momma told me
那年我七岁 妈妈就对我说
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
去交些朋友 不然你会孤独寂寞
Once I was seven years old
It was a big big world but we thought we were bigger
这个辽阔的大千世界 总以为我们也会变得更加强大
Pushing each other to the limits we were learning quicker
将彼此逼到绝境 我们得以更快的成长
By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor
十一岁那年 我吸大麻 喝烈性酒
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure
生活捉襟见肘 我们离家奋斗只为有个稳定收入
Once I was eleven years old my daddy told me
十一岁那年 爸爸对我说
Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely
给自己找个妻子 否则你会空虚寂寞
Once I was eleven years old
I always had that dream like my daddy before me
So I started writing songs I started writing stories
所以我开始写歌 开始写不同的故事
Something about the glory just always seemed to bore me
曾经的光辉岁月 对我来说也已厌倦
Cause only those I really love will ever really know me
Once I was 20 years old my story got told
二十岁那年 我的故事广为流传
Before the morning sun when life was lonely
黎明还未照耀前 孤独的我无人相伴
Once I was 20 years old
Lukas Graham
Lukas Graham
I only see my goals I don't believe in failure
我一心实现梦想 从不相信失败
Cause I know the smallest voices they can make it major
I got my boys with me at least those in favor
And if we don't meet before I leave I hope I'll see you later
如果我离开前 我们无缘碰面 就让我们后会有期
Once I was 20 years old my story got told
二十岁那年 我的故事广为流传
I was writing about everything I saw before me
Once I was 20 years old
Soon we'll be 30 years old our songs have been sold
很快我们三十而立 我们的歌也是人尽皆知
We've traveled around the world and we're still rolling
我们游遍世界 我们不曾止步
Soon we'll be 30 years old
I'm still learning about life
My woman brought children for me
So I can sing them all my songs
And I can tell them stories
Most of my boys are with me
Some are still out seeking glory
And some I had to leave behind
My brother I'm still sorry
兄弟们 我仍心怀歉意
Soon I'll be 60 years old my daddy got 61
很快我就年过花甲 我父亲也年逾古稀
Remember life and then your life becomes a better one
时刻感恩 生活就会更加美好
I made the man so happy when I wrote a letter once
又一次给老爸写信 他高兴不已
I hope my children come and visit once or twice a month
Soon I'll be 60 years old will I think the world is cold
很快我将年逾六十 不知是否还会觉得人世冷漠
Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me
Soon I'll be 60 years old
Soon I'll be 60 years old will I think the world is cold
很快我将年逾六十 不知是否还会觉得人世冷漠
Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me
Soon I'll be 60 years old
Once I was seven years old my momma told me
那年我七岁 妈妈就对我说
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
去交些朋友 不然你会孤独寂寞
Once I was seven years old
Once I was seven years old

When I seven years old,my Mum told me, 这是什么歌?
17 year old


7 Years - Lukas Graham歌词:Once I was seven years old, my mama told meGo make yourself some friends or you'll be lonelyOnce I was seven years oldIt was a big big world, but we thought we were biggerPushing each other to the limits, we were learning quickerBy eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquorNever rich so we were out to make that steady figureOnce I was twelve years old, my daddy told meGo get yourself a wife or you'll be lonelyOnce I was twelve years oldI always had that dream like my daddy before meSo I started writing songs, I started writing storiesSomething about that glory, just always seemed to bore meCause only those I really love will ever really know meOnce I was twenty years old, my story got toldBefore the morning sun, when life was lonelyOnce I was twenty years oldI only see my goals, I don't believe in failureCause I know the smallest voices, they can make it majorI got my boys with me, at least those in favorAnd if we don't meet before I leave, I hope I'll see you laterOnce I was 20 years old, my story got toldI was writing about everything I saw before meOnce I was 20 years oldSoon we'll be 30 years old, our songs have been soldWe've traveled around the world and we're still roamingSoon we'll be 30 years oldI'm still learning about lifeMy woman brought children for meSo I can sing them all my songsAnd I can tell them storiesMost of my boys are with meSome are still out seeking gloryAnd some I had to leave behindMy brother I'm still sorrySoon I'll be 60 years old, my daddy got 61Remember life and then your life becomes a better oneI made the man so happy when I wrote a letter onceI hope my children come and visit, once or twice a monthSoon I'll be 60 years old, will I think the world is coldOr will I have a lot of children who can warm me?Soon I'll be 60 years oldOnce I was seven years old, my mama told meGo make yourself some friends or you'll be lonelyOnce I was seven years oldOnce I was seven years old参考资料酷我:http://m.kuwo.cn/?mid=MUSIC_700279&from=sm
求一首英文歌,歌词有几句是when i was 5 years old,mama told me.
17 year old


正确歌词“Once I was seven years old my momma told me” 。出自歌曲《7 Years》歌曲:7 Years歌手:Lukas Graham填词:Christopher Steven Brown/Lukas Forchhammer/Stefan Forrest/David Labrel/Morten Pilegaard/Morten Ristorp谱曲:Christopher Steven Brown/Lukas Forchhammer/Stefan Forrest/David Labrel/Morten Pilegaard/Morten Ristorp歌词Once I was seven years old my momma told me那年我七岁,妈妈就对我说Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely去交些朋友,不然你会孤独寂寞Once I was seven years old那年我七岁It was a big big world,but we thought we were bigger这个辽阔的大千世界,总以为我们也会变得更加强大Pushing each other to the limits,we were learning quicker将彼此逼到绝境,我们得以更快的成长By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor十一岁那年,我喝烈性酒Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure生活捉襟见肘,我们离家奋斗只为有个稳定收入Once I was eleven years old my daddy told me十一岁那年,爸爸对我说Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely给自己找个妻子,否则你会空虚寂寞Once I was eleven years old那年我十一岁I always had that dream like my daddy before me我常梦想着有朝一日,能像爸爸一样成为一个歌手So I started writing songs,I started writing stories所以我开始写歌,开始写不同的故事Something about the glory,just always seemed to bore me曾经的光辉岁月,对我来说也已厌倦Cause only those I really love will ever really know me因为只有那些,我真正爱的人才真的懂我Once I was 20 years old,my story got told二十岁那年,我的故事广为流传Before the morning sun,when life was lonely黎明还未照耀前,孤独的我无人相伴Once I was 20 years old那年我二十岁I only see my goals,I don't believe in failure我一心实现梦想,从不相信失败Cause I know the smallest voices,they can make it major因为我知道蝼蚁,也能成就不朽I got my boys with me at least those in favor我找到一群伙伴,跟我志同道合的And if we don't meet before I leave,I hope I'll see you later如果我离开前我们无缘碰面,就让我们后会有期Once I was 20 years old,my story got told二十岁那年,我的故事广为流传I was writing about everything,I saw before me我写下每一个,我亲眼所见的故事Once I was 20 years old那年我二十岁Soon we'll be 30 years old,our songs have been sold很快我们三十而立,我们的歌也是人尽皆知We've traveled around the world and we're still roaming我们游遍世界,我们不曾止步Soon we'll be 30 years old I'm still learning about life很快我们就三十了,我依旧在领悟人生真谛My woman brought children for me爱人为我生了几个孩子So I can sing them all my songs所以我可以为他们唱我的歌And I can tell them stories Most of my boys are with me我可以为他们讲我的故事,昔日兄弟仍跟有联络Some are still out seeking glory有些仍在追名逐利And some I had to leave behind My brother I'm still sorry有些已被我遗忘脑海,兄弟们我仍心怀歉意Soon I'll be 60 years old,my daddy got 61很快我就到60岁了,接近父亲61岁去世的年纪了Remember life and then your life becomes a better one时刻感恩,生活就会更加美好I made a man so happy when I wrote a letter once又一次给老爸写信,他高兴不已I hope my children come and visit,once or twice a month我希望我的孩子偶尔也来看望一下我Soon I'll be 60 years old,will I think the world is cold很快我将年逾六十,不知是否还会觉得人世冷漠Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me还是会拥有一群,温暖我心的孩子Soon I'll be 60 years old很快我将年逾六十Soon I'll be 60 years old,will I think the world is cold很快我将年逾六十,不知是否还会觉得人世冷漠Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me还是会拥有一群,温暖我心的孩子Soon I'll be 60 years old很快我将年逾六十Once I was seven years old,my momma told me那年我七岁,妈妈就对我说Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely去交些朋友,不然你会孤独寂寞Once I was seven years old Once I was seven years old那年我七岁,那年我七岁扩展资料《7 Years》该歌曲收录在专辑《Lukas Graham》中,由华纳音乐公司发行于2016-04-01,该张专辑包含了11首歌曲 。该歌曲其他版本1、Conor Maynard演唱的《7 Years》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Covers》中,由华纳音乐公司发行于2016-08-05,该张专辑包含了13首歌曲 。2、Owen Danoff演唱的《7 Years》,该歌曲收录在专辑《7 Years (The Voice Performance)》中,由环球唱片公司发行于2016-10-14,该张专辑包含了1首歌曲 。
一首英文歌:when i 17 years old mum。。叫什么本诗是威廉·巴特勒·叶芝于1893年创作的一首诗歌,是叶芝献给友人茅德·冈热烈而真挚的爱情诗篇 。
I'm sixty years old是哪首歌歌词7 Years 7岁

Lukas Graham 卢卡斯.格雷姆演唱

Written by:Christopher Brown,Lukas Forchhammer,Stefan Forrest

Once I was seven years old,

my mama told me

Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely.

Once I was seven years old.
It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger.

Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker.

By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor

Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure

Once I was eleven years old, my daddy told me

Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely.

Once I was eleven years old.

I always had that dream like my daddy before me
So I started writing songs,
I started writing stories

Something about the glory, just always seemed to bore me

Cause only those I really love will ever really know me

Once I was twenty years old, my story got told
Before the morning sun, when life was lonely.

Once I was twenty years old.

I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure.

Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major.
I got my boys with me atleast those in favor
And if we don't meet before I leave, I hope I'll see you later.

Once I was 20 years old, my story got told
I was writing about everything, I saw before me

Once I was 20 years old.

Soon we'll be 30 years old, our songs have been sold

We've traveled around the world and we're still roaming.

Soon we'll be 30 years old.

I'm still learning about life

My woman brought children for me

So I can sing them all my songs

And I can tell them stories
most of my boys are with me

Some are still out seeking glory

And some I had to leave behind

My brother I'm still sorry

Soon I'll be 60 years old, my daddy got 61
Remember life and then your life becomes a better one
I made the man so happy when
I wrote a letter once

I hope my children come and visit, once or twice a month

Soon I'll be 60 years old, will I think the world is cold

Or will I have a lot of children who can bore me

Soon I'll be 60 years old
Soon I'll be 60 years old, will I think the world is cold
Or will I have a lot of children who can bore me

Soon I'll be 60 years old

Once I was seven years old, my mama told me

Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely

Once I was seven years old

Once I was seven years old

一首英文歌 开头是 when i was 17.请问这是什么歌啊卡朋特《昨日重现》

一首英文歌 开头是 when i was 17,it was a very good time.请问这是什么歌啊歌名就是it was a very good year

an 18 years old,an 18-year-old有什么区别"an 18 years old"这个表达是错误的,比如“I am 18 years old."表示“我18岁”,“18 years old"是名词,而“18-year-old"是形容词,两者词性不同,比如“I am an 18-year-old girl"就表示“我是一个18岁的女孩” 。

什么时候用year old ? 什么时候用years old ?大于一岁就用复数years old 。刚好一岁及以下就用year old 。
At 54 years old her energy and looks are magnificent.
她54岁了,精力和气色都非常好 。
The car is less than a year old, and therefore still under guarantee.
这辆汽车用不到一年,因此仍在保用期内 。

(1) 一般直接用基数词表示,如:
Her daughter is eighteen. 她的女儿18岁 。
(2) 用“基数词 + years old”表示,有时可将years old 换成years of age 。如:
Her daughter is eighteen years old. / Her daughter is eighteen years of age. 她的女儿18岁 。
(3) 用“at the age of +基数词”表示 。如:
Her daughter got married at the age of eighteen. 她的女儿18岁就结了婚 。
(4) 用“基数词-year-old”表示,此结构常做(前置)定语 。如:
Her 18-year-old daughter is now in the university. 他18岁的女儿现在上大学 。
(5) 用“of + 基数词”表示,此结构常做后置定语 。如:
Her daughter is now a pretty girl of 18. 她女儿现在一个18岁的美少女了 。
(6) 用“aged +基数词”表示,此结构常做后置定语 。如:
Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen. 躺在地板上的是一个约莫十七岁的男孩 。
(7) 用“be in one’s +几十的复数形式”表示某人大概的年龄 。如:
He went to the United States in his fifties. 他五十多岁时去了美国 。

18 years old happy birthday是什么意思18 years old happy birthday

One advertisement for the clinic reads, "70 years old and still going strong. Happybirthday, dr. life!"

初二英语18 years ole和18-year-old分别是什么词性,用法再各造个句子一个名词一个形容词 。
如I am 18years old
An 18-year-old boy is over there

英语,这题用an 18 years old可以吗?不可以,这考的是复合形容词,把几个词用连接符号连接起来(注意全部用原形),就构成一个形容词性短语了 。18 yeas old 18岁,只能作状态,用于be后,18-year-old就是“18岁的”,修饰后面名词 。