
英 ['bʌdʒɪtərɪ]
美 ['bʌdʒɪtɛri]

adj. 预算的

ROM quotation 什么意思(在询盘当中出现的)——ROM=Rough Order of Magnitude

意思就是说大概估价,你是做小商品销售的吧?客户可能想进很多货让你给他个大概估价,比如1000件大概多少钱之类的 。看来现在客户还没有和你合作的兴趣,如果你的价格够吸引他,他会给你一个Budgetary Quote,就是比较详细的报价了,这时候你们的生意才慢慢有戏 。

budgetary是什么意思及反义词budgetary 英[ˈbʌdʒɪtəri]美[ˈbʌdʒɪteri]adj. 预算上的;

什么是Budgetarybudgetary 音节划分:budg▪et▪ary英 [ˈbʌdʒɪtəri] 美 [ˈbʌdʒɪteri]adj.预算上的网 络预算的;预算;财政预算1. The budgetary arithmetic suggests that government borrowing is set to surge. 预算数字表明政府借款将要大幅增加 。2. There are huge budgetary pressures on all governments in Europe to reduce their armed forces. 欧洲各国政府都面临着巨大的裁军预算压力 。

bugetory quote是什么意思预算引用


工程预算是什么意思?工程造价与工程预算两者概念不同 。工程造价与工程预算两者的所处阶段不同:顾名思义,讲得通俗一点的话,一个是预计产生费用,一个是实际产生费用 。工程预算是工程造价的一部分,即工程造价的范围更广 。
预算是什么意思啊?同学你好,很高兴为您解答!计划或预期营业收入、费用、资产和负债的报表 。预算为将来的营运和绩效评估提供指导 。(又称 “利润计划” 。)马上就要2015年下半年CMA资格考试了,在这里祝大家好好考试,每个人都超常发挥,取得好成绩!希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟 。再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道 。高顿祝您生活愉快!



预算是经法定程序审核批准的国家年度集中性财政收支计划 。它规定国家财政收入的来源和数量、财政支出的各项用途和数量,反映着整个国家政策、政府活动的范围和方向 。同时预算还指企业或个人未来的一定时期内经营、资本、财务等各方面的收入、支出、现金流的总体计划 。它将各种经济活动用货币的形式表现出来 。每一个责任中心都有一个预算,它是为执行本中心的任务和完成财务目标所需各种资财的财务计划 。扩展资料:预算的分类企业预算可以按不同标准进行多种分类:1.根据预算内容不同,可以分为业务预算(即经营预算)、专门决策预算、财务预算 。2.从预算指标覆盖的时间长短划分,企业预算分为长期预算和短期预算 。各种预算是一个有机联系的整体 。一般将由业务预算、专门决策预算和财务预算组成的预算体系,又可称为全面预算体系 。业务预算(即经营预算):业务预算是指与企业日常经营活动直接相关的经营业务的各种预算 。包括销售预算、生产预算、材料采购预算、直接材料消耗预算、直接人工预算、制造费用预算、产品生产成本预算、经营费用和管理费用预算等 。专门决策预算:专门决策预算指企业不经常发生的、一次性的重要决策预算 。如资本支出预算 。财务预算:财务预算指企业在计划期内反映有关预计现金收支、财务状况和经营成果的预算 。包括现金预算、预计利润表和预计资产负债表等内容 。参考资料:百度百科预算
Executive Office是什么意思Executive Office的中文翻译




Mary Malone is a secretary in the executive office of a large manufacturing

玛丽 。莫隆是一家大型制造公司的办公室秘书 。


Please submit the completed form and the required documents to the TIC
Executive Office.

请将填妥之申请表?同所需的文件,交回议会办事处 。


In addition, the Executive Office administers the extrabudgetary trust
funds of the Department.

此外,执行办公室管理该部的预算外信托基金 。


Yet this is hardly unusual--most countries with high-speed rail networks financed the capital construction mainly or entirely from budgetary funds.
但这并非不同寻常,大多数拥有高铁网络的国家主要甚至完全由国家预算来为基本建设提供资金 。

中译英 。。。【budgetary】Extra-budgetary fund
Central level funds budget
Local finance budget
Financial deficit
Develop economy, opening source of wealth

帮忙翻译一下Title: China's centralized treasury payment system reform of

Abstract: With China's financial reform continued to deepen, the centralized treasury payment system in the country started to gradually promote the implementation of centralized treasury payment system is not only the reform of China's fiscal expenditure management system reform of the important content of China is to establish the framework of public finance An important component part. Implementation of centralized treasury payments, the Government is the essence of all the financial funds (including the budget and extrabudgetary funds) on the state treasury or treasury designated the agency set up accounts, while all financial expenditure (including extra-budgetary expenditure and budget) are Through this account allocated to further enhance the transparency of financial capital expenditures, improve the efficiency in the use of funds. The system for the implementation of China's economic development is extremely far-reaching significance. In this paper, the study conducted centralized treasury payment system reform and the significance of China's treasury payment system by the existing problems, and summarize these issues, sum up, organize. At the same time a serious analysis of the root of the problem, put forward solutions to these problems rationalization proposals.

Key words: centralized treasury payment system existing problems treasury management



英语学习方法总结有句子比单词重要,听不懂也要听,敢于开口,寻找速成英语班 。1、句子比单词重要中国人学英语(课程),最常用的方法是背单词,甚至有人以能背出一本词典为荣,但是词典上的解释是死的,语言的运用却是活的,机械的理解会造成很大的误解 。2、听不懂也要听练习听力时,许多人抱怨听不懂,因而丧失了听的乐趣,往往半途而废 。其实,即使听不懂也是一种学习,只不过你自己觉察不到而已 。3、敢于开口学英语很重要的一点是用来和他人交流,但开口难也是中国人学英语的一大特点 。一是有些人把是否看懂当成学习的标准 。拿到一本口语教材,翻开几页一看,都看懂了,就认为太简单了,对自己不合适 。4、寻找速成英语班培养孩子成材,最忌拔苗助长 。事实上,中国缺少以英语为第二语言的国家的那种语言环境,除了靠日积月累、循序渐进、长期的能力训练外,无任何捷径可走 。当然教学得法,效率会高很多 。扩展资料1、注意课文中每单元单词的背诵 。单词就像米粒,成绩就像粥,想让粥稠就得多加米,多背单词 。背单词不是说说,随便看看的事 。2、知道课文中句子的大意 。对于不同的孩子,可能掌握能力有所不同 。但是,我们要尽力做些工作,拉小差距 。比如提前预习,把新单词提前查查,扫除句子理解障碍 。英语就是一个积累单词的过程,你查或不查,单词都在那儿,早明白早轻松 。
怎么把英语学好??1.认真背单词,掌握5000个单词左右,就差不多了;背单词有很多方法,联想记忆,死记硬背各有其好处;我推荐你用电脑记忆单词,这样能掌握单词正确的读音,这对听力是非常有帮助的 。推荐你一个背单词的软件《新东方单词通》
2.如果想参加考试获得证书,你在好好背单词的基础上,参加新东方的一些考试培训,在短期里你能有一个分数的飞跃,能掌握很多考试的技巧 。
3 。如果你想在英语能力上有提高,以下几点应注意,A多读,有时间和毅力的话,把新概念的三四册被下来;B多听,可以听广播,听英语的有声读物,有一个好办法也很有效果,就是多看英语电影,可以先从简单的看起,慢慢来,一般爱情片的语言和语速非常适合 。C多写,可以用英文记日记,结交英文笔友,这里推荐你一个网站www.aj.cz/penfriends,可以结交很多朋友 。D多说,有条件的话,认识一个外国人,不仅可以和他们练习口语,还可以了解外国人的思维模式和生活习惯以及文化等方面的知识;没有条件的可以自己在脑子里模拟情景自己和自己练习,多学电影中的说法!我刚开始是从英文骂人的话开始学起的 。呵呵 。时间有限,我只想到这么多,目前www.hjbbs.com这个论坛非常好,你可以多去看看 。也可以找英语好的人一起共同探讨共同进步!其实我自己悟出的一个道理:学习英语不是一个脑力劳动,而是一个体力劳动的过程 。只要刻苦没有办不到的 。方法只能自己悟出来,只有自己的方法才是最适合自己的 。希望我的一点点不成熟的意见能给你点帮助 。

英语学习怎么入门?英语学习主要讲述学习英语的方法,注意事项等内容 。学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故 。英语学习过程是一种观察,模拟,认识,识记,思考,记忆等综合的心理活动过程 。建议从学单词开始就听写背单词,建立起人对英语单词声音形象的条件反射能力 。英语学习技巧:学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故 。在儿童英语学习过程中,需要教ឌ/p>
budgetary figure是什么意思预算的数字

extra budgetary funds是什么意思?同学你好,很高兴为您解答!extrabudgetary funds,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助 。这个词语的汉语意思是:预算外资金 。希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道 。高顿祝您生活愉快!
math 和arithmetic的区别?math 是一门学科,arithmetic 是这门学科的分支 。
math 是 mathematics 的缩写,即“数学”,是研究数量、结构、变化、空间以及信息等概念的一门学科 。arithmetic 中文译作“算术”,研究数的性质及其运算的数学分支 。两者之间的关系是 math 包括 arithmetic,arithmetic 是 math 的一部分 。


[例句]It 's just a matter of arithmetic.
这是一种简单的算术问题 。

modular arithmetic是什么意思modular arithmetic

adj.模块化的; 模的; (尤指英国大学里的课程 )分单元的(由独立单元组成,学
Team wikispeed took traditional, tightly integrated car designs and made them more modular.
WIKISPEED团队将传统的、紧密整合的汽车设计模块化 。

The moon vehicle system was based on a modular design.
月球车系统建立在模块设计的基础之上 。

...... 是什么意思?意思:

沙沙作响,使人感受到了寒意 。秋
,最能触动在外的人的思乡之情 。
所写 。萧萧的秋风吹动
在外的诗人不禁思念起自己的家乡 。一二两句写景,借落叶


烘托游子漂泊流浪、孤单寂寞的凄凉之感 。三四两句写儿童夜捉蟋蟀,兴致高昂,巧妙地反衬悲情,更显客居他乡的孤寂无奈 。这首诗写羁旅
之情,但作者不写如何独栖孤馆、思念家乡,而着重于夜间小景 。
情 。


point的意思是什么意思point的意思是得分,表明,句中作为名词和动词使用,既可以是及物动词也可以是不及物价动词 。一、词汇分析point英 [pɒɪnt]美 [pɔɪnt] n. 要点;得分;标点;[机] 尖端vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于vi. 表明;指向二、短语1、Match Point 导演伍迪 ; 迷失决胜分 ; 赛末点 ; 爱情决胜点2、critical point [物] 临界点 ; 紧要关头 ; [流] 驻点 ; 关键点3、West Point [天] 西点 ; 西点军校 ; 美国西点军校 ; 西洋糕点军校4、Focal point 谢林点 ; [光] [数] 焦点 ; 聚焦点 ; 汇点三、例句1、We disagree with every point she makes.我们不同意她提出的任何观点 。2、The following account will clearly illustrate this point.以下的陈述将清楚地阐明这一看法 。扩展资料point的近义词有core , main , heart , kernel , essential 。一、core英 [kɔː]美 [kɔr] n. 核心;要点;果心;[计] 磁心vt. 挖...的核1、We already have our core team in place.我们的核心队伍已经就位 。2、The core subjects are English, mathematics and science.必修课程为英语、数学和科学 。二、heart英 [hɑːt]美 [hɑrt] n. 心脏;感情;勇气;心形;要点vt. 鼓励;铭记vi. 结心1、Alik's words filled her heart with pride.亚历克的话让她的内心充满骄傲 。2、The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea's heart.子弹从距安德烈亚心脏不到一英寸处穿过 。
谁帮我翻译一下希望长有翅膀,栖于心灵至上,吟唱曲调,无须言表,始终环绕 。
这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

帮忙翻译一下45个六角星的翡翠镶嵌在一起(马辛)凝聚智慧的裁决,胜利了,国王走进了他的神殿 。这预示一个伟人,他将带来胜利,带来坚定不移的未来 。这将带来美丽世界创建美好明天 。他将承担这些,勾画出所有的土地,湖波都凝结在一起,这样,伟人更新武器探寻未知未来 。“9”在第四位的意义在于:“美好未来,没有怨言 。”

没有上下文照应,但就字面来说是如上的翻译了,往采纳 。

谁能帮我译一下,谢谢 。过来,你最好立刻把这些东西弄出去!注:had better是一固定词组,表示"最好",用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望 。常用had better do sth.at once 表示立刻、马上 。希望对你有帮助~

帮忙翻译一下 。谢谢!服务器应用程序不可用
您所尝试使用的该网页服务器上的网页应用程序当前不可用 。请点击您网页浏览器上的刷新按钮,尝试再次请求 。
管理员提示:在网页服务器的事件日志中可以找到详细说明该请求失败原因的错误信息 。请查看此日志条目,查明导致发生此错误的原因

谁能帮忙把罗家英的only you翻译成英文歌词的??不胜感激不胜感激啊!!!原文兄台 失敬失敬 帮你翻译的时候比较搞笑 高明 佩服佩服

only you can take me取西经( only you can take me get W)
only you 能杀妖精鬼怪(only you can kill the Goblin ghosts)
only you 能保护我(only you can protect me)
唔驶俾d 蚌精蟹精dap我(No any Goblin ghosts eat me)
只有你咁劲就是only you(only you so strong and only)
only you 莫怪师父暗沉(only you don't care me be silently)
戴番个ku(wear the hood !)
莫怕死米发ti teng(do not be afraid dead and ti teng) ?
碰到钉米惊i understand(meet problem no worry that I understand)
要全力地去do 要惊就两份惊(do your best and I will share yours)
喃呒阿弥陀佛(Furans high technology Buddha)
only you 莫怪师父暗沉(only you don't care me be silently)
戴番个kuwear the hood !)
莫怕死米发ti teng(do not be afraid dead and ti teng) ?
碰到钉米惊i understand(meet problem no worry that I understand)
要全力地去do 要惊就两份惊(do your best and I will share yours)
喃呒阿弥陀佛Furans high technology Buddha)

请英语高手帮忙将英文翻译成中文,本人将不胜感激!!!!!1.在买贵重的大件机器时还是需要签订合同的 。
2.有效的海关清关报告包括进口情况和出口情况 。

求英语达人帮忙把下面的中文翻译成英文 。不胜感激!I. Introduction
My project is to do the apparel industry, men and women clothing casual restaurant.
Due to limited funding only 2 million, our target customers are fashion students personality, so simple and casual fashion apparel mainly oriented style. Select clothing store are the advantages of the apparel industry is more mature, now near the school have not a similar clothing store, and the needs of the project costs are lower, easy access is also easy to start. And his interest in clothes but also, it is the combination of interest and cause.

Second, the store's location and the customer groups of reasons

1, the store's location: the choice of location is good or bad the future impact of the operation of a large store, so be sure to find a good store business district location. After investigation, I found the school gate at 30 square meters near a store ready to transfer, things here at the intersection of campus, convenient transportation, the market is no problem. And here we still have to continue to develop and broad prospects. Finally, I choose to shop out of school population in the West Campus, where about ten meters, only to suffer stores have a bus stop in front of a big road, usually have traffic day and night. And next door there are several colleges and universities, if the publicity well, the flow of people can be imagined. Our position is in the low block, in line with market demand.

2, the client group analysis: The main customer groups are teachers and students. After investigation, we found near the school did not have clothes shop, the spending power of students is not suitable for the middle and low sales of luxury goods. Our position is in the low block, in line with market demand.

Third, the store's decor

Rent a good store, the following should be renovated. Decor related to a shop management style, and appearance of first impression, the overall image of the store, lighting and product displays will also directly affect sales! People rely on clothing makeup, the Buddha to gold, selling clothes also need packaging! Even the best clothes on the flea market to sell goods is spread Moreover, our customer base is a fashion student personality!
Decor related to a shop management style, and appearance of the first impression. When doing interior design, you need according to the current clothing trends to determine the overall style, not the effect of design, so customers can see, the feeling is out of date, but tend to be closely linked to warm and simple elegant style of the main , so the store must make an effort on the decor, giving a strong visual impact and appeal of a fresh feeling.
Fourth, the goods and the purchase channel selection

First, the selection and purchase of goods

Brand-name mainly dominated by foreign goods.

First, choose the goods: First of all, the first purchase to personally go to Guangzhou and wholesalers related issues on a good fight for minimum cost, for more supply. Second, the market aimed at Guangzhou, the major bulk sale, choose quality. Guangzhou shopping network aimed at once again, directly linked to our online, buy low and sell high.
Second, purchase channels: direct mail back to the North Sea, Guangzhou, purchase must be on a good logistics companies, to establish good relations of cooperation, strive for the lowest cost. (Purchase as long as: Guangzhou District Thirteen Road, Kam Tung and the vast majority, Shahe, Station West)

Fifth, manpower planning

The early start to reduce costs, exercise their abilities. Plan early opening is not prepared to hire temporary staff, which I and my partner has overall responsibility for (their own business should be cumulative points), the profitability of investment dividends after the method used.

Sixth, the amount of investment and profit forecasts

First, the amount of investment analysis
1, Rent: 2000 yuan / month.
2, the renovation costs 4,000 yuan.
3, the store model, racks, etc. 600.
4, other costs 500 yuan (leaflets, advertising, travel and logistics costs
5, utilities 400 yuan / month
6, the liquidity of more than 8500

Second, the profit forecast:
Monthly high-priced pieces of clothing to take 30-50, 30-80 to take the low-priced items; a total of 50 boys and girls backpack; girls shoes, 50 pairs; (the first purchase to "getting goods less, earn more money," the main

英语高手讲进,帮帮忙 。。把下面这话翻译成英文吧!不胜感激Michael Jackson(1958.8.29-2009.6.25)full name:Michael Joseph Jackson and MJ for short. he is a extremly enfluential singer, composer,Lyricist, dancer, actor , director, producer,philanthropistand a master of fashion regarded as the king of popular songs. his magic dancing steps are imitated by many stars.his skin turns whitedue to vitiligo. MJ died on 25, june 2009, because of overinjection of sedative aged 50. there are parents, 4 elder brothers ,2 elder sisters ,1 younger brother,1younger sister in his family. he also has a son and a daughter

英语不好 。。求翻译成英文 不胜感激将中文译成英语

Pressure vessel is in the petrochemical industry plays an important role in the equipment, this project is designed to heat the welding process, has strong corrosion resistance is a third type of container, the use of Autocad mapping software mapping product assembly based on the Workbench modules ansys platform product cylinder and head for stress analysis and strength check. Analysis of products of the main welding materials, combined with steel pressure vessel regulations JB / T 4709-2000 developed products in various welded joints of welding programs. According to the product of the structural characteristics of the finished product of the process flow diagram. Steel welding procedure qualification under the pressure of JB / T 4708-2000 determine the product of welding procedure qualification program, to complete the project welding procedure specification. GB150-1998 with complete head, cylinder and other major parts of the process of card processing technology, according to the product flow chart, complete product assembly process during card. All welded joints to determine the final welding process, the preparation of welding technology cards.

工程预算术语对应的英文概算价值(The Value of Estimate),技术经济指标(Technical and economic indicators),勘察鉴定费(Identification survey fees),施工图预算编制费(Construction Budget preparation fee),竣工图费(Completion Touffait),建设工程执照费(Construction license fees),合同预算审查费(Contract budget review fees),招标投标管理费(Management fee bidding),未中标单位补偿费(Units are not awarded compensation),质量监督费(Quality supervision fee),工程监理费(Project Management Fee),建筑工程费(Construction costs),工程建设其它工程费用(Construction costs of other projects),占总概算比例(The proportion of the total budget) 。

"概算审定表"英文怎么说estimates audited statement

dìng é
quota; quantum; norm; allotment standard:
生产定额 production quota

大概的英语是什么大概 [dà gài]
maybe, possibly, probably, perhaps
maybe 普通用词,美国英语多用 。指某事也许如此,含不能确定意味 。
possibly 指客观上潜存着发生某种变化的可能 。
probably 一般指根据逻辑推理,估计有发生的可能,把握性较大,语气比possibly强 。
perhaps 普通用词,多用于英国,与maybe同义 。

1.大概一小时一次 。
Roughly once an hour.

2.我估计他大概有70岁 。
I would put his age at about seventy.

3.人大概没有不犯错误的,多多少少要犯错误 。
Probably no one is free from mistakes, only some make more and some less.

大概的英语是什么大概 [dà gài]
maybe, possibly, probably, perhaps
maybe 普通用词,美国英语多用 。指某事也许如此,含不能确定意味 。
possibly 指客观上潜存着发生某种变化的可能 。
probably 一般指根据逻辑推理,估计有发生的可能,把握性较大,语气比possibly强 。
perhaps 普通用词,多用于英国,与maybe同义 。