小词活用 drain什么意思

drain作名词时,其原义为「下水道;排水管」 。
比如:I think the kitchen drain is blocked.我觉得厨房的排水管堵了 。
go down the drain
这是一个特别有画面感的表达,字面意思是「...到下水道去了」,喻指「前功尽弃;泡汤;白白浪费掉」 。英文释义为:to fail; to be ruined or destroyed; to be squandered or wastefully discarded. 我们来看一些例子:
"We realise the handling of this water is a pressing and important national problem, but if this water is released into the ocean, it will have a severe impact and all the effort of fishermen (to recover from the Fukushima disaster) will go down the drain."
“我们知道核污水的处理十分紧急,是事关全国的大事 。但如果把污水排进海洋,将会产生严重影响,渔民们的多年努力(从福岛核电泄露事件的影响中恢复)也将付诸东流” 。
我们可以从这句话里提炼出一个句型:All the effort of sb goes down the drain. 表示「某人前功尽弃,某人所有的努力都白费了」 。
The question hardly seems worth asking. Is it a better deal to rent a house or to buy one? Buying a house is a wise investment for the future, the argument goes, whereas renting one amounts to little more than throwing money down the drain.
这个问题似乎不值一问 。买房或租房,哪个更划算?有观点认为,买房是对未来的明智投资之选,而租房则等同于钱打水漂 。
throw money down the drain 太形象了,和中文里的「钱打水漂了」有异曲同工之妙 。
总结:go down the strain → to be wasted / spoiled
2. drain作名词时,还可引申为抽象意义上的「消耗;耗费;流失」 。惯用搭配为: be a drain on sb/sth 。
表示「对...的消耗;...方面的耗费」 。我们来看2个例子:
Interns aren't supposed to be a drain on time, energy or resources.
实习生不应该成为雇主时间、精力或者资源上的负担 。
Military spending is a huge drain on the country's resources.
军费开支是对国家资源的巨大耗费 。
Fraud trials are often complex and have become an expensive drain on the public purse.
诈骗案通常错综复杂,会给公共资金造成巨大损失 。
【小词活用 drain什么意思】美剧《无耻之徒》里也出现过这个词:

小词活用 drain什么意思


(It is) nothing respectable about being a drain on the system.
再举个例子,雅思作文考试经常会考到要不要保护老建筑,当阐述反对一方的观点时,我们就可以这么说:Restoring old buildings is a drain on taxpayers' money.
brain drain
这是一个固定词组,表示「人才流失」 。
这是个外刊的高频短语 。比如,ABC一篇文章介绍新冠疫情对澳大利亚人才外流的影响,其标题为:
小词活用 drain什么意思


COVID-19 pandemic offers 'single greatest opportunity' to reverse Australia'sbrain drain. But there are catches.新冠疫情是澳大利亚扭转人才流失的最好机会 。但也存在不利因素 。

小词活用 drain什么意思

Us political crackdown spurs fears Chinese brain drain.
drained (adj.)
drained 形容词,表示「精疲力竭;无精打采」(very tired and without energy) 。比如:Suddenly, she felt totally drained.她突然感觉筋疲力尽 。
近义词还有tired, exhausted, fatigued, jaded, weary, worn out
draining 则表示「令人精疲力竭的」的意思,相当于very tiring 。
emotionally draining 是一个很常见的搭配,可以用来表示我们平时说的「心力交瘁」 。举个例子:
Days in the ICU are physically and emotionally draining.
小词活用 drain什么意思

It’s been the most emotionally draining, scariest time in my life by far.”
这是我人生中最心力交瘁、最可怕的日子 。
make sb tired →drain sb
be wasted → go down the drain
tired, exhaused → drained
tiring, exhausting → draining
be a drain on sb/sth
drain sb of sth
drain away
brain drain
最后,我们再来看一下朗文双解里drain的完整用法,带大家更加全面地了解drain这个词 。

小词活用 drain什么意思
