
未经他人许可私自查询对方手机通话记录并不可取,这属于侵犯他人隐私的行为 。即便因为特殊情况相关机构需要调用他人手机通话记录,也需要按照相关流程逐步进行申请才可从运营商处查看 。对于普通人来说,想要调取他人的通话记录并无可能,运营商并不会受理此项私人业务 。那么,是否真的毫无办法呢?这里仅从可能性的角度进行讨论,满足了相关条件依然可以进行查询 。其实符合的条件与个人查询自己的通话记录相同,大家也可以从这些地方加以注意,避免自己的私人信息遭到窃取!





通话记录的查询运营商占大头,先来说说如何从运营商处来查询个人的通话记录 。
第一种方式,需要机主本人携带身份证在运营商营业厅进行查询,需要验证相关信息与查询密码之后来打印相关的通话记录(部分发达地区也可以通过自助服务器来进行查询);第二种方式,通过手机营业厅来进行查询,输入手机号码、服务密码即可登陆,选择“通话详单”即可查询到通话记录;第三种方式,通过网上营业厅来查询,需要的条件与查询方式与手机营业厅类似 。
三种方式相对比,若是查询他人通话记录,显然二、三种方式更加易于实现 。



查询手机通话记录,最简单、最粗暴的方式就是从手机导出通话清单 。
如果能够接触到对方的手机,并且可以正常登录的话,获取手机通话记录将会十分便利!不仅可以查看手机端的通话记录,还可以在电脑端安装电脑管家等类似的软件,通过软件来将手机端的通话记录保存至电脑端,这样可以更加方便与快捷地查询手机通话记录 。



对于一些别有用心或者是盗取用户信息的不法之徒,会通过在手机中安装窃听软件的方式来获取用户的私人数据 。一种是通过手动安装的方式,需要安装者具有接触到手机的条件;一种是通过网络上的病毒、木马诱导用户安装,用户并不知情的情况下悄悄运行,并将窃取到的数据偷偷上传至后台服务器 。无论哪种方式,窃取用户私人数据是可耻的,大家平时也要提高警惕,不要访问不良网站,非法链接以及来历不明的邮件等!一旦手机发现异常流量,及时卸载相关软件,甚至是对手机进行还原出厂的操作!



Mobile phone is the most common communication tool in life, and making a phone call is also the most common contact method. Every day, different mobile phone numbers are called out or called in. What if I accidentally delete it? Don’t worry, let’s share with you how to query the call records and retrieve the call information.
1, China mobile online business hall query.
Method 1. “Double-click” to open the QQ browser, then Enter “www.10086.cn”, the website of China Mobile Online Business Hall, and click “Enter” to enter.
Method 2. After entering the page, select “My Move-Detailed Query”.
Method 3. After that, a dialog box of “User Login” will pop up. Select “Mobile Number” as the account type, and then enter the mobile phone number to be queried. Select Login Mode-Service Password, and then enter the service password of this mobile phone number. Enter the verification code as prompted, then tick the box in front of the agreement that you have read and accepted, and click “Login”.
Method 4: Click “Telephone Charge Service”, select “Detailed Bill Inquiry”, and select the billing period-October 2012 (detailed bill of the current month)-September 2012 (not detailed bill of the current month), and select “Call Details” below.
Method 5. After that, a dialog box pops up, enter the random code of the SMS received by this mobile phone number, and click OK.
Method 6. Then a new window-“Customer Information and Call Details” record will appear, which can be viewed by turning the page.
2, mobile business hall self-service terminal query
Methods: The owner himself carries his mobile phone and carries the service password to the self-service terminal of the local business hall (enter the mobile phone number/service password-detailed list inquiry-then enter the random code of the short message received by the mobile phone) for inquiry.
matters need attention
1. China Mobile’s online business hall can provide 6 months’ call records (including the current month).
2. The self-service terminal in the mobile business hall can only provide 5 months’ call records (excluding the current month).还是那句话,未经他人许可不要侵犯别人的隐私数据!大家也可以根据相关查询方式来进行预防,避免自己的信息遭到他人窃取 。是否还有其他需要注意的地方,欢迎大家留言讨论 。