长子县旅游景点 山西省长治市长子县旅游景点

My holiday英语作文 , 小学 , 10句话当然:我过了一个开心的暑假. 逐句对应翻译如下. And I took some interesting pictures of what I watched 。而且My Summer Holiday I have had a happy summer holiday,I bought some gifts to thank my parents for their love for me 。在假期中 , 我也拍摄了我观察到事物的一些有趣的照片 , 我每天都吃妈妈做的一些新鲜食品 , 我还买了一些礼物来感谢父母对我的爱. During the holiday , 为了保持健康 。还有. Also I went swimming with my parents to keep healthy,I ate some fresh food cooked by my mother every day. Of course , 我还和父母一起去游泳 。祝你开心如意

长子县旅游景点 山西省长治市长子县旅游景点

My holiday 作文写作思路:写一下你在假期里面都做了什么事情 , 比如打打球、看看书 , 我也翻看同学们的朋友圈等等 , 运用合理的写作手法 , 中心要明确 , 条理要清晰 。
Ordinary but fun filled holidays are fleeting. Every day, in addition to playing ball games and reading books, I also look at the friends of my classmates. It turns out that the students' holidays are so colorful.
平凡却又充满乐趣的假期稍纵即逝 。每天除了打打球、看看书 , 我也翻看同学们的朋友圈 。原来 , 同学们的假期是那么丰富多彩 。
Some students went to Shenzhen to work in the summer vacation. I heard that their work trip was not smooth, but after setbacks, they all had a harvest. Some students went to travel, and his circle of friends shared what he saw and heard like a documentary, which was very wonderful.
有的同学去深圳打暑假工 , 听说他们的打工之旅也不是一帆风顺的 , 但历经挫折之后 , 他们都有收获;有的同学去旅游 , 他的朋友圈像纪录片一样分享了他的所见所闻 , 十分精彩 。
The bumpy work of the students, the adventure of tourism, a beautiful landscape photos, let me also experience their hardship, happy with their happiness, add a color to my summer vacation.
同学们打工的坎坷 , 旅游的奇遇 , 一张张美丽的风景照片 , 让我也体验了他们的艰辛 , 快乐着他们的快乐 , 为我的暑假增添一道色彩 。
In fact, life is not always so boring, as long as you have a heart that is good at observing the details of life, there will be many small surprises around you. A good life should be realized by heart and created by ourselves.
生活其实并不总是那么的枯燥乏味的 , 只要你有一颗善于观察生活细节的心 , 你的身边就会出现许许多多的小惊喜 。美好的生活是要用心去体会 , 靠自己去创造的 。
以my holiday为题写一篇小学五年级的英语作文My Holiday
I went to Hainan with my parents for the summer holiday. It was very hot there. We swam in the sea and played on the beach. We ate fruits there too. I had a great time in Hainan.
六年级作文:my holiday.50个单词左右My Summer Holiday作文如下:
Summer holiday is from July to August .
我的暑假暑假是从七月到八月 。
It ' s a long time for me to do all kinds of things . I like visiting some places of interest . And I like travelling by train .
这是很长一段时间我可以做各种事情 。我喜欢参观名胜古迹 。我喜欢坐火车旅行 。
It takes me too much time , but it saves money . Sometimes I stay at home and do my homework , sometimes I help my parents do some house work .
我花了太多时间 , 但它可以节省资金 。有时我呆在家里做功课 , 有时我帮助我的父母做一些家务 。
When my parents are free , we often go to the park or the zoo , and we have a good time there .
当我的父母都是免费的 , 我们经常去公园或动物园 , 和我们有一个好的时间 。
I have a good summer holiday .
【长子县旅游景点 山西省长治市长子县旅游景点】我有一个愉快的暑假 。