
pretty boy
美 [?pr?ti b??]
俊男:一个非常好看的男人,也可以指一个过于注重外表的花花公子 。
· She always falls for the pretty boy types.
她总是喜欢俊男类型的人 。
Oh, pretty boy! Oh, pretty boy!
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do.
Oh my pretty pretty boy I want U.
Oh my pretty pretty boy I want U.
Tom ogles on a pretty boy.
汤姆给一个靓仔抛媚眼 。
Pretty pretty boy of mine.
Oh, u are my pretty boy.
噢,你是我漂亮英俊的男孩 。
But it has a price, pretty boy, it has a price.
但这需代价,漂亮孩子,这需代价 。
My name is Liu Chang and I am a very pretty boy.
我的名字叫刘畅,是个很漂亮的男孩 。
Well what do you know about LAWN CARE, pretty boy?
Pretty pretty boy of mine. Just tell me you love me too.
我的可爱男骇,请告诉我你也喜欢我 。
You, pretty boy! Why don’t you and your friends dig a latrine.
你,帅哥,你和你的朋友去挖个厕所先 。
Oh my pretty pretty boy I want you. Like I never ever loved no one before you.
噢,我英俊漂亮的男孩,我如此迫切的需要你!就如同我过去不希望爱上任何人一样强烈 。
Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you. Like I Never ever loved no one before you.
可爱的男孩我喜欢你,在你之前我从没喜欢过任何人 。
Thou must dance with me, pretty boy, ‘ she murmured, and she smiled at him as she spoke.
“你得和我跳舞,漂亮孩子,”她对他微笑着,喃喃说道 。
In this same church, the pretty boy received all that will soon be left of him on earth-a name.
这个漂亮的孩子就在这个教堂里得到了他不久唯一能遗留在人世的东西——一个名字 。
Pretty boy Ryan only knows it was a mistake and ushers her out the door… into a full-scale zombie apocalypse.
漂亮的男孩瑞恩只知道这是一个错误,把她出了门…成一个全面的僵尸启示 。
Playing the chief villain is Nicholas Tse, whose pretty boy looks probably made his character less threatening.
影片的反派是小谢,他那张男孩般的脸孔让人觉得没什么威胁性 。
When I handed her down to the door, there was a child, a pretty boy from two to three years old, in hercarriage.
我送她下楼来到门口时,她的马车里有一个孩子,一个漂亮的孩子,大约两三岁 。
The Witch stroked his hair with her thin white hand. ‘Thou must dance with me, pretty boy, ‘ she murmured, and she smiled at him as she spoke.
【prettyboy是什么意思,常见释义双语例句】女巫用她瘦削白皙的手轻抚他的头发 。“你得和我跳舞,漂亮孩子,”她对他微笑着,喃喃说道 。